Sunday, August 25, 2024

Week of August 18 - August 24, 2024

Sunday was good. Sacrament Meeting went pretty well and so did Primary. We completed our temple recommend interviews by seeing members of our stake presidency. Another quiet Sunday visiting with family on the phone. 

We were not able to attend the temple this week. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 45,104 records and reviewed 18,501 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
This family is doing pretty well and adjusting to Back to School. Grace is nearly ready to begin college online and is looking forward to starting her daycare job. Josh had a great open house at school this week.

Sam is auditioning for the school musical: Shrek! He is very excited! He likes his teacher and is having a good year. Mike, Allison, and Adam are all busy too.

The Ethan Rice Family
Kaylee had her first cross country meet last week and had a great time. 

The Doran Rice Family
It was back to school and starting new jobs this week. Survived! They are so enjoying their new home and new life!!

Morgan and Cassie are doing well and enjoying their cool weather and their jobs.

Kayty's week started with a new light on in her car. Turns out she needed a new motor mount, a knock sensor, and they had to repair the tape that keeps rabbits from eating her wires. Cost: over $950. She spent part of her day off on Friday seeking a new repair shop for her future car troubles. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Busy week at work for Nathan and homeschool for Jessica and the big girls. Ellie got her braces put on her teeth this week. 
Weekends are for birthday celebrations. Nathan baked a seven layer chocolate cake and it was decorated in a Harry Potter theme. 

Dad's Garden
Dad has been working on preparing garden beds for future plantings. He also is trying to save some of our failing citrus trees. He and I bagged up the small amount of dates that are ripening on the palm trees. 
Other highlights
After midnight on Sunday, our house was rattled with tons of thunder. I was able to sleep through most of it. and then we were blessed with another very big rain storm! Biggest one this summer. So thankful!!

Friday, we attended a rally for some of our republican candidates and President Trump. We went and stood in line for two hours. Unfortunately, we were so far from the entrance to the event and the preparations for heat that the venue had made, we had to leave. Secret Service would allow no back packs or purses so we only had the water we could carry and that was no enough. So sad we missed out on the speakers but so glad we were able to chat with so many many people of so many different ages. 

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