Hi! This week has been great. The weekdays were difficult, but we kept at it. I had my last interview ever with President Furniss. :( I was so sad when I realized that. (LDS Mission Presidents and their wife are called to serve for three years. The Furniss’s mission will be complete June 30 and the new President and his wife will begin their three years on July 1st. Since a new mission is being created from part of the Daejeon Mission, we will not find out for three weeks which mission Elder Rice will end up in: the Daejeon Mission, or the new Seoul South Mission) I love him. He helped me so much and
was so amazing. His advice and guidance have been the best. He has been like Coach Hawthorne in a way that they both see something in me that I don’t and they both work hard to bring that out.
Week was hard, but then yea! the weekend came. On Saturday, we had a great day planting rice... barefoot… in pink flowered pants… in knee high mud …planting rice. Living the dream! Haha! Except, the whole time, they told me to watch out for “draculas”. I was like, “What’s that?” Well, it’s a leech!
haha. Don’t worry… I’m safe. I loved it. Then, our youth activity was pulling weeds. After that, we met with Choi Joo One, and he will be baptized in a couple weeks, the 16 of June. He is awesome.
Oh, this week, I bought reading glasses. I thought that could be the cause of my headaches. Well, the eye guy said I need bifocals because I can’t see
perfect far or near. He drew a picture and said this part of your eye sees far, this side sees near, and the space between them is bad. (At least, that’s what I interpreted his Korean as.) So, bifocals are expensive… so reading glasses it was.
Other than that, it’s been a usual week. Next week, we have big plans. Oh ya… it was cool… We were
on the street and I saw this guy in a convenience store. I said hi and kept walking, but I felt like I needed to talk to him, so I did. He is awesome; really interested in our church. He said he has a day off the 16th, so he can come to church then. It’s cool. He tests me a lot and wants to learn about our church. It’s so awesome. I can see that the Lord has prepared people everywhere, and if we follow the Spirit, we can find them. It’s amazing! haha. I love it.
Thank you for the chocolate! (Mom sent a medium flat rate box: four tubes of toothpaste, three small bottles of maple extract, a few Ensign Magazines, three recipes, and the rest to make 16 pounds was Ghiardelli Dark Chocolate Chips) And the cinnamon roll recipe: everyone loved it. and that chocolate… Thank you so much. You’re the best.
Have a wonderful week! Love you! Take care of Jessica.
Love Elder Rice
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
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