Sunday, July 25, 2021

Week of July 18-24, 2021


We had a wonderful Sabbath Day. Dad spoke with the High Councilman in another ward and I attended our ward and taught my primary class. 

I attended an endowment session at the Temple on Tuesday morning.  While there were a few changes, it was absolutely wonderful to be there, to leave the world outside and to do work for someone in our family. First of five sisters has her endowment ordinance complete. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. I completed the Book of Mormon and started reading it again. 

I have indexed 10,472 records and reviewed 71,472 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had a good week last week. Allison is on her last few days of work during the temple shut down. This time ducts were replaced and artwork was repaired. She also did per part for kindness by saving a gecko's life. Adam enjoyed camp, though he misplaced his phonebut then found it after he came home. and then worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Grace had such a wonderful time at Camp Whispering Pines. The trip to camp was full of talking and fun. They stopped at Navajo Lake in Utah and ate sack lunches and did some exploring. Their exploring included the location of an amazing frog. She did have a PTSD grasshopper experience. Camp included exploring a sand cave,  a mini zip line, and making new and old friends. Grace attempted crepe making on the second day of camp but ended up making yummy French toast. They were helping fix up the camp as they stayed there, so their service project for them included clearing a hiking path and making things more usable for future campers. Fun games included capture the flag with water balloons and a scavenger hunt which Grace won and was awarded a hoodie. Grace did a wonderful devotional with a cute bubble handout. So creative and a great message to start the day. There were some great fireside programs with singing and performances and karaoke. They also enjoyed some cold rain and even hail. Camp ended up getting quite flooded. They stopped at a great park in St. George on the way home. Josh was a great cook at Camp and made chocolate for the pancake breakfast. Poor Josh...lots of rain and then an upset tummy sent him sleeping in the laundry room so he could be near the restroom. The leaders weren't very kind to him and wouldn't let him eat the morning after. Ugh! Sam enjoyed his days as an only child and had lots of adventures. He went to Discovery Children's Museum on Monday with some discount coupons. On Tuesday Mike took Sam to a theater to see some classic kid movies and popcorn. They went to the library. Sam wanted to eat panini so they made some at home. Sam also got to split a Jack in the Box Milkshake with Dad. On Wednesday, he went to another movie with Mike, and then they went to play at a park, though it was brutally hot. He went to the mall and got some Sees Suckers. He also went to a splash pad with Mike. Thursday, a video game was planned but the camp group came back a little early. The family is doing well and they are getting enjoying these last weeks of Summer. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan headed out to Allentown Pennsylvania on Monday. Cameo and the kids had a good week and were so glad for Ethan to return on Friday night. Last weekend, they harvested their garden tomatoes and made salsa. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber are busy working. They both got raises and Amber finished her initial 90 days with the new owner and she got a promotion. Doran's work always involves the brutal heat, but Amber's has had no A/C at work so hers is nearly as brutal. Kelsie finalized the high school she will attend, though it was not her first choice. They headed out camping on Friday with some friends. 

Morgan is enjoying his new job and spent some time fishing on his time off. 

Kayty had a good work week and enjoyed following Cubs baseball games and the Pro Hockey draft. He is finally getting rid of stuff in her room that accumulated during the weeks of working from home. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and the girls are doing well. Jessica's mom returned from weeks in Kansas and brought Great Grandma Jody with her. There were playdates, parks, a family birthday party for Grampa Bob, and lots of fun! The girls came here Saturday evening while Nathan and Jessica had a quick date and then Nathan helped finished our huge tree trim 

Dad's Garden
We got the whole old garden torn up and hauled out to the Quarterly pick up pile. Basil is looking wonderful after all the rain!!

Family History
Sharynn sent me these from the slides of Mom's they were looking at.

Other highlights
This week WE HAD RAIN! Glorious rain! A morning monsoon with surprise thunder and lightning, and then three days of rain. One twenty-four-hour period rain total exceeded all the rain we had in 2020. 

I had a root canal that went well, but the aches of shots etc lasted all week. Ibuprofin is my friend this week. 

Christmas in July included watching The Santa Clause 2 and 3. 

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