Saturday, January 2, 2021

Week of December 27, 2020 through January 2, 2021


We had another great Sunday meeting, with a beautiful piano solo and a great message from one of our High Council Members. It actually was a great talk! We came home and went through our Come Follow Me studies and I read Doctrine and Covenants Section 1 and the material provided by the church. During the week I studied this also via Book Of Mormon Central presentations on YouTube. 

I read the first edition of the Liahona church magazine. I also read the Book of Mormon, listened to General Conference Talks daily, and listened to presentations on Book of Mormon central. 

I have indexed 159 records and reviewed 533 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family had a good week and a Wonderful Christmas! Thursday was Christmas Eve and a big clean up day. The decorated cookies for Santa, played games, had their annual fondue feast, went on a drive and looked at Christmas lights, did a spiritual readers theater that included music by Adam. They had a hard time sleeping as all Christmas Eves are! Christmas Morning was good, though. They read a special book with the kids, having prayer, and then the annual burst through the wrapped doorway. They got a stocking and a gift from Santa, had breakfast, and then, a want-need-wear-read gifts from Mom and Dad. They are combining Nano's gift and our gift money to put up a fence and pay the adoption fees for a new dog. They played a lot of games as a family, which is their favorite thing to do! Decorations came down on the 26th except for the tree, which they use on New Year's Eve. Adam had an awesome Christmas. He got a bass guitar (still needs an amp), and a new game. Grace's favorite gift was a comfy oversized hoodie that she has been living in. She loves it! She got her braces tightened last week and got new rubber bands to pull her teeth down. She was in a lot of pain all week, which was not fun. She got new pink LED's for her room around her ceiling with a remote that changes colors, nail polish and manicure items, some cookbooks, a makeup palette, and a new blanket for her bed, some hair accessories. Josh had a good Christmas and was enjoying playing Dad's cornhole game and rollerblading me around the house. He got some new slippers he really wanted, a new book, a new soccer ball, an Alexa speaker, some tennis balls, and a nice watch. He made some yummy looking mint brownies on Sunday evening. Sam had a good Christmas. He got a wonderful snow globe that plays music and has Buddy the Elf and a penguin in it. . He also got a Mr. Potato Head, a science kit, an iPad case, some Ryan's Mini Eggs, slime, some suckers, some cooking supplies, a book of paper crafts and a Junie B. Jones and Coyote Peterson books and a painting kit. Allison had a few days working at the temple and then did indexing at home which made for a great week. She enjoys the indexing nights because she gets to put the kids to bed. She got Mike a cornhole game, a business book, slippers. She received a new scale she really wanted (who wants a scale for Christmas??? Love you Allison!!!) a Don't Miss This Journal, a Journaling Doctrine and Covenants, socks. They had a great New Year's Eve with their annual activities...

And a great first hike of the year! 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and family had a good week with lots of fun off school and playing with new toys. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had good work weeks. It was Amber's last week back on site and she will surely miss it. She works with wonderful people. On Saturday, they joined with Nathan, Jessica and the girls and headed out to play in the snow. They had a wonderful time!

We saw Morgan and Christy this week. On New Year's Day, they headed out for a fun fishing trip using the canoe. 

Kayty worked some overtime on the days she worked, and slept and watched scary animal shows and cooking contests when she was awake. 

The Nathan Rice Family
We went with the girls and family on a fun walk down one street in our neighborhood on Sunday evening. They had a great week, visiting parks and grandparents, and getting their garden all tilled and ready to plant. The girls each have their own garden plot. Nathan came over late a couple of nights to machine parts and he was able to get a three barrel water system built as well as repair our roto tiller. 

Dad's Garden
Dad's garden is doing well. I have gotten snow peas, oregano and basil this week and he picked some beets. More tomatoes went into the ground on Saturday, and the rest of the beds were prepared for planting next week. 

Other highlights
Dad was on call for work all week, which meant over 19 hours of work and driving. No pay though. He just worked on vacation. 

I took down all the Christmas decorations this week. Monday was brutal, taking down everything in the kitchen, family room and one tree plus all the stuffed animals. I did do some gleaning out of things I don't want anymore. Tuesday was nativities and the fireplace clean up, and Wednesday was the big tree...a full day job. I will take down the village in a couple of weeks. 

Dad went with his friend, Cliff Eccles to lunch on Wednesday. They had a great visit. 

New Years Eve was pretty boring for us. We don't watch tv or anything like that so after we got tired and bored, we headed to bed. 

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