Saturday, July 10, 2021

Week of July 4 - 10, 2021


We enjoyed a lovely Fast and Testimony Meeting on Sunday. A young man in our ward soon leaving on a mission was able to receive his endowment the day before. It was wonderful to share three generations testifying of the temple blessings. Many others then shared their feelings about the temple. Primary was so small in number that our class met with another class. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. I completed the Book of Mormon and started reading it again. 

I have indexed 9243 records and reviewed 68828 records so far this year


The Wilkins Family
I received a wonderful birthday song from Gracie and a lovely gift from Allison in the mail this week. 
They are busy and doing well. 

The Ethan Rice Family
I was greeted early Sunday with a Happy Birthday from Ethan. They were visiting Savannah Georgia and he sent some pictures from a baseball game they attended the night before. They enjoyed watching the Savannah Bananas play. Its a group of non-professionals who love baseball and meet together to play. Tickets were $18.00 and included plenty of food. The players were available afterward for autographs. They had such a fun time. 

They had a wonderful trip and Ethan spent another week in Pennsylvania. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper are doing well. Kelsie got some new school clothes...

Morgan is doing well. He will begin a new job next week. He and Cassie went on a couple of fishing adventures this week. 

Kayty had a good week, working both on-site and at home. She got some overtime hours on Saturday. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica and the girls had a good week. They spent time at parks and water parks, a stay cation at a hotel, and then the girls spent 24 hours with me while they had 24 hours to sleep and eat out. They are planting pumpkins this week.

Other highlights
Sunday started with many birthday texts, which was so nice. 

I got the washing machine filter cleaned and the a/c filters changed. 

I attended a job interview for the position of teacher's assistant at a local charter school. I just was doing it for benefits so Dad can retire, but they offer no benefits and keep the hours low so none are available. With that plus the low pay rate, I declined. 

Dad worked at Market on the Move twice this week. Nice to volunteer in the community. 

Dad made a response on Facebook to his cousin about printing his personal journal. Apparently, the censors at Facebook did not like that and removed his post. So, kids, they must know that dad's boring narrative of daily dealings and weather highs and lows must really conceal something juicy. 

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