Sunday, September 5, 2021

Week of August 29-September 4, 2021


We enjoyed a great Sacrament Meeting  (dad enjoyed more than one. He also attended another ward for their ward conference) and primary went well, though it was harder with only two kids there. 

I attended an endowment session at the temple on Tuesday morning. Dad attended a session on Thursday evening. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 13,269 records and reviewed 82,841 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Happy Birthday Grace on Monday! She enjoyed her day, celebrating with friends and family. Harry Potter was the theme and word has it that Hagrid indeed made her birthday cake!

This family has been super busy. House is cleaned and polished and was placed on the market last week. That led to three days of constant viewings and bids, and the realtor planned to present all offers to them in spreadsheet form. It was a relief that so many wanted their home! 

Work continues to go well for both Mike and Allison. Adam workes for Valvoline and is already "top certified". He likes the full time job and the work! Grace is doing well at school and has many tennis matches during the week as well as school and Madrigal Choir activities. Josh is enjoying school and soccer. Sam continues to like school and playing games in his off time. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo and a friend and all the kids plus Ruger took a drive down to Pensacola Florida to see the beach. While the skies were gorgeous, the water was not as clear and blue as they hoped due to Hurricane Ida. 

The Doran Rice Family
Happy Birthday, Kelsie on Thursday!
 Doran's arm continues to heal as he now goes through painful physical therapy. The week went well for all. They visited on Saturday and we were able to give Kelsie her birthday card and money. They were heading to Olive Garden for a birthday dinner. 

Morgan is working odd jobs and came by Friday to work on our trailer that he is using to carry his boat. 

Kayty had a good work week and is so enjoying her new desk set up.

One major save this week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica continue their busy weeks which include work, getting Annie to and from school, plus dealing with kid illnesses that crop up. The attended a coaches meeting for soccer on Wednesday night but are not sure they will be selected. There were many background questions including questions regarding any incidents of personal abuse they had in their lifetime, plus religious commitments about the bible, etc. They were honest so they don't know if they will be picked. The girls played here for an hour or so one one evening and we were blessed to be able to swing and play before rain hit. They headed up to Young on Thurday night for a weekend family getaway. 

Dad's Garden
Dad is working on turning over dirt, getting the compost bins progressing, and readying to plant a Winter garden. Basil and Oregano look great as do our citrus trees.

Other highlights
On my jogs this week, I saw two small toads on two occasions. So fun since we don't see those anymore. 

One pretty awesome day of off-and-on sprinkles due to a hurricane. 

Fall decorations went up this week. 

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