Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week of March 22 - 29, 2020


Sunday was another one spent at home. Dad and I both got dressed for church. He went out and took his weekly Smartie treats to a couple of homes and the kids were thrilled. When he returned, Dad blessed and passed the Sacrament to Kayty and I. He bore testimony afterward. It was not as spiritual with us sitting at the island counter, so I think next week we will try the living room. We studied, and I indexed and then we decided to watch the video on YouTube about Joseph Smith and the restoration. It was so inspiring and really applicable during this time of our "discomfort" while being away from others. We spoke to kids and grandkids, and Dad called to check on a few old friends.

No temple attendance this week with all temples closed.

I continue to study Come Follow Me each morning after my jog, to read the Book of Mormon, and to listen to a General Conference talk every morning.

I have indexed 5935 records and reviewed 31844 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The benefit of the Corona Virus Situation is that we have been able to establish a sort of routine in talking with Allison and family. We contact each other via Marco Polo and it has been wonderful to catch up. The other good thing is that all the Covid 19 situations have made it possible for Mike to work full-time hours at increased pay while getting into a very exclusive training program paid for by the State of Nevada and still work since it is now via jump drive. Mike is doing well and is nearly finished with his Six Sigma Classes. I saw him briefly in a picture, and it was not the first time I saw him and he looks more relaxed and calm and content than I have seen him in years. Allison is doing well. She felt impressed to quit her Caption Call job at the end of January, and it has truly benefited the family in so many ways and she has been able to replace that income by increasing her writing jobs. She is staying healthy, though the pollen is difficult with her asthma. With the Governor of Nevada's order to close all non-essential businesses, Allison's work at the temple is no more, but the church has found things she will be able to do for Family Search during this. Adam's school started online instruction this week and he performed piano pieces online on Tuesday. Grace is well and keeping up with her school work. Josh is doing well and loves getting a chance to get out and walk, which Allison encourages each day. Sam truly does miss school and his friends and the routine, but he is adjusting about as well as any other kindergartner would adjust to losing their beloved teacher over a weekend.

They received notice that there were books available at school so they went down to school to select one.

The Ethan Rice Family
This was Virtual Spirit Week for Kaylee. Here is what they shared...

Virtual Spirit Week at TRE. Today’s challenge was to create a meme that expresses how 
your first week of remote learning went. (This was K last Thursday while doing schoolwork)
I played cars with Wadey Monday night via FaceTime. They are settling into a routine and the good days are great!

The sweetest thing I saw was when Kaylee got to speak with her teacher. She absolutely lit up when she got to share her newly lost tooth!

We spoke via FaceTime on Friday. Ethan has been working hard in their basement and has all the walls up and taped. Wade shared his creek wading skills with us, and even turned into The Hulk as he threw large rocks in. Kaylee was just a happy kid!

The Doran Rice Family
Kooper spent Monday morning at Phoenix Children's Hospital getting his cast put on.
I tried to con him into getting a green one, but you see I had little influence over that.

It was a busy week with school and work at home, but Amber made a good schedule and things are working out well.

Since we have seen Doran and Amber regularly we went out to the desert near Lake Pleasant to target shoot. The air was cool and breezy and it was lovely, except for the horrible trash others had left. I hadn't been shooting in years. We did some clean up at the end and took trash with us to pile on our trailer. It was nice to feel a bit "normal" and not have everyone stay away from you.

We spoke with Morgan early Saturday morning. He is still employed and is working to pay off debt so he can get his driver's license.

Kayty worked on cakes on Sunday. She suddenly came up to us to tell us she was taking one to Doran! She had made one especially for him!
Work from home continues.

She went to her endocrinologist for the first time on Thursday morning. She is on good meds, they are monitoring her enlarged thyroid and she got a new test meter and strips. She had to work late that night due to missing the start of her workday. She is now being much more mindful of carbs, and got a new supply of insulin. With new insulin comes new adjustments, and she hit a severe low on Friday morning that took me over an hour to get her back.

2 major major lows and 1 minor.

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan stopped by Thursday to pick up his pipe cutter that Dad had used and misplaced. I located it when I was cleaning out toolboxes in the garage. 

Dad's Garden
Our garden is doing well. Snowpeas are almost done. We get lettuce and spinach off plants for Dad's salad. We ventured to the Lowe's Garden Dept on Tuesday (I even went in when I saw Vivian and Abbey Belliston there. I did make sure to yell "unclean, unclean" as I walked. Dad got fertilizer and applied it to our producing tomato plants. 

Other highlights
I decided that this week was going to be positive. I was only going to focus on what I could do and not what I could not do. Monday included a nice but shorter jog (Kayty didn't look well) and I enjoyed cool weather, beautiful smells of orange blossoms and a safe jog out and back. 

Monday, I made homemade dutch oven bread, cooked 40-year-old beans in the Instapot, and made an Italian sausage soup for dinner. I am starting to keep a list of things that can be made with few resources and still be healthy and tasty.

I headed to Sam's Club on Thursday and was glad to get my salad romaine and some vegetables. It is always a concern and I was so thankful for that blessing.

Since I cannot visit Nano, I am sending her a copy of the weekly blog with enlarged print. It must be so lonely for those three ladies living there. I hope this ends before Mom totally forgets Scott and me.

Throughout the week, we continue to clean out and organize tools and toolboxes. I move things from one spot to the correct spot and try to keep things in place.

The Chinese Covid 19 Virus Quarantine continues. This has been difficult. We didn't go that many places before but now it's only out to get groceries and then back home. It has been a challenge with keeping "social distance". Dad last week delivered his Smarties Candy to his regular recipients, but this week, parents asked that Dad just drop it on the porch and leave. I have thought about isolation vs. quality of life. There have also been many inspiring but sad images as the church has chartered airplanes to bring all the non native missionaries home to the United States. Each airplane is full from front to back in every seat with missionaries: from Brazil, from Kenya. Last weekend five airplanes picked up missionaries in the Phillipines. All temples on the earth are closed totally. The world has been invited by President Nelson to fast for those who are suffering due to this virus. I have great faith in Heavenly Father and His plan, and I know that through these sad, frightening and disappointing circumstances, we can learn much...especially to Trust in Him. 

Not so highlights
Work for Dad has been busy but interesting. Last week, the raise he was given was canceled before it could hit his paycheck in April. This week on Tuesday, furloughs were announced. No work and no pay. Financially we are fine but this, along with the stock market falling drastically has been tough. Plus, the reason he got his teaching certificate was so he could have employment during a possible furlough. However, since there is no school, there is no work for that.

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