Sunday, June 28, 2020

Week of June 21 - 27, 2020


Sunday morning was filled with Music and the Spoken Word and a couple of General Conference and BYU devotionals. 

Sunday was Father's Day and it was wonderful for Dad. Visits, phone calls, gifts and lots of love for a great Dad! 

He enjoyed talking to Ethan and family and loved his new grill light

He also enjoyed a great Marco Polo from Allison and family. 

Daily General Conference Talks and Book of Mormon reading and study of Come Follow Me continue.

I have indexed 10,882 records and reviewed 52,213 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is busy and doing well. He completed one class and work is good, plus he is also having to check the church building regularly since they have found people living in some of the church buildings. He had a good Father's Day. For dinner, he requested Chicken Fried Steak (which everyone seemed to love, Gravy, Cole Slaw, Corn, Cantaloup and the requested Pineapple Upside Down Cake. Allison continues to work six hours a night at the temple, preparing for its limited opening in early July. Adam's knee is very, very bruised, but the swelling is somewhat down. He will go next week to get his stitches removed. His sleep schedule has been turned upside down, and often sleeps during the day and is awake at night. This also interferes with his eating, since he can't prepare his own meals. Josh has been so good to fetch him a sandwich or hot pocket when he needs to eat at night. Grace is doing well and helps out a lot with getting Sam to bed and cleaning up the house while Allison is at work. She has been watching a movie called "Love, Kennedy". Josh is busy helping out and reading this Summer. He loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid and is working on reading The Wizard of Oz. Sam completed his First Grade Kahn Academy Summer math work so he got a new Pokemon Game, a booster pack, and a Nestle Crunch Bar. 

They have neighbors that are lighting tons of fireworks day and night that they get from the Indian reservation (the illegal ones). Grace got burned from the ash since they often fire them towards Allison and Mike's house, and their poor cat, Elle, is terrified. 

The Ethan Rice Family
It was an interesting week for this family. Wade apparently decided to taste a coin, which led to unspeakable gloved searches in the potty, and after a night of pain, a trip, and Xrays at Urgent Care. All ended up well and he is doing fine and is as spunky as ever. We are so thankful!!

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber and family had a good and busy week. All are well. There was a brush fire near their old house that began Friday evening (their old neighborhood was evacuated) and they experienced some ash in their pool at their current home. 

Morgan dropped by on Sunday morning for a quick Father's Day hello and to pick up something he left here. He had a busy Sunday of auto work ahead of him. 

Kayty is doing well and had a good week at work, Since she hates wearing face masks, she was asked by her employer if she wanted to continue to work from home or return to work in the Fall, and she said if masks were required, she would rather stay home. 

The Nathan Rice Family
We enjoyed a Father's Day visit from Nathan and family and had a good time tasting the new very spicy hot sauce they gave him for Father's Day. 

Emma started feeling poorly on Sunday and ended up struggling with fever for a few days. They had planned a Monday night Family History Family Night, but that was postponed due to Emma's struggles and their lack of sleep. Nathan was very very ill beginning very early Tuesday morning and lasting all week. Dad squeezed some orange juice for the girlies and we left the juice and treats at their door on Wednesday. Friday night, they hoped to rest since the girls seemed tired, however, not to long after bedtime, mayhem ensued. 

Saturday, Nathan started not feeling worse, but Jessica started feeling worse. 

Dad's Garden
Tomatoes are toast. 728 tomatoes were the final tally. Basil is still doing well and Dad is squeezing the last juice from a few oranges. 

Other highlights

On Monday, I got a call from the dentist that someone had canceled their cleaning appointment, so I was able to go on Wednesday and had a good check-up, with no cavities! Always such a relief and a blessing. No more appointments in 2020. 

I contacted all my ministering sisters this week, just to make sure they know I am thinking about them. 

Nano continues to struggle with what is apparently a urinary tract infection. She refuses to drink anything but soda, which is not helping her urine output at all right now, plus her current doctor was awful in their office response, so Sharynn and I sat on the phone and she got a new primary care physician for mom, who Elizabeth suggested. Scott ended up dropping off an antibiotic for her and got to visit for a few minutes, but her spirits are still pretty low. 

Thursday was a shopping day. I went to Sam's Club to stock up and then headed to Trader Joes for the first time since last year. I restocked the shelf-stable whipping cream stash. I also finally got to go to Hobby Lobby, and what did I find???

The Pumpkin Wall of Happiness!

Such a fun time!

Dad worked all week creating more food storage space. 

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