We Scratched Kayty's back, and she scratched ours...She needed to go to Southern Utah University, in Cedar City, for an audition. Papa and Grammy wanted to go to Las Vegas to see the Wilkins Family. So, we paid for gas, and she drove. Trip there: uneventful, aside from the dirty old men in the red Z4 trying to pick up on my daughter while her father was in the front seat!. Time there: absolute heaven! Trip home: a word to the wise...don't sit behind your 20 year old daughter while she drives and watch the GPS she has named "Tamantha"...tells you waaaaaay too much you would rather not know! (I don't think I have EVER driven 90+mph!) Anyway, here's some of the fun...
Adam was at school when we arrived, so we played with the younger ones. The ice cream man came, Papa stopped him, and got Grace a treat! She thought she was going to need to pay and got her Dora purse.
Josh loved the bicycles by the door...soooo interesting!
Adam and Grammy play catch with the basketball. We played basketball the next morning...just Adam and me!
Aunt Kayty gave us a game: Scatterball. It was lots of fun...but Joshy wanted the cool square ball with the bright colors and numbers on it, and got sad when we were throwing it at each other. We decided it might be a naptime game, and let Joshy play with the ball.
The NICEST way to wake up!
Joshy had a very bad ear infection and had to go to the doctor, so Papa and Grammy got to "babysit". Adam and I did his Saturday chores, and then we got to play "39 Clues" on the computer. (I think that's what it's called...)
Papa and Grace dig for dinosaur bones and eat pumpkin seeds. |
We played a Fancy Nancy Game.
We created with Playdough. We had a whole space scene, complete with Earth, a satellite, stars, moon, but a terrible solar storm happened, and all was made into one huge mass...except for the earth.
Papa heard the ice cream man again...and Adam got a treat too. |
Papa mixed up a chocolatey treat from cocoa and powdered sugar.
Josh and Mommy came home, he got some medicine, and felt good as new in no time. Grace decided to share his medicine syringe and shoot us with water...fun!
Playing Scatterball...too much fun!
Uh oh...Josh wanted the scatterball...but it was okay, we were kinda tired! |
Papa started fixing the bikes, and had lots of great help. Josh is very serious about helping out! |
Adam and Grace help Papa. |
We would feed the pigeons old bagels, and Adam would try to shoot 'em with water. |
All too soon, Kayty drove up, we loaded up, and were off for home...But oh, the fun we had!