Sunday, September 19, 2021

Week of September 12-18, 2021


Our childrens' Primary Sacrament Meeting presentation was so wonderful and the kids sang so well. Bishop said it was the first Sacrament Meeting that everyone smiled the whole time (even with the ones that were masked). Primary was wild and so was class, but that was okay. I really like the sister I serve with now. She is a young mom of a sweet Sunbeam boy and is just the nicest person. Dad spent the day in Sacrament Meetings. Two ward conferences in our building! 

We were able to get appointments to attend the temple this week. I did Initiatory work and Dad completed an Endowment session. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 14,688 records and reviewed 86,969 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family is getting through the struggles this week. Monday, their house was appraised and then right after that, their air conditioning made a loud noise and stopped. They hired a repairman to fix it, but there were very hot days and nights for the whole family. Mike has a couple of job interviews coming up. Allison continues to do well at her job. Adam was able to return to work and is saving money to purchase his own car.

Grace is really enjoying school, the madrigal choir and the tennis team. 

Joshua is adjusting to middle school and all the new things. He is pausing from playing soccer for a bit. Sam is doing well and loves school. His reading skills are soaring. 

The Ethan Rice Family

Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee and Wade are doing well. The week started with cases of pink eye for the kids but all are back in school. Work keeps both Ethan and Cameo very busy. They are so enjoying their cooler than Phoenix weather and the beautiful sunrises. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran has returned to light duty training at work, but continues doctor visits and physical therapy. Good progress report from the doctor on Thursday.

 He seems to be recovering from his dental work last week. Kelsie and Kooper are doing well too. 

Morgan came by on Saturday, helped Dad bleed his brakes, and then smoked a brisket. It was yummy.
He is working and doing well. 

Kayty had a good work week that included some overtime hours. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan's car troubles turned into rebuilding his car engine. they had no vehicle until Jessica's mom loaned them her car for the week. The girls played here for a bit on Wednesday so Jessica could quickly get grocery shopping done. The girls had soccer practice on Wednesday evening. 
Happy Birthday, Annie on Saturday. Her birthday was celebrated with family and friends on Friday evening with swimming, water balloons, corn dogs and tater tots, and a delicious hamburger cake created by Nathan and Annie, and some delicious caramel apple cupcakes. 

Saturday, she got her present from family: her ears pierced, a trip to Build a Bear, and a new bicycle. 

Dad's Garden
Dad's seed starts are doing pretty well and he hopes to be planting in two weeks. Basil and oregano are looking great. 

Other highlights
Dad had a good dental appointment Monday: no fillings or crowns needed. He does need a tooth pulled but it has been bothering him for a long time. 

New baby stocking is complete as far as I can. It only needs the name, an ironing, sequins and sew it together. 

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