My kids know that Mothers' Day is just not my favorite day. It started as a day of missed expectations, too much work for me, just a mess. So, I decided a while ago to just ignore it. It was a day to just get past. I was in a bad mood about other things, and felt like this one, especially, needed to just erase itself from the calendar. I did go to church, and made it through the talks, though I didn't listen to the last might have been good, but when he referred to his wife who is a wonderful mother (really, she is) I plugged my ears, hummed, and read quite a bit of my Book of Mormon. Day was survived...and yet, my perfectly perfect children still didn't ignore, and did all to make it, and the days that followed, Mothers' Day. Kayty was the ahead thinker...she knew Mothers day was despised, so, of Saturday night, she gave me a wonderful card, Jelly Bellies, and a gift certificate for new church shoes that Earl will like (we found them today at WalMart...and he is very happy!) So sweet!! Nathan greeted me with a vase full of white roses. Then, after church, Doran and Danyel brought me my favorite gum, and three more roses to add...the salmon colored ones. And then, later, Ethan came by with more beautiful roses to add to my vase, plus sweet Cameo (who was sleeping after an exhausting night finishing a gift for her mom) sent distilled water, and they got me a gift certificate for my hair to be cut! So sweet!!! And then, on Monday, my sweet Morgan came by and made my computer that had been driving me batty all day - slow as molasses!- and made it faster...some RAM thing, but what a gift. So sweet!!!! and Then today, when I was having an awful day...just everything was the mail, I received a cherished book, made by Allison, Mike and my grandbabies. I read each page, expressing thanks, reminding me of things I had long forgotten. I know Allison thought she was late, but nothing could have come at a more perfect time than this did!!!!! So Sweet!!!!! I have never really been a bragger... though I have a lot to brag about. I have nine of the bestest, sweetest, most wonderful most awesome kids on the planet...and the three best grandbabies ever, ever...and no one can tell me different!!!!!

Blossoms from my Blossoms! All put together, they make quite a bouquet! (Though Nathan says that his white ones make him the best kid of all!!!)
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