Monday, April 20, 2020

Week of April 12 - 18, 2020


Easter Morning began early for us, as I went to check Kayty at 4:45 am and found her in mild seizures. I did as I normally do, giving a little soda, waiting five minutes, giving more, waiting five minutes. I walked something out to the kitchen when she let out the most blood curdling scream I have heard in my life. Dad ran in, and I ran down the hall. He lifted her up and immediately gave her a priesthood blessing. She immediately stopped seizuring and, though it took two hours to get her all the way back, I could sit cradling her in my arms and give her soda every five or ten minutes. I read Conference talks on my phone as I held her and Dad waited to help. I was so thankful for Jesus Christ and the Restoration of the Gospel that brought the power of the priesthood back to the earth.

After she fell asleep, I got ready and we listened to a message sent by our bishop. It included a talk from him as well as talks by Brother and Sister Williams who moved into our ward two weeks ago and whom we have never seen. It was a lovely start to Easter morning. We then watched Music and the Spoken Word.

This letter from President Nelson's Wife, Wendy Nelson, to the wives of the General Authorities was shared on the internet today. I just nearly cried.

My Dear Sisters,
I woke up this morning NOT to the shaking of our home from yet another aftershock from the earthquakes we have recently experienced here in SLC, nor to an updated internet view of the mapping of the devastation of the Coronavirus. 
The first image that came to my mind even before I got out of bed was Minerva Teichert’s painting of the woman praying in fields which have been ravaged by crickets. It is called, The Miracle of the Gulls. 
You know that true account. Believers, like you and me, know that the Lord sent numberless seagulls — in the very moment of deepest distress by some, and of deepening faith by others — to devour the crickets and then regurgitate them in the Great Salt Lake. What was the outcome? The lives of some 4,000 pioneers were saved.
My dear sisters, whom I love more than you would ever believe, you and I are Latter-day women of God, disciples of Jesus Christ, who believe in miracles. Why? Because we know the Source of those miracles. We are perfectly poised to participate in bringing forth the miracle the Lord has in store for the world.  (See Bible Dictionary on “prayer.”)
As you and I continue to pray — and fast as we are able — the Lord WILL send ”seagulls” to devour OUR “crickets” (aka presently, the Coronavirus). 
The politicians and the scientists will do their best to make projections about the days ahead. But — they will not know to factor in “The Miracle of the Gulls.”
Although at this April 2020 General Conference, we will not be able wrap our arms around you, or hear the feelings of your heart, we will be thinking of you — and always praying for you — as you do your work for the Lord that you pre-mortally covenanted you would do. 
A work that makes ALL the difference, helping to gather scattered Israel and to prepare a people ready to receive the Savior when He comes again. 
I pray that each of us will hear exactly the message from April 2020 General Conference the Lord has prepared for us. 
Thank you for your prayers for this unique, “memorable and unforgettable” Conference — because the fight with “the opposition” is real and relentless. 
I leave you with greetings and gratitude from President Russell M. Nelson who loves and honors you, your husband, and your family members. 
With love and faith,
Wendy W. Nelson

The image of those seagulls has lifted my heart.

The temple remains closed, sadly.

I completed reading all General Conference Talks and continue to listen to at least one every morning. I studied my Come Follow Me lessons and videos for the week and read further in the Book of Mormon.

I have indexed 7077 records and reviewed 36503 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
I talked with Allison and family on Sunday night via Marco Polo. Everyone is doing well and enjoyed Easter Sunday. Swimsuits were brought by the Easter Bunny and Adam and Grace's looked great. Mike brined and then grilled an awesome turkey and they had potatoes and carrot cake for Easter dinner dessert. Adam's schooling for the year is complete, though he can bring up any grade in any class so he is working on that. Grace died the bottoms of her hair with Kool-aid and it looks great. Joshua is enjoying time with his family as the quarantine continues. Sam did receive a tooth fairy visit and enjoyed receiving two dollars and some watermelon gum. Mike is still working full time and when the busy time is finished after the quarantine, the managers will look into converting employees from temporary to permanent. Allison continues doing computer work for the church and her writing, though there are not as many jobs available now. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Easter morning began with Ethan having some relief from his ear pain, but the swelling remained very sore throughout the week. He did get some relief by later in the week though his hearing is still compromised. They walked to a small putting green in their neighborhood and had a good time.

We received a FaceTime call showing us some pretty awesome bubbles they were creating. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber are busy working, both in the field and from home. The kids are doing well with the schedule Amber created for them and are looking forward to a camping trip in the near future.

Morgan is doing well and continues to work.

Kayty had a good work week, though slow internet is making it rough to work much of the time. She began the week with a rough Sunday, but seemed to do better during the week. She is looking at purchasing a new mattress next week since our bulk trash pickup is at the end of next month. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica visited on Sunday and on Monday. The girls loved Kayty's old Barbie dolls that I had found in the attic a few months ago and cleaned up.

Everyone is doing well and enjoying extra time with Mom and Dad.

Dad's Garden
We actually had people come over to pick carrots. Tara, Sydney and Tanner Larson from church came.

I continue to pick chard and spinach for Dad's salads and we still have a lot of carrots to pick. I also cleared out under the key lime tree so that it will be easier to pick up limes in a few months.

Other highlights
Monday was a house workday and then yard workday. Dad started putting river rock on the back of the pizza oven and made good progress. He had it all completed and acid-washed by Thursday.

Monday night we were surprised by rain.

Tuesday we tried to collect more rock but our old site was no longer available. So we returned to our old river bottom near home. One project led to the other and we ended up hauling granite in the yard.

We got lots of stuff hauled out to the bulk trash pile. We also covered the tomatoes from sun burn. 

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