Sunday, September 6, 2020

Week of August 30 - September 5, 2020


Sunday morning was typical and quiet, though it started earlier with helping Kayty out. I did some read scriptures, prayed, read two General Conference talks since they would not play so I could listen, and even indexed before getting ready for church. We watched "Music and The Spoken Word" and two BYU devotional talks. Then study of Come Follow Me and waiting for Kayty to get up so we could partake of the Sacrament. 

Temples remain closed to work for the dead.

We found out by email on Monday night that the groups to attend church have been increased and our attendance, instead of once a month, is now every other week. 

I continue my daily General Conference talk, Come Follow Me study and Book of Mormon reading, and prayer. 

I have indexed 13990 records and reviewed 72349 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
Happy Birthday to Grace on Sunday! She is now 14, so that meant she has her own cell phone and her own accounts on social media. She shared some pics from her morning...

She received makeup brushes, her favorite candy (Sweet Tart Cheweys)n  a beautiful ombre phone case. She made crepes for breakfast and lunch, wanted sushi but instead enjoyed great Cafe Rio for dinner and then her beautiful birthday cake!

The family is continuing schooling from home, which has its harder times. Adam was playing piano for his class while Grace was unable to hear her class in the next room. Adam likes his classes, especially US Govt and Economics and Personal Finance. He might be a Political Science Major. He is not quite sure about his music theory class yet. Seminary is all caught up and is easy. Grace is enjoying her classes and likes high school so far. Her classes include choir, math, and Spanish.  They planned on getting some free birthday treats on Monday and she did get some pretty yummy Baskin Robbins ice cream. Joshua is hanging in there. He likes school and all his classes and teachers. He is scheduled for a pre-test COVID test on Friday and then a sedated MRI next week. He is in a lot of pain in both legs and ankles and must apply ice on both to get any relief. If the MRI finds a need for surgery, there is no one currently available in Nevada to perform that procedure so they may have to travel to another state if it's needed. Still, he is a happy guy and Allison works to keep him happy and unhungry. Sam is liking school a lot. He and Allison have adopted a dairy cow through the Dairy Association and they will send him pictures of his cow. He helped Mike clean out the dutch ovens this week and serves to be a good reminder to Dad so they can get all clean. For PE class at school, he goes down to the church building with Mike and plays games with the balls there. Mike and Allison are doing well and continue to be able to work. Mike is still working on getting everything together and then accessing the site computer to apply for management positions. He is still working on completing the Six Sigma class. Allison temple moved to Phase 2 opening this week, so more cleaning and more people will be there. They have been having problems with pipes breaking and that has been difficult.  Last week, they had a scary situation with their air conditioner their house. Fortunately, it turned out to be a breaker. They all got their favorite snow cone for a treat this week and Mike checked out tickets to attend the Discovery Children's Museum soon. They are all well and hopeful. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Grandma Liza went home on Sunday, which saddened the whole family! The kids loved playing with her, and Ethan and Cameo actually got to go out on a little date. They are doing well. Ethan is making good progress with his schooling. Work is going well and travel will begin again soon. Cameo is doing well.  Kaylee is schooling at home online for now but hopes to soon return to actual classroom learning. Wade is busy having fun with his new dump truck. We also texted Kaylee back and forth on Thursday afternoon. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie, and Kooper had a good week. Happy Birthday, Kelsie, on Wednesday. She had a great birthday!

They called Dad on Friday and decided to try dove hunting on Saturday morning. No doves but they had a good time. 

Dove hunting comes very early so Kooper crashed on the way home. 

Morgan visited with Cassie on Friday evening to pick up the first edition of the cat climber dad made 

and to borrow the canoe. He and Cassie headed to Saguaro Lake on Saturday. They had a great time and saw some very unique wildlife.

Kayty had a good week at work, with a couple of hours off early pre-holiday celebration on Friday. She continues to work on her hockey jersey painting project and is now working with dad on a cat climbing tower for Lilly. 

One major save

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica had a good week, once they got the girls all well again. We were able to watch the girls for a bit while Jessica did some shopping in preparation for their weekend getaway. 

They headed to Young on Wednesday night to stay with Jessica's family for a few days and to celebrate both Annie and Ellie's birthdays. Ellie got her birthday cheesecake and Anna got her Barbie Doll cake. 

Dad's Garden
Dad's new seedlings have begun to sprout and the grow light is on. Basil is still plentiful and we gave away over two pounds. 

Other highlights
We awoke on Sunday morning, after saving Kayty, to evidence of rain overnight, which is such a blessing! I have nursed that huge pine tree out in the front yard year after year, and this year has been the toughest. I still am not sure it will make it through. We also got rain later that evening which made for a great jog Monday morning. 

Fall decorations went up on Monday. It was a bit of normal in this crazy mixed-up year. 

Dad used up vacation days from Tuesday through Friday. The weather was brutal again by the end of the week, but he got a lot of things done around the house. He also substituted, virtually, at his favorite school, Painted Rock Academy. 

Dad attended a stake Sunday School Presidency Meeting on Tuesday night. 

I messaged my ministering sisters again this week and all are doing well. 

Grandma came by on Thursday and she and dad shared some lunch. 

Nano was pretty agitated all week. It seems the visits by Scott and I on her birthday didn't help her out, but I realize it's the Alzheimers, not her. 

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