Thursday, December 31, 2020

Final Post of 2020

End of year. What a year! I have not shared too much. My feelings are so raw that its not possible to even write. I have learned a lot. My faith has increased. 

I just thought I would go over some of the goals I set at the end of January last year. 

Temple attendance. My goal was 24 times. I attended 11 times, but that was good since temples closed up March 15. 

I established a morning foundation of listening to at least one General Conference talk, Book of Mormon reading (at least one chapter) and then Come Follow Me Study through Book of Mormon Central, and prayer before I touch any social media. That has been my lifesaver, and I have discovered that I "Hear Him" when I am out on that jog/walk. 

I read the Ensign each least ten articles/stories. 

My goal was to index 10,000 records. I ended up indexing 19,995 records and reviewing 131,313 records last year. 

For the house, I updated the Personal Information book with current insurance, titles, cards, etc. I also got my travel driver's license (still need to put a copy of that in the book).

With all the furlough time, we cleaned out the entire attic, the music room (now is a preparedness room), Dad's office, Dad's shed,  that old file cabinet in the garage, organized all and set up a woodwork station on the back porch. I also have gotten rid of a lot of stuff that I didn't love in my holiday decor and have moved things that are only occasionally used for cooking, etc out to my hut. 

I finished the playroom (though the bedspreads I ordered are not what I thought and are too big) with sheets, comforters, etc. I also changed the bathroom up a bit, got new pics of the grandkids in the hallway, and got rid of things I no longer need or use. 

My planned travel to Georgia and to Vegas was cancelled due to Covid but I did get to see Kaylee's Dance recital, Sam's graduation, and Grace's Graduation virtually. It ended up instead of my flight funds expiring mid January 2021, they are good till 2022! Kind of a nice surprise.

I did try out sourdough...but I think I used the starter before it was ready and I ended up with two bricks. Flour was not plentiful enough at the time to waste any more so in the future. 

Gratitude was something I had let be overshadowed by the evils of this time, and I have begun a new gratitude journal program to start January 1st. However, this year, I started to just begin my daily prayers expressing gratitude. I am thankful for my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ and their love for me. I could literally feel them holding me up during these last twelve months. As of this moment, all my children have jobs. All gave their families a wonderful Christmas. All have survived any health concerns. They all are great children and great parents and friends. Everything that is the most important to me could not be better. While we miss the temple greatly, we do try to ponder and remember our covenants we made their and our times there. 

Tomorrow begins 2021. Lots of challenges are surely ahead. I pray we all can learn and survive them.

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