When our kids were at home, they were always a great help to us. We live on an acre and it takes LOTS of work, just to maintain. There was mowing, and weeding, and raking and trimming, plus the many projects to make the life outdoors nicer, like sandboxes and playgrounds and gazebos and pizza ovens and pools. Now, the boys are grown...and either in Texas...or South Korea...or working day and night...leaving the work of four strong boys...to two OLD people! What started as me getting some old branches out to the quarterly city pickup pile, led to Dee cutting down a dead tree - from the winter freeze - trimming away a mesquite bush...raking...and then we got to our woodpile. Dee had a chainsaw that worked...and he sawed and chopped and split...I raked and hauled and stacked...and this was the finished product!!! Hooray for the elderly...or those who feel very elderly after all that! And Hooray for Ibuprofen!!!

AND...while this was finishing up, he smoked two pork shoulder roasts for 13 hours. Yep, pulled pork ready for now...and for the 4th of July!
Doran and Amber got these WONDERFUL hot gloves for Dad for Fathers' Day. So. Awesome. He even pulled the pork with no trouble at all!!!
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