Sunday, June 7, 2020

Week of May 31 - June 6, 2020


Sunday began earlier than I like. Dad saw some news on his phone. I choose to not add that to my life before I listen to General Conference and read my scriptures, so that is what I did. I heard some wonderful talks and enjoyed Music and the Spoken Word. Dad attended a stake Sunday school presidency meeting. We had a quiet day of reading. 

No temple attendance now or in the foreseeable future. I have not even seen anything happening there. 

I continue my daily Book of Mormon reading and study in Come Follow Me and on my own. I also enjoy at least one General Conference Talk each morning. 

I have indexed 9707 records and reviewed 49082 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
We had a wonderful Marco Polo visit on Sunday. First, this family took a brief and wonderful family trip to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes in Kanab, Utah. They rented a vehicle and an Air BnB with an awesome jacuzzi. They had so much fun climbing up the dunes and then coming down. Poor Josh was so excited about their trip that he didn't get much sleep the night before and was exhausted but he still managed to get around on those sandy dunes. Sam actually rolled down! Everyone was covered head to foot with lovely pink sand and they had an awesome time. On their way back, they stopped at Zion National Park, drove through the amazing tunnel through the mountains, stopped in St. George for a rest and played at an all-abilities park, and headed back home. 

Mike had a productive work week but found out that his site is not converting employees to permanent at this time, so they are looking into their options. He had a good birthday on Sunday (Happy Birthday Mike!) and enjoyed Southwestern Beef Wraps for dinner. His requested French Silk Pie didn't work out the first time, so he had a sweet treat thanks to Josh and they will make another pie attempt next week. Allison was excited to learn that she would return to some work hours at the temple. She has a dear friend and co-worker that she hasn't seen in such a long time. 

Adam spent last Saturday shopping at the outlet mall with a friend, (21,000 Fitbit steps!) and got a new Nickelboard Skateboard for his birthday. Grace is doing well. On their trip, Grace and Allison, who love to hike, hoped to be able to hike a trail or two in the area, but ended up exhausted hiking in that Utah sand - two steps forward and one step back. Josh has been such a great help to Allison. He has the gift of empathy and is always the first to jump in and help out. While Allison typed, Josh mopped the floors and did the laundry! Same is still a big Pokemon fan and loves to earn time to play. Their family scripture study will include Kahoot questions that Adam and Grace are putting together. New haircuts this week too!
Friday night was not so good for Adam. Allison shared, "Poor buddy dislocated his kneecap while skateboarding... and then fell on top of it, which caused it to fracture. After several attempts, the doctors couldn't get it back into place completely because of the swelling. 😪 He is in a lot of pain but pretty goofy because of the painkillers. We will see what the ortho says on Monday. 😕 Praying he doesn't need surgery.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo and the kids sure enjoyed their Florida getaway last weekend!

They had a good and busy work week. Kaylee and I visited for quite a while via FaceTime on Thursday night as she played in her room, ate dinner, and talked about everything! Wade is now potty trained...Hooray!!! They spend time during the day playing with their toys and watching shows and enjoy pool time after work. They had a good Saturday and got to take a little drive. Haircuts were also in order. 

The Doran Rice Family
There have been many protests here regarding an incident in Minnesota involving a bad police officer. This has spread to neighborhoods everywhere. Monday night, it truly came home to our family. Kooper and Kelsie were out riding bikes in their neighborhood when all of a sudden, a car with four young adult black men began chasing them and yelling threats at them. Kelsie was absolutely amazing and kept Kooper going until they safely arrived home. Amber called the police right away, and Doran arrived home from work soon after. The police arrived and were absolutely wonderful! They calmed the kids and Kooper's dream came true as he sat in the police car, ran the sirens, and used the loudspeaker! So grateful for all the good officers that protect us. 
Morgan is doing well. He and Dad got away to cool weather and fished on Thursday night and Friday. 

Kayty had a good work week. She was told to take more vacation days now so she is trying to decide what days she would like to sleep. Not much to do elsewhere. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Last Saturday, Nathan, Jessica, Anna, Ellie, and Emma went up to Williams with Jessica's parents and got to enjoy the cool weather and visit BearZona. They had such a wonderful time! We visited with them briefly on Sunday afternoon after they had visited Grandma Dorrie. The girls came to play for a little bit while Jessica hurried to Walmart. (with the civil unrest continuing, our area Walmart now closes at 5 pm, so there is no way for Nathan to get off work in time to get groceries). We had a fun time! 
Happy First Birthday Emma on Saturday! 

We had fun celebrating on Saturday night! My phone died, so the video didn't take, but I did get a few pictures. 

Dad's Garden
More canning this week. This should be the last batch for the year. 
Not sure why it's upside down, but it is what it is. 

Still getting a few tomatoes, lots of basil, and some key limes. 

Other highlights
The SpaceX Dragon docked with the International Space Station on Sunday morning. 
After weeks and weeks, hours and hours of laying on the ground in heat and multiple failures,and many many prayers,  Dad was able to get his jeep repaired. Jesse Springston (yes our old neighbor) was able to help dad get started, and then YouTube took him to the next step. Thank goodness for a good machinist and a lathe that still works. This was NOT an easy job, and there were many times we were just ready to have it hauled off, but the repair is good. Not perfect, but very good, and he is back driving his car. Many thanks to Ethan for continuing to answer the phone day and night when Dad had questions, and for the willingness of sons to come help. 

We were blessed and found a car to replace my failing vehicle by a couple in our ward. It took hours on Saturday to get it titled and emissions tested, but it is now ours. 

Not so highlights
The violence and protests continue this week, every single night. We have a curfew from 8 pm to 5 am and we abide by that, although I do get to jog, though I am very careful. 

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