Welcome to another Monday here at All That Is Good! Monday's are always fun here because it means it time to make some bloggin' friends!!!
You can go HERE for the rules and facts about this fun little bloggin' game. I have made some of my favorite friends from FMM. Thanks girls!
Today's task: Copy and paste these questions to your blog and give them your own answers.
You wouldn't be caught dead where?: In a mall! I know I am strange, but I can't stand just shopping. I am a goal oriented person, and shopping...well, just ask Allison...she loved the mall, and I would take her there on her birthday...and that is it. She had to go with friends, etc. if she wanted to do some serious shopping.
Do you have any hidden talents?: I am pretty good at stucco-ing. I can hang drywall, but don't ask me to mud...I am a mom of six, and I put too much on...you know, if a little is good, a lot is better...until you have to sand off the rest!!!
Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at: organizing things, decorative painting
Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at: card making (sorry Dorrie, I just can't keep up with you and Danyel...I have tried, but my trash can is full of efforts gone bad!), cooking beans in a pressure cooker (have only tried once...last Saturday...and, well, Dee had to wire wheel the remains out of my cooker, but I am not giving up!.
Have you ever won a trophy?: Yes, when I was eight or nine, I was the TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) Pre-teen Princess! I had to miss my school group going to the Ice Capades that night to go to the ceremony...still wish I had gone to the Ice Capades. I have fought my weight all of my life, so the Pre-teen Princess thing left little impression.
Name one thing not many people know about you: I don't have too many secrets...Maiden Name is really Suzzy Kew (Q), march in the Fiesta Bowl Parade every year in the Play It Again Band playing piccolo.
Name your earliest memory: My mom having to take me to a babysitter who made me take a nap on her bed with a lamp built into the headboard, and she fed me split pea soup for lunch...yuck!
What was your favorite musical group in jr. high?: I loved John Denver and Barry Manilow...I don't remember a group, though.
What was something the worst roommate you ever had did?: Never really did have a roommate, other than at a Youth Conference once at BYU, and Amy King was my best friend, so we had no troubles. Only roommate I have had is Dee...no probs with him. He is pretty much perfect! (I am the only thing keeping him from being translated!)
When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?: A doctor.
What was your worst dating experience?: I wanted to go to see "Debbie, Diary Of A Mormon Girl" and this nice guy at Institute had tickets and asked me. It wasn't his fault, but he neglected to let me know we were going to dinner. I had already eaten and couldn't eat a bite at dinner. I guess he was mad, and rightly so, so it kind of put a damper on the evening, but the play was great.
If you were about to die what would your last meal be?: Oh, boy...Dee's Szhechuan Chicken with bell peppers, Mom's stuffing, Dorrie's Cauliflower and Cheese, Debbie Blake's homemade rolls, Brenda Park's Cinnamon Rolls (or Suzie Lundbergs...I hear they are to die for, too!), Allison's Taco Soup, Cameo's and Danyel's Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas, and tons of Chocolate...with all that, I will just pop, not die!
Who is the most important person in you life?: My sweet hubby, and my Savior.
If your house was on fire what 3 things would you grab on your way out?: First, I would make sure my hubby and kids were out, then my photo albums and my Christmas stockings that I have made for everyone.
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
1 comment:
Your favorite group was Chicago. You played all the time and that's why I knew who they were!
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