I study the scriptures every day...Not that I am any great person, but it is a simple, no cost, just a bit of time, way to remind me of Who is first and let Him know I put Him first. My days seem to be better...trials more manageable. I even seem to have more energy for Kaylee when I make sure my scripture reading is complete before she arrives. I set goals every year. This year, I have already read The Book of Mormon once, and I am on my second time through. I have read "Preach My Gospel" (this book is what the LDS Church uses to train their missionaries. It is a truly inspired writing, and is full of scripture references and teachings), Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage (another sacred book that missionaries read during their personal study time. It is available online for free via the Gutenberg Project. I highly recommend it. I learned so very much about the Savior!), and all the talks from April LDS General Conference, including cross referencing all the scriptures utilized in the talks). I love reading the scriptures. Each time I read, a new understanding comes to my mind. They have been comfort in troubling times. They bring me peace.
I am now reading, as I said, the Book of Mormon. I am underlining 'tender mercies'...the times the Lord shows His love, His grace, His blessings. I have found I seek to see more of the many tender mercies in my life as I search the Book of Mormon. I am currently in 2nd Nephi. Nephi has brass plates, which contain the scriptures, and he is going over some of the parts of Isaiah. Isaiah is not that easy to understand. I usually buzz through the chapters, but this time, I have been using an LDS Old Testament Student Manual for their Institute of Religion classes to seek some clarification. I am now in 2 Nephi 13:9, which is also Isaiah 3: 9. I was touched by this particular quote used to clarify the words of Isaiah. The quote is by David O. McKay, who was the 9th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
"...every person who lives in this world wields an influence, whether for good or for evil. It is not what he says alone; it is not alone what he does. It is what he is. Every...person radiates she he or she really is...It is what we are and what we radiate that affects the people around us... If we think noble thoughts; if we encourage and cherish noble aspirations, there will be that radiation when we meet people..." - David O. McKay
Such inspiring words for all of us. We all wield an influence. Let your influence be for good...there sure are plenty of not so good influences for others to see.
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