Dad attended a temple session on Wednesday evening.
We served in our calling as Stake Baptism Coordinators on Saturday. Three wonderful little girls were able to make their first covenants with their Heavenly Father. My cub scouts didn't work out this week. Bishop had told me that scouts was from 7 to 8 pm when it actually begins at 6 pm. Kaylee will probably need to go with me at that time, so I will just have to see how things go. As it is, this week, Cameo had to work late and Ethan was busy as well, so I didn't get off till 7:20 pm that day. I will share my schedule better when I know my schedule.
We had a lovely and uplifting testimony meeting on Sunday. It was filled with gratitude for service projects on Saturday, assisting two moves Saturday, a memorial service for Annie that happened Saturday, and announcing the baptism (one of our 8 year olds) of a little girl, and a baby boy being blessed. So many challenges and blessings in so many lives this week!
I completed reading the Ensign magazine this week. I so enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed the article explaining further Lehi's Vision of the Tree of Life. I am also in Alma 61 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 2266 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Allison has their home all decorated and ready for Valentine's Day.

Allison and Mike are experiencing the joys of home purchasing. The prequalifying is complete and now come the inspections and negotiations. Dad tried to help with real estate advice but every state has different laws. No fun.
Adam was able to do baptismal work at the Las Vegas temple this week. His first opportunity at such a wonderful experience.
The Ethan Rice Family
This was Cameo's busy work week of the month. Ethan picked up Kaylee on Monday and they headed out to the gym. Wednesday, Cam picked her up and she fell asleep on the way home. Ethan got a nasty cut/scrape on his shin this week doing consecutive jump ups on a 30 inch wood box. One foot missed one time and slid down and the wood did a number on his leg. Cameo survived the first week of the month, which always includes very long days and very few breaks during the day. Ethan drove for Uber and Lyft on Friday night. Saturday, they went to a work picnic for Cameo's job. Saturday evening they went with friends to a newly opened complex and Kaylee got to bowl

Sunday, they took Ethan to the airport for a two week training business trip in Atlanta and then Cameo and Kaylee attended a baby blessing for a friend and a Super Bowl party.
The Doran Rice Family
Amber's sister, Tamara, came in town to support her best friend whose sister had passed away Saturday. It's truly a small world because that sister was friends with Allison as a child and her family lives in our ward. Annie Belliston had struggled for years with problems, and health problems the last few years.Amber and Tamara visited the Bellistons on Tuesday and attended the memorial service and potluck on Saturday.They stopped by afterward and it was just so fun to see Kooper run to the playroom and get out the balls. He is beginning to feel more comfortable here. Kelsie always finds fun things to do when she is here too.
No word from Morgan this week. We have tried but not even his contacts have answered.
Kayty worked short hours Monday, so she went to Family Home Evening (which was finger painting with pudding - seriously, who comes up with these things for adults to do???) and then saw the bachelor. She was still up when I woke up Tuesday morning - she had to work 4 pm to close that day.We got her birthday cake on Tuesday night and she celebrated early, since work was not good.
Happy Birthday Kayty!She went out to Karaoke with friends after work and had a good time.

Work was slow this week, even with the golf tournament nearby.After church Sunday, she was invited to game night and she headed out after dinner...and a pic with her Harry...

Total saves this week:3 (the last one, I thought she was not well, but gave her some time, and dad checked her an hour later and got me up. So thankful!!)
The Nathan Rice Family
We talked to Nathan on Monday night. School is going well and keeping both he and Jessica very busy studying. Annalee is doing well and enjoying her new digs.On Tuesday, however, Annalee was absolutely inconsolable. Dad even talked to Nate and I heard that poor little angel crying her eyes out. I was ready to get on a plane that moment! Nathan gave her a priesthood blessing and they headed to the Emergency Room. On the way, she calmed down. The doctors checked her out and all was well. Poor little baby! They are doing well in school and we are so enjoying the sweet videos of Annalee in her walker and giggling that Jessica shares with us. We even got to Facetime on Saturday night and see her roll over. She smiled at me too! These two are busy with school but found time to get a pretty awesome coffee table at a yard sale and scored at D. I. as well! He and dad had a good Sunday visit as well. Annalee was chatting too...until she fell asleep. Nate had a huge stress headache, mainly from trying to get homework done by Saturday night. Hang in there, college students!
Dad started his week with...yes another day of meetings. Tuesday is was all day over and over, meeting after meeting, and during one meeting on Project Normandy, another meeting on Project Normandy began and they were calling and asking where he was.Thursday also included a supplier evaluation that took five hours this week, and will continue for another five or six hours next week. His days are much longer...up at 6 am, meetings starting at 6:30, no breaks and eating all meals at his work desk, and often still meeting till after 5 pm.
On Monday, Kaylee slept in and I got a bit of reading done at their house till she got up. She stayed in her jammies since it was a really cold and drizzle off and on day. We played with toys mostly. Did a few M week activities
Tuesday was cold but I had promised outdoor play if the sun was out.It was cold and a little breezy, but sunny. She was hilarious when she wiped her brow and breathed a huge sigh of relief when we turned down the drive to our house. I heard, "Phew! No rain!" I proceeded to laugh my head off. Where does she pick up these things?
We swang in the baby swing a lot! We also played in the sand a lot. When we got cold, we came in and did a Mickey Mouse coloring page.
This is the lucky little one who got a piece of Kayty's birthday cake!
She played more with playdough, including the strawberry jello playdough I made.
On Fun Free Friday, we did some Valentine's Day things...
She helped Papa in his garden by watering the chard, carrots, and peppers.
Dad's Garden
He covered his plants for the freeze Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and they all made it. He is working on a new bed for peppers...bell peppers.
And guess how much cabbage salad comes from this puppy...
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
No house work this week.
Other highlights
Last Sunday (January 31), after I published the last blog entry, a wind storm hit that brought thunder, rain, lightning, and crazy wind. Our brand new gutters failed their first rainstorm - two leaks - but other than that, all was nice. And during the week, the installers came and tried to remedy. Apparently it is the problem of our flat roof...
With that storm, we noticed a neighbor's tree had fallen down. Dad called Les Springston and they worked out time to cut it up on Saturday. Dad wanted to get just a start and so we both went down and he cut and I hauled out to the curb. Nancy came home and was grateful for the help. You know, our bishop has asked us to be good neighbors. It's hard to even see when your neighbors are in need out here on acre lots. This was a great opportunity to be able to help!!Tuesday, Dad got a new saw blade and went down to cut some more. Kaylee and I went to do what we could (which wasn't much) and our across the road neighbor Zach drove by and then came down and helped. They finished all the sawing up and hauling off!
We had a fire in the fireplace Tuesday night. It was nice and warm...and it was good we did because we discovered the fireplace flue had been open for probably years...which allowed our precious air conditioning to go right up the chimney in the warmer months.
I headed to Smart and Final on Wednesday night to get more salad and they had their boneless skinless chicken breasts clearanced for 99 cents a pound! I got ten pounds and spent early Friday morning packaging them for future meals.
Not so highlights
Everyone is alive, so no low lights this week.
Dad attended a temple session on Wednesday evening.
We served in our calling as Stake Baptism Coordinators on Saturday. Three wonderful little girls were able to make their first covenants with their Heavenly Father. My cub scouts didn't work out this week. Bishop had told me that scouts was from 7 to 8 pm when it actually begins at 6 pm. Kaylee will probably need to go with me at that time, so I will just have to see how things go. As it is, this week, Cameo had to work late and Ethan was busy as well, so I didn't get off till 7:20 pm that day. I will share my schedule better when I know my schedule.
We had a lovely and uplifting testimony meeting on Sunday. It was filled with gratitude for service projects on Saturday, assisting two moves Saturday, a memorial service for Annie that happened Saturday, and announcing the baptism (one of our 8 year olds) of a little girl, and a baby boy being blessed. So many challenges and blessings in so many lives this week!
I completed reading the Ensign magazine this week. I so enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed the article explaining further Lehi's Vision of the Tree of Life. I am also in Alma 61 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 2266 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Allison has their home all decorated and ready for Valentine's Day.

Allison and Mike are experiencing the joys of home purchasing. The prequalifying is complete and now come the inspections and negotiations. Dad tried to help with real estate advice but every state has different laws. No fun.
Adam was able to do baptismal work at the Las Vegas temple this week. His first opportunity at such a wonderful experience.
The Ethan Rice Family
This was Cameo's busy work week of the month. Ethan picked up Kaylee on Monday and they headed out to the gym. Wednesday, Cam picked her up and she fell asleep on the way home. Ethan got a nasty cut/scrape on his shin this week doing consecutive jump ups on a 30 inch wood box. One foot missed one time and slid down and the wood did a number on his leg. Cameo survived the first week of the month, which always includes very long days and very few breaks during the day. Ethan drove for Uber and Lyft on Friday night. Saturday, they went to a work picnic for Cameo's job. Saturday evening they went with friends to a newly opened complex and Kaylee got to bowl

Sunday, they took Ethan to the airport for a two week training business trip in Atlanta and then Cameo and Kaylee attended a baby blessing for a friend and a Super Bowl party.
The Doran Rice Family
Amber's sister, Tamara, came in town to support her best friend whose sister had passed away Saturday. It's truly a small world because that sister was friends with Allison as a child and her family lives in our ward. Annie Belliston had struggled for years with problems, and health problems the last few years.Amber and Tamara visited the Bellistons on Tuesday and attended the memorial service and potluck on Saturday.They stopped by afterward and it was just so fun to see Kooper run to the playroom and get out the balls. He is beginning to feel more comfortable here. Kelsie always finds fun things to do when she is here too.
No word from Morgan this week. We have tried but not even his contacts have answered.
Kayty worked short hours Monday, so she went to Family Home Evening (which was finger painting with pudding - seriously, who comes up with these things for adults to do???) and then saw the bachelor. She was still up when I woke up Tuesday morning - she had to work 4 pm to close that day.We got her birthday cake on Tuesday night and she celebrated early, since work was not good.
Happy Birthday Kayty!She went out to Karaoke with friends after work and had a good time.

Work was slow this week, even with the golf tournament nearby.After church Sunday, she was invited to game night and she headed out after dinner...and a pic with her Harry...

Total saves this week:3 (the last one, I thought she was not well, but gave her some time, and dad checked her an hour later and got me up. So thankful!!)
The Nathan Rice Family
We talked to Nathan on Monday night. School is going well and keeping both he and Jessica very busy studying. Annalee is doing well and enjoying her new digs.On Tuesday, however, Annalee was absolutely inconsolable. Dad even talked to Nate and I heard that poor little angel crying her eyes out. I was ready to get on a plane that moment! Nathan gave her a priesthood blessing and they headed to the Emergency Room. On the way, she calmed down. The doctors checked her out and all was well. Poor little baby! They are doing well in school and we are so enjoying the sweet videos of Annalee in her walker and giggling that Jessica shares with us. We even got to Facetime on Saturday night and see her roll over. She smiled at me too! These two are busy with school but found time to get a pretty awesome coffee table at a yard sale and scored at D. I. as well! He and dad had a good Sunday visit as well. Annalee was chatting too...until she fell asleep. Nate had a huge stress headache, mainly from trying to get homework done by Saturday night. Hang in there, college students!
Dad started his week with...yes another day of meetings. Tuesday is was all day over and over, meeting after meeting, and during one meeting on Project Normandy, another meeting on Project Normandy began and they were calling and asking where he was.Thursday also included a supplier evaluation that took five hours this week, and will continue for another five or six hours next week. His days are much longer...up at 6 am, meetings starting at 6:30, no breaks and eating all meals at his work desk, and often still meeting till after 5 pm.
On Monday, Kaylee slept in and I got a bit of reading done at their house till she got up. She stayed in her jammies since it was a really cold and drizzle off and on day. We played with toys mostly. Did a few M week activities
Tuesday was cold but I had promised outdoor play if the sun was out.It was cold and a little breezy, but sunny. She was hilarious when she wiped her brow and breathed a huge sigh of relief when we turned down the drive to our house. I heard, "Phew! No rain!" I proceeded to laugh my head off. Where does she pick up these things?
We swang in the baby swing a lot! We also played in the sand a lot. When we got cold, we came in and did a Mickey Mouse coloring page.
This is the lucky little one who got a piece of Kayty's birthday cake!
She played more with playdough, including the strawberry jello playdough I made.
On Fun Free Friday, we did some Valentine's Day things...
She helped Papa in his garden by watering the chard, carrots, and peppers.
Dad's Garden
He covered his plants for the freeze Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and they all made it. He is working on a new bed for peppers...bell peppers.
And guess how much cabbage salad comes from this puppy...
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
No house work this week.
Other highlights
Last Sunday (January 31), after I published the last blog entry, a wind storm hit that brought thunder, rain, lightning, and crazy wind. Our brand new gutters failed their first rainstorm - two leaks - but other than that, all was nice. And during the week, the installers came and tried to remedy. Apparently it is the problem of our flat roof...
With that storm, we noticed a neighbor's tree had fallen down. Dad called Les Springston and they worked out time to cut it up on Saturday. Dad wanted to get just a start and so we both went down and he cut and I hauled out to the curb. Nancy came home and was grateful for the help. You know, our bishop has asked us to be good neighbors. It's hard to even see when your neighbors are in need out here on acre lots. This was a great opportunity to be able to help!!Tuesday, Dad got a new saw blade and went down to cut some more. Kaylee and I went to do what we could (which wasn't much) and our across the road neighbor Zach drove by and then came down and helped. They finished all the sawing up and hauling off!
We had a fire in the fireplace Tuesday night. It was nice and warm...and it was good we did because we discovered the fireplace flue had been open for probably years...which allowed our precious air conditioning to go right up the chimney in the warmer months.
I headed to Smart and Final on Wednesday night to get more salad and they had their boneless skinless chicken breasts clearanced for 99 cents a pound! I got ten pounds and spent early Friday morning packaging them for future meals.
Not so highlights
Everyone is alive, so no low lights this week.
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