Sunday, August 29, 2021

Week of August 22-28, 2021


Sunday was good. We had a missionary farewell for our bishop's son who will serve in Uraguay. Primary was good and my co-teacher shared her last message before she leaves to return to BYU. Dad attended our ward Sacrament Meeting and then attended the ward conference meetings in Sierra Verde Ward in our stake. 

I was not able to attend the temple this week but Dad attended a session on Wednesday and Thursday nights. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 12,497 records and reviewed 80,689 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had a busy week and got their home ready and listed for sale. 

The Ethan Rice Family
On Tuesday, Cameo shared some pics of the baby shower she and some friends put on. It was truly a family affair, and Ethan used their Cricket machine to create letters on the gift bags. He also made buttercream icing using Nathan's recipe.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran continues to recover from his surgery. His splint was removed on Thursday and the doctor shared the Xrays. Doran was surprised to see the size of the hole drilled into his bone and the number of pins he now has as part of his arm. He has pain and limited movement, but he is slowly improving. The kids had a good week and Amber is keeping up with long work hours and caring for a home. They visited us on Saturday and Kooper enjoyed a swim with Papa in the pool. 

Morgan had a good week and he and Cassie went fishing on Friday night. 

Kayty had a good work week (three days worth) and burned-up vacation time. She purchased an actual desk and desk chair and assembled those. 

The Nathan Rice Family
We visited Nathan on Sunday afternoon and had such a good visit. On Tuesday, they called and let us know they are now the coaches of The Pretzels, Anna and Ellie's soccer team! Happy Birthday Ellie on Friday included a fun pancake breakfast and we brought her a gift and tried some of her wonderful birthday cake created by Nathan. 

Dad's Garden
It was HOT this week, but basil and oregano are fine. Our trees have citrus on them and the grass has never been greener, thanks to weeks of rain. That does come with tons of weeds, which dad walks and pulls by the score each day. 

Other highlights
I had access to my car this week! Visited Hobby Lobby, Trader Joes, and a few Target Dollar Spots, though the word "dollar" is truly misleading. 

Dad was able to substitute school on Tuesday and Friday and he seemed to like it.

Dad had "vacation time" all week, but he ended up attending a meeting and solving a problem for a supplier on Monday, was gone late at night at another quality engineer's supplier late Tuesday night.

Dad and Grandma went to lunch on Wednesday. 

I visited Nano on Thursday for a birthday visit (birthday is Sunday the 29th). I got her a couple of new tops and some Lorna Doone cookies. She is healthy but her mental state declines each time I see her. 

Dad spent hours in 110 degree weather fixing a broken water pipe. Amazing how difficult a pinhole is to fix in a pipe directly after the meter box. 

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