Saturday, September 26, 2020

Week of September 20 - 26, 2020


We had a nice, quiet Sunday, as pretty typical. We woke up, got ready for church, watched Music and the Spoken Word and then a BYU Devotional on BYUtv. With Kayty gone, we had our Sacrament service, and then spent the rest of the day reading scriptures, reading the Ensign magazine, and studying Come Follow Me messages. 

Temple continues to only be open for living ordinances. 

I continue reading my Book of Mormon daily, studying the Come Follow Me messages, and listening to a General Conference talk each day. I also read the October Ensign Magazine. 

So far this year, I have indexed 15276 records and reviewed 83271 records. 


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family is doing well. Mike had a busy week with pressure washing their driveway and hanging five bedroom doors. He also had a job interview with a company located in Colorado on Monday. Allison continues to be busy working at the temple, doing her writing, and keeping the kids up on their at home school studies. Adam is pretty bored with school and feels the teachers have given up so to speak. He is keeping up with his assignments. Grace keeps her teachers on their toes and does not hesitate to email if there is anything awry. She has become quite skilled at crepe making. 

 Joshua continues to enjoy school. His brace and orthotics have been approved and he should be using those in a couple of weeks. Same is enjoying using Mike's Kindle. His reading skills have just taken off this week. he loves to learn about animals! This week, while Kayty visited, they took a trip to the Las Vegas Strip, hoping to go to some family fun places. They tried the Coke Store, the Hershey Store, and M&M World. Not all attractions were open and it wasn't much family fun. However, the seedier side of the Strip still is alive and well. They hadn't missed their lack of visiting there for the last few years. School online is quite a struggle for all, and very disappointing, but they are just doing their best. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo and kids had a fun trip to High Falls State Park last week. Here are some pics. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper enjoyed their last weekend with friends in Northern Arizona. 

They came by on Saturday afternoon and we had a great visit!

Morgan came by for a visit Saturday evening. He was able to help Dad get some chicken wire up around the garden before he headed fishing. He has been working for over two weeks at a job that maintains and repairs floor cleaning machinery for WalMart. 

Kayty had a wonderful time in Vegas with Allison and headed home Monday evening. She was back to work on Tuesday and had a good work week. She got a new laptop for work and will be getting her docking station next week so she can continue working from home. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan continues to work hard both at work and on fixing their vehicle all week. He made some awesome ravioli (homemade including the pasta) and we got to taste some. Yum! They came by for a last swim of 2020 on Thursday evening. He spent much of Saturday completing his car repair, but he finished late Saturday.

Dad's Garden
Dad has planted Chinese cabbage and lettuce, and our basil continues to grow. On Friday, snow pea seeds went into the ground. 

Other highlights

Fall officially began on was 106 degrees outside. I did create a Fall meal, though. Hot weather continues. 

More work this week to fix up Mom's meds but I think we finally got things figured out on Friday.

Saturday, Grandma and I took our annual trip to Millie's Hallmark to see the villages. There were still a few things on sale...but we didn't see anything we wanted or needed. It was fun and we enjoyed a Wendy's salad afterward. It was different than the Sweet Tomatoes lunches we used to have, but it was still good. 


This week, I have been thankful for independent journalists. These are not the ones that get the big paying tv jobs, but the ones who seek for truth, often with little pay and great personal consequences. The truth is out there. It's just not on tv, nor on the popular internet sites. 

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