Sometimes, the most mundane things seem so important, so life altering. And then, sometimes, you spend a day, being humbled. I was blessed to help an old friend today. Without a doubt, I am absolutely sure the Lord guided her in calling us last November to play a wedding reception. We were busy, but renewed a friendship that had been dormant for over 25 years. Here is a single mother, two teenagers, one especially fragile but strong, thanks to her mom, who has battled breast cancer. She is younger than I. She needed help driving the hour drive, since she had learned last week that bloodwork had indicated another problem. She came and I drove, sat with her as they intravenously injected radioactive dye, and did one procedure. I then waited while she went through the long process of being fitted with prostheses...and I used to complain about bra shopping! We then went for a PET scan, which should have taken two hours, with scan and then directed radiation treatment, but the nurse administered the incorrect radioactive chemical to my friend, a nurse -who, by the way, was RIF'd from her job two months ago - the nurse who happened to just be chatting about the chemical they were supposed to inject, when the nurse discovered she had made a mistake. I guess it was a blessing that only part of the incorrect radioactive compound had been put into her body. Her procedure ended then, no scan, no radiation, and I took a very ill mother, now with an excruciating headache from the radioactive mistake, home to that daughter. I spent the waiting time reading my scriptures, my Ensign, working on my homework, and embroidering...such mundane tasks. She spent her time fighting for moments, for days, to be a mother. Oh, how silly and foolish ANYTHING I think to complain about is, as I witnessed an angel mother, just wanting to live, to go to Disneyland at Christmas, to sit on a beach. She has endured this before, and I hope to be blessed to again help her, soon, to get done what didn't get done today. And I hope she will be blessed, that this will be the victory she so passionately has been fighting for.
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