So, I went to my closet, got ALL the shoes I own...
and that includes the nice white athletic shoes I only wear one day a year in the Fiesta Bowl Parade, and the white dress shoes that I wore for Allison's wedding-Earl (the bunion) hates them, but I keep for just in case...All the shoes I own EQUAL the shoes she keeps under her bed!!!
We discussed downsizing her collection...but, she NEEDS them, she assures me. I fear she will have to knock out a wall and add on to her very small closet (Allison will attest to the small closet size!)or maybe add a shoe wing. What will Dee say? While he is being downsized and outsourced, his daughter's shoe collection is doing the opposite. Hey, we were talking in the pool yesterday, wondering what he should do for the rest of his working life, when he is finally laid off soon...maybe shoe sales? He did used to like watching Al Bundy...
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