Today is my 49th birthday, to be exact. Yuck. I am really getting old! Anyway, I have never been the kind of person who liked a very big deal made of anything of mine, especially my birthday. This year, even with our failing air conditioner, it was nearly perfect. I awoke early...drenched in sweat due to aforementioned failing a/c, woke my sweetheart and we hiked the mountain at Thunderbird Park. Another year and I am blessed to be able to make it up and down. I have taken to this traditional hike, usually alone, to just be grateful that I can hike again this year....that I have good health and I can make it. We then went yard a few more storage containers for the pantry...some sponge brushes...Dee and Morgan got a few things. We packed a lunch and headed off for Prescott, Az. Nathan stopped at a gun store and used the money he has worked so hard for. We then found the mountain biking trail Morgan and Nathan wanted to try. They biked...Dee and I hiked. We drove around Prescott, headed home, and have had a good swim, and are nearly ready for bed. I received wonderful texts from my kids, a card and really "cute" glasses from Kayty, a cherished entry on my sister's blog from her, and wonderful, wonderful birthday remembrances from my dear friends on facebook. It was a perfectly wonderful birthday!!! A fabulous 4th of July!!!
P.S. I came in from the pool to find the most wonderful message on my cell phone from my two grandbabies. "Happy New Year, Grammy!" says Adam. "Happy New Year!" says Grace. "Happy Birthday!" I am sure they had come home from seeing fireworks, Las Vegas style! And how appropriate it was...yes, it truly is a new year! And a happy one it will be!
Thank you to all...for moms and mothers in law (my mom always calls at 3:14P.M.),to Ethan and Cam (can't wait for lunch with you!), to Doran and Danyel, to Morgan, Kayty (who always makes anything a party...keeps Party City in business!), Nathan, and especially Dee, for all you do, and for no Jackie Chan movies this year! Hooray!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
1 comment:
I hope you had a fabulous birthday!
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