Saturday, August 7, 2021

Week of August 1-7, 2021


We enjoyed a wonderful Fast and Testimony Meeting on Sunday. I never tire of the wonderful young men who prepare, bless, and pass the Sacrament for us. Primary went pretty well. 

We feel so blessed to be able to attend sessions at the temple this week. I attended a session on Tuesday Morning and Dad attended a session on Thursday evening. I tried to make another appointment as soon as I got home, but there are no available times for two weeks. Dad has to wait till the end of the month for his next opportunity to serve in the temple. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day.

I have indexed 11,357 records and reviewed 75,380 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is doing well and is busy working and getting ready for a new school year. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan was able to spend another week working at home. It was a busy one. Kaylee spent the night with a friend and enjoyed doing make-up and creating a new pillow. 

Kaylee and Wade each had Meet the Teacher Night and both started school. 

The Doran Rice Family
Kelsie and Kooper started school this week. 

Doran, unfortunately, was injured on Monday and spent his week with MRIs, doctor and surgeon appointments.  They were hoping to get the correct MRI location by Friday so the surgeon could get a better picture of the work needed to be done. 

Morgan is doing well and enjoys work. 

Kayty got her oil changed at the dealership on Saturday last week, and Dad noticed the oil was leaking out, so the dealership sent a tow truck on Monday and brought it back to repair. Tuesday Kayty worked on-site and then was told to work remotely until further notice. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Annie started kindergarten on Monday and made it through her first week of school. It had its ups and downs but all in all she loves school! Ellie and Emma have become new partners, sometimes in crime. Jessica has figured out pick-up line timing and Nathan is doing well at work. 

Dad's Garden
Dad is readying the garden for fall. Our naughty chickens won't eat anything that resembles a fruit or vegetable...unless it's a pumpkin plant from Nathan. Basil and oregano are well. We lost a limb full of fruit on one of our smaller tangerine trees. 

Other highlights
I saw Orion on Monday morning. I always check at the beginning of August to see my first sign that Fall will be here soon. I woke early Sunday to take my meds but it was too early for Orion, but Monday morning did not disappoint. 

I ground up ten pounds of chicken breast into chickenburger and then packaged it up. I also filled a container with our own raisins dried in the sun and got another batch under the tarps. 

Dad's workweek was up and down. We are just continuing in prayer for guidance and direction. 

Sadly, I received a text that choir practice that I had so looked forward to and had so missed is cancelled indefinitely. Now, mind you, since day three of this virus/non-virus thing over a year ago, I never could have believed the step-by-step process that would happen in the name of fear. Instead of living in hope and positive, I steel myself to lose things again, since so many people are willing to give up privacy, respect for others rights, and individual freedom. It is a time I could never have even imagined. I am not sad over the loss of things I personally enjoyed, because I personally have to create enjoyment in things like cleaning the toilets and drying grapes. Life often doesn't turn out the way we hope, and as I get older and look ahead, I just try not to think to much...because I don't see much to hope for when people are so willing to give up everything to comply. So no choir. Very little temple service. But my toilets are very clean. 

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