A day in your life...recap.
Aahhh! A day in my life. We begin with the alarm on my cell phone going off at 3:05 A.M. Oh, just give me 5 more minutes!!! So, I snooze one time. Then up, get my foam mat, turn on the rerun of the 10 o’clock news and watch and exercise: 200 sit ups, 300 crunches, 50 boy push ups, 55 girl push ups, my 10 pound weights…you get the picture. At 3:30 I watch the national morning news, and at 4:00 I watch Ming on Create TV…he’s making sushi…I don’t like it, but Dee loves it. Too bad I can’t stay…I go out for my 3 mile run at 4:15- I say my morning prayers when I run…gets some good meditation time in, plus it makes any nut who thinks about attacking me think twice, since I am talking to my Heavenly Father, and look quite the nut doing so!-…back at 5:00. I clean the bathroom counter, get dressed, get Nate up, make Dee’s and Nate’s breakfast (heated frozen French Toast with strawberry jam for Nate, a whole wheat zucchini muffin and juice for Dee), pack Dee’s lunch, then Family Prayer with Nathan and Dee’s carcass and we are off to Football practice. I am back in an hour, help Dee out to the car, check email and google reader, then off to pick up Nathan. I get a load of laundry in before I go, and dry it when I return. I complete 3 scrapbook pages for our family album, get a popsicle break, clean Nate’s room, fold and put laundry away…and get 15 minutes of rest before my salad and cauliflower lunch. Today, the cauliflower has a bit of a problem…my extra fridge died a couple of weeks ago, and this cauliflower seems to have lost some of the battle…can only salvage half of it. Lunch is great until I take a bad bite of cauli…throw the rest out, and get a popsicle to remove the taste from my mouth! Then, I play a couple (ha ha ha) games of Bejeweled, and then my work. I vacuum, move furniture, vacuum, make beds, vacuum, scrub both bathrooms and tub, scrub floors and mirrors, vacuum, snack break on a couple of popsicles and some cheese crackers.and put it all away in time to make dinner: French toast (to use up my chicken bounty and the bread from the food bank). I melt some homemade banana walnut jam to have with the toast, if someone wants it. Then, we eat…I have my yummy salad, sans cauliflower….still that yucky taste (I hope I forget it….I just looooovve cauliflower!!!)After I clean up dinner, it is off to take Nate to football practice number 2, visit with Morgan, back to get Nate, a stop at QT for Nate’s Gatorade and Dee and I to share a diet caffeine free Coke with a squirt of Cherry, off to Sportsmans Warehouse for waaaay too long to get Nate a backpack for school (he starts on Monday!). We finally go home…talk about women shopping too long – just get a man out of a Cabelas or Sportsman’s Warehouse in less than a half an hour!! go for a swim (not too refreshing when the water is 93 degrees!). We watch Ming make that sushi in a rerun of the show tonight, I get Dee’s clothes laid out for tomorrow. Then comes laundry load number 2, final kitchen clean and check on those new little triplets and Stellan on the blogs, and, I hope, to bed, after my prayers,before 11:00. Phew!!! The sad thing…it all will repeat, Tomorrow
Wow! What a day!
First of all I wasn't aware that alarms didn't have a mechanism preventing them from going off at that obscene hour. You ought to invest in one.
Second all, if I rolled out of bed and did the situps, crunches, and pushups I would immediately retire back to bed.
Props to you. AMAZING!
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
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