This week’s topics were more difficult to choose from. That mom guilt thing…well, there are not enough volumes to carry my thoughts on that. Allison wearing too small tap shoes “just one more time, honey”, Ethan being ignored when Nate was hurt in an ATC mishap and Ethan received a bad burn on the leg, and….well, I could go on…and on…and on!
So, my selection for this week is: “I'll be happy when…” Now, I am not foolish enough to even begin to think that one magical event will occur that will “make me happy”. And, to be honest, I really am not unhappy. I have a great hubby, fantastic kids, and the very best grandbabies, on earth and in heaven! My sweetheart has a job and works very hard for our family. We have a lovely, and safe home, and we live in a neighborhood that I can run and not be afraid. I have a car…with air conditioning (super happiness this time of year!) We are all, basically, healthy, and Kayty’s diabetes is in good control (we find out next week how good it is in…quarterly A1C). We have plenty to eat (thanks to coupons, lists, and food clubs, plus little helps here and there: you who help know who you are! And thank you, again, from the bottom of our heart!) We are surviving on much less money, and yet we still can tithe and pay all our bills on time. All the basics are met, and that makes me happy.
I love my home. The living room is just what I want…so is everything else, except for our bedroom and bathroom…and that doesn’t make me unhappy, just kind of unsettled. But, hey, it will come. I love the back yard, the pool, the garden, the fun things to do. I do miss our playground being filled with Adam and Grace, but when they do come it is just the best, so I have much to look forward to.
I love church and the things I learn each and every day. I love it that a temple will be built within a mile and a half of my home. I love the Lord, the scriptures, and all the opportunities I have to learn and grown. I love it that I know there is a living prophet on the earth today, and apostles that testify of Jesus Christ. I feast on their words every chance I get, and their teachings are there to help me be a better person.
So, it seems, happy is very much what I have. Now, don’t ask me to respond to this near Mothers’ Day…so much guilt there…but I am very happy. So, I will be happy when…well, that is now, so I need to just remember this when all is going nuts and I just can’t see straight. Maybe, I will be happy when I remember that I have so much to be happy about!
Thanks for your comment, I love your idea & will use that later when i'm trying to leave. Your post is very nice, we all need to stop and count our blessings mire often!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoyed your WW entry. I am truly blessed and need to start recognizing that and embracing it more often. Have a wonderful day and take care.
That's the trick isn't it? To remember we are happy even in the midst of chaos.
What a refreshing post. Thanks.
Hallie :)
I like your answer... these is so much to be happy about when you don't have to worry about your basic needs. All of us who don't have that worry should be so thankful and happy for that.
I really love your answers and you are so positive, its such a good way to be. Love your blog..
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