Saturday, April 4, 2020

Week of March 30 - April 4, 2020


We had a good Sunday. We watched Music and The Spoken Word and enjoyed the beautiful music. Dad went to deliver his smartie treats, but with the quarantine, he could only drop off on the front porches and then leave. Not much fun for him so not sure if he will continue. He did receive a thank you photo later.

Our administration of the Sacrament went better in the living room but still lacked. Dad had been contacted by our ministering brother for the first time, and he texted back and forth and apparently invited them over, but they wouldn't come in. I'm just kind of tired of feeling dirty so I am not having anyone over nor am I going anywhere except the store. Dad and I also spent a lot of the day reading Saint Volume 2 (I completed it on Monday).

No temple this week. They remain closed worldwide.

I did complete listening to the October General Conference for the seventh time and began my eighth time through. I continue reading in the Book of Mormon every day.

I have indexed 6306 records and reviewed 33665 records so far this year.

Oh what a joy General Conference has been today (Saturday). Yes, no Conference Center, no crowds of people, no live Tabernacle Choir, all speakers sitting six feet apart in a small room, but if you just watched each talk, you would never know it was any different. And it was six hours of absolute the world was not crazy as it has become. Elder Stevenson even spoke about Kim, the sweet lady I found in October on Instagram. She had suffered for years with cancer and should have died long ago. Her faith, her will to fight, and her total love for the Lord were such an inspiration to me through many months of challenges. I cried deep tears the day she died. It was just such a blessing to know that I was blessed to find her on Instagram and she gave to me, as well as many others. Oh how hopeful and thankful I am for General Conference and every single talk today.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family continues to be blessed with good health. Mike is working and staying safely distant from coworkers. Allison continues to write and do work for church at home. Home school continues. There are good days and not so good days, but they have gotten into a pretty good routine.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo, and family are staying healthy and continuing to work from home. We spoke a couple of times this week via FaceTime. Kaylee's dance recital was postponed/canceled, and school will remain on home and online for the remainder of the year. Here is a fun science experiment they did this week.

They are hoping to get away this weekend for just a break from the house. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and family are continuing to work both at home and in the field, and Amber has a good, workable schedule for the kids that is getting things done. Their extra refrigerator went out last week, but they were able to get everything stored in their regular one. These times are challenging to get food. Store shelves are bare with others hoarding pasta, toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer, etc. and store hours reduced. You have to plan trips and try hard to grab what you can when you can.
It was so nice that they came by on Friday night for a visit. Those moments make things seem normal . 
Morgan contacted us a few times this week and is doing well and is staying healthy.

Kayty worked hard all week from her room and did well. She even was able to get in some overtime on Saturday.

Sadly, the little cafe at her work that was struggling to stay open had to close. She has been much more conscious of her blood glucose levels and counting carbs and she says the new test kit and strips are much more comfortable to use.

2 minor and 1 major low this week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
No news from Nathan and Jessica this week. 

Dad's Garden
I picked a ton of carrots. Dad planted basil and we are getting seeds from the snow peas for next year.

Other highlights
This was dad's first furlough week. He first applied for unemployment (that in itself is a crazy process right now and we haven't even gotten past step one). Lots of work was done around the house. Weeds pulled. Screen for our bedroom window done. Back door painted inside and out. All junk on trailer taken to the dump.(By the way, I was a boss at the dump! I pulled bags and threw trash out...and only almost hit dad once!) Car oil changed. 

Not so highlights
I had written a whole paragraph of the "awful" of this Corona Virus, now that I have personally quarantined for three weeks. It sank me into such a deep sadness that it frightened me. I do, however, know that my first line of defense is prayer, and then sleep. Saturday morning, my conference talk and scriptures and walk brought me peace and then General Conference changed my whole outlook. There are too many details of this Pandemic that I don't want to remember. You see, I remember the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center. It was a scary time. No planes were in the sky except for one airforce jet flying grids across the sky to protect against any further attack. Everything stopped. And yet, there was so much good. People everywhere in the United States flooded blood banks to donate blood. Everyone flew their flag and prayed and prayed, glued to the tv that someone would be pulled out alive. And then, the stories that came after of planes being forced to land and cities caring for those passengers. The best in people and in America flooded the country.
The Corona Virus, or Covid 19, is just the opposite. People have hoarded toilet paper and bottled water, hand sanitizer, soap and disinfectant. Store shelves are bare. No one smiles. Even your ward members won't come near you. There is no love, just fear. And Friday, some old biddies have complained about necessary things and businesses and moms shopping with kids in stores, and we have more rules. It reminds me of how people are in Cuba, and how they spend their time watching and listening to their neighbor and tattling on them. Selfishness and jealousy reign. What a sad sad difference. 

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