Saturday, February 20, 2021

Week of February 14 - 20, 2021


Sunday was good. It is such a joy to partake of the Sacrament! We now have a very short meeting so there is time for people to glove up and spray an antiviral spray and wipe down every single seat. No comment on the validity or need for such action. It is great to be there. The rest of the day was full of study and listening, calls and family visits.

No temple open for ordinances for the dead. 

I continue to begin each day with my spiritual foundation of Conference Talk (now on my 7th time through), Book of Mormon read, 20 minutes Come Follow Me study and prayers. 

I have indexed 2731 records and reviewed 20,791 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
Allison and Mike are well. While they were in the movie Saturday, they missed a horrible windstorm that uprooted trees and they even lost shingles. The family had a great Valentines Day with yummy food. Their Sunday meetings was a broadcast for East Las Vegas and Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke. Adam was accepted into Northern Arizona University! Not sure if he will attend but that news was exciting. He was also called as the Priest Quorum First Assistant. Driving is going well. Grace had a great time with her friend and they babysat that night. Josh is the new Deacon's Quorum President. He continues soccer practice. His season officially starts in March. Sam is doing well. His reading is going well too. Last Wednesday, there was a school fun run. Josh got 44 laps.Sam didn't keep track but he never stopped running. Awesome!! He enjoyed his Valentine exchange at school. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Grampy Wade arrived Sunday for a visit. The kids were surprised and were very excited.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber and the kids had a good week full of work and remote school and volleyball and karate. 

Morgan had a busy work week. 

Kayty had a good week at work. She worked some overtime and had time off Saturday. She is getting her home office better set up. We set up a temporary office a year ago, and she is now getting down a rug since the tile is getting worn by her work chair. Someday, she will have to return to work, throw out the dead plants and get her cubicle emptied. 

The Nathan Rice Family
This week included some car hunting since their old car can't pass emissions any more. They have had a few general health blips but are working on keeping up on home, work and family. 

Dad's Garden
Garden is thriving. We have harvested basil, oregano, turnips, cabbage, chard and other greens, and romaine. 

Family History
Technical difficulties continue...

Other highlights
I continue practicing piano and studying the US Constitution daily. Projects completed this week included more sealing of the flooring in the house. 

Another Rice Man Campout Friday night.

Not so highlights
Rush Limbaugh lost his year long battle with stage 4 lung cancer on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at the age of 70. I had listened to his show as I drove kids around for many years. He said he was a voice of reason and moderation, and that he was. I found that he had insight into what things meant. He spent extensive hours studying each night to prepare for the next day's show, and he could give his take on things. I did not always agree but I did value his opinion. His last year was full of treatments and hope, kind words and prayers (offered daily by me as well) and even a Congressional Medal of Freedom presented at the 2020 State of the Union Address awarded by Presendent Donald Trump and awarded and presented by First Lady Milania Trump. 

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