Sunday, January 10, 2021

Week of January 3-9, 2021


Church on Sunday was glorious. It seems so many people returned. We sat near people that we hadn't been able to sit by for months. Still every other row and masks but so nice to visit! Many people have had the Corona Virus, have had nearly no to mild symptoms, and have returned to good health...even some who are older or have had cancer and other serious illnesses. What a huge blessing! We also had a regular testimony assigned testimonies. It was also wonderful to hear so many youth share their testimonies of the Savior. And we had two young children! I have not heard children speak or say anything at church for a year! I thought a lot about Joshua being ordained a deacon this day, and then to my surprise since I wasn't thinking, my first huge cub scout den were all made deacons, and a couple of the first ones were made teachers. Such an awesome experience. The rest of our day was spent studying Come Follow Me messages. I listened to a presentation about the versions of the First Vision. He shared the situations Joseph Smith was enduring with people and persecution and dissension as he was impressed to share the 1832 version. I think we often do not realize that challenges accompany growth and faith and spiritual experiences. Nothing worth anything comes in ease. 

Temples remain closed for work for the dead.

My morning foundation includes General Conference talk, Book of Mormon reading, prayer, and Come Follow Me study of Church History and the Doctrine and Covenants, which was about the First Vision this week. 

I have indexed 525 records and reviewed 2405 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
What a special day it was on Sunday! Allison shared this:

"This cute little freckle face received the Priesthood today, and Adam got to help with his ordination. I took a second to open my eyes during the prayer and look at these 3 and asked Heavenly Father to help me remember that image forever.
Being a mom is insane, but then little moments like that happen, and it all becomes worth it."

They had a busy week with Mike working extra hours and Allison working lots during shutdown. The kids are doing well with school and Grace had a fun activity for Young Men and Women with a bonfire and yummy food. 

We drove up to deliver Christmas on Saturday and have an all too short but very wonderful visit. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan had an exciting event this week as he got to fly on the Home Depot Corporate jet. 

Happy Birthday, Cameo on Thursday! 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper are doing well. Saturday, they helped Nathan get some mesquite wood loaded on our trailer and unloaded. 

Morgan is well and is busy working.

Kayty was swamped in work this week. She worked two hours overtime each week day and six hours on Saturday. Her favorite tv watch this week was Big Comfy Couch. Loves those dust bunnies!!

One minor save this week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica came by on Sunday with the girls for a visit. They are so excited as they ordered a new bed mattress that arrived Monday. They have needed one for years and have searched for a long, long time. Anna and Ellie played at our house on Tuesday while Jessica and Emma went with her family to visit Sedona. We ate crummy food, played with every toy, watched a few shows, made a cardboard airplane boat and played outside. 

Nathan spent the week working on his car, planting their garden and updating his resume. The raise promised with the promotion did not come in as was promised and he is now looking for other employment in his field. He was blessed with a LOAD of beautiful mesquite wood and 

Dad's Garden
Garden is doing well, though some of his new tomato plants did not make it being transplanted. Cabbage, snow peas, oregano and basil are all doing well, and the tomatoes he planted months ago have blossoms on them. 

Family History
When cleaning out that garage file cabinet, I located some files with papers from my dad, William Allan Kew. I began scanning them Sunday and will include information, etc here. 

William Allan Kew was born on August 6, 1932.

Other highlights
Lots of cleaning and organizing this week, plus I finally got Mom's finances in order. My name as POA is on all her investments. 

Contacted most of my ministering sisters. 

Prepared to take the village down by updating my planning and placement maps. 

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