I missed my Wednesday morning temple session. I was totally exhausted and tried to get up at 4 am and get ready but I was beat! Dee and I attended the Wednesday evening session together.
My visiting teacher came on Monday and we had a great visit! I completed my visiting teaching on Wednesday and had great visits with Linda and Yvonne. My companion was ill and couldn't come.Our home teachers came Thursday evening, and then one, our bishop, came back again to assist dad in giving Cameo a priesthood blessing.
I am reading both the Book of Mormon and the Ensign magazine and am in Third Nephi 10.
I indexed some naturalization records from Ohio this week. So far, I have indexed 2771 records this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins are busy with play/musical practices and having cough contests in the vehicle while mom is driving. Sam proclaimed the new pup Aunt Amber is fostering as "mine!".
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Kaylee were here when I arrived after pack meeting on Tuesday. We had a fun visit and Kaylee and I played in the playroom.Then influenza hit their home with a vengeance. Cameo was so sick. When they came by on Thursday night, Kaylee was feeling warm and ended up vomiting on Grammy (Really, it didn't bother me. I have had that happen SO much in my life!). Ethan also went to the dentist on Wednesday and needs a root canal and crown. No Fun!They all were down with this virus, with fevers, aches and pains all weekend. Cam went to two doctors who were out of influenza culture kits but this all surely must have been the flu that is rampant in Arizona. We took them some dinner on Sunday evening. Poor Cameo had to work that day, and Ethan and Kaylee were home trying to recover.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran was blessed to pick up some synthetic grass at a HUGE discount that someone decided they didn't want.

I see a monkey in the lower center of the pic, so I know Kooper was helping too!
Amber was an awesome Mommy and went on a field trip with Kelsie.

No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty finally went to her endocrinologist on Monday. Instead of the continuous glucose meter I thought she would have, she has more blood work to do and a re-order and re-entry into the meter program, or something like that. Doctor did notice the low glucoses on the meter that I use when I find her low and got on her case. Tuesday, she had a day off work and headed to the lawyer with all the bills from her arm break to turn in.She ended up stopping at a furniture store liquidation and purchased a new bed, which meant the rest of OUR day was spent going through stuff, taking things down and hauling them out. Dad ended up picking up her new bed. She and I worked on the beginnings of putting it together, and Ethan and Dad finished it. She spent the rest of that night and week rearranging.

Kayty completed some paper work for her lawyer on Sunday so hopefully her law suit can conclude.
Total saves this week:2
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica are busy as ever with school! Jessica is taking some tough classes since she is nearing the end of her program, and they are made more difficult being online classes. Nate is still working hard at calculus and seems to be understanding a bit more as he goes. He loves his physics and machining classes. I facetimed with Annalee on Sunday and I did see those two new teeth. She is beginning to get some more blonde hair on top and is very, very interested at discovering who this strange lady is in the phone!
Dad has his annual group meetings in Tempe this week. I remember four years ago that he couldn't spend time with all of us after Nate got on the plane to go to the MTC because he had to be at those doggone meetings. He drove to Tempe four times this week.Twelve to fifteen hour days are not unusual now and Dad is usually totally exhausted at the end of the day.
Dad's Garden
He ate lettuce, snow peas, beet, carrots, chard this week.
And the missionaries wanted service to do, so they cut and stemmed while Dad got them placed on the dehydrator racks.
I missed my Wednesday morning temple session. I was totally exhausted and tried to get up at 4 am and get ready but I was beat! Dee and I attended the Wednesday evening session together.
My visiting teacher came on Monday and we had a great visit! I completed my visiting teaching on Wednesday and had great visits with Linda and Yvonne. My companion was ill and couldn't come.Our home teachers came Thursday evening, and then one, our bishop, came back again to assist dad in giving Cameo a priesthood blessing.
I am reading both the Book of Mormon and the Ensign magazine and am in Third Nephi 10.
I indexed some naturalization records from Ohio this week. So far, I have indexed 2771 records this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins are busy with play/musical practices and having cough contests in the vehicle while mom is driving. Sam proclaimed the new pup Aunt Amber is fostering as "mine!".
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Kaylee were here when I arrived after pack meeting on Tuesday. We had a fun visit and Kaylee and I played in the playroom.Then influenza hit their home with a vengeance. Cameo was so sick. When they came by on Thursday night, Kaylee was feeling warm and ended up vomiting on Grammy (Really, it didn't bother me. I have had that happen SO much in my life!). Ethan also went to the dentist on Wednesday and needs a root canal and crown. No Fun!They all were down with this virus, with fevers, aches and pains all weekend. Cam went to two doctors who were out of influenza culture kits but this all surely must have been the flu that is rampant in Arizona. We took them some dinner on Sunday evening. Poor Cameo had to work that day, and Ethan and Kaylee were home trying to recover.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran was blessed to pick up some synthetic grass at a HUGE discount that someone decided they didn't want.

I see a monkey in the lower center of the pic, so I know Kooper was helping too!
Amber was an awesome Mommy and went on a field trip with Kelsie.

No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty finally went to her endocrinologist on Monday. Instead of the continuous glucose meter I thought she would have, she has more blood work to do and a re-order and re-entry into the meter program, or something like that. Doctor did notice the low glucoses on the meter that I use when I find her low and got on her case. Tuesday, she had a day off work and headed to the lawyer with all the bills from her arm break to turn in.She ended up stopping at a furniture store liquidation and purchased a new bed, which meant the rest of OUR day was spent going through stuff, taking things down and hauling them out. Dad ended up picking up her new bed. She and I worked on the beginnings of putting it together, and Ethan and Dad finished it. She spent the rest of that night and week rearranging.

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She painted this and added the stickers. |

Kayty completed some paper work for her lawyer on Sunday so hopefully her law suit can conclude.
Total saves this week:2
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica are busy as ever with school! Jessica is taking some tough classes since she is nearing the end of her program, and they are made more difficult being online classes. Nate is still working hard at calculus and seems to be understanding a bit more as he goes. He loves his physics and machining classes. I facetimed with Annalee on Sunday and I did see those two new teeth. She is beginning to get some more blonde hair on top and is very, very interested at discovering who this strange lady is in the phone!
Dad has his annual group meetings in Tempe this week. I remember four years ago that he couldn't spend time with all of us after Nate got on the plane to go to the MTC because he had to be at those doggone meetings. He drove to Tempe four times this week.Twelve to fifteen hour days are not unusual now and Dad is usually totally exhausted at the end of the day.
Dad's Garden
He ate lettuce, snow peas, beet, carrots, chard this week.
And the missionaries wanted service to do, so they cut and stemmed while Dad got them placed on the dehydrator racks.
Dad's Truck
No work on the truck this week.
Year of the House
I finished painting the living room on Monday night.
I also put tile in the cubby hole shelves (a light slate looking peel and stick) so the books can be put on and removed without destroying the shelf, and got all but one done (this was the final one to paint). Finished it on Wednesday. This is the final product:
Minus my shelf decor which won't go up for a couple of weeks. I want to let the paint fully cure.
I am so pleased with the boring, beautiful beige!
I finished painting the front porch ceiling, though we need some brown paint to repaint the trim pieces. There were so many cracks and crevices that I made sure paint was on and in everything!
I also started painting our bedroom ceiling. I wanted nothing to do with that Kilz primer, so I tried the Home Depot paint with primer. Worked amazingly!I got it over halfway painted. I did not realize that it is difficult to balance on a bed and paint. I didn't fall or anything, but I ended up straining my back strictly from the balancing.
Other highlights
A friend in another ward by ours gave us their rooster. It started as a chick and didn't turn out to be a hen, and their HOA is complaining about the noise. His name is Kip. We shall see how he works out.
My first Blue and Gold Banquet of this time serving as a den leader was exhausting. I arrived early, as we were asked, and began setting up chairs. I ended up hauling over 60 chairs around tables. I am an old lady! Then I put tablecloths on tables, when the four male leaders of Bears and Webelos came and helped. It seems two older sisters are in charge of the Wolves, and men are in charge of the other dens. This looks not so good for day camp. I really can't spend hours in the heat of June, whether day or evening. Anyway, I started dishwater for forks while awards were being given out, and then dried dishes and pitchers, and helped clean up. I was there nearly three hours and came home exhausted! I did receive my "Trained" patch, too.
Not so highlights
Dad had a dental appointment this week. Two cavities! This man flosses and brushes ALL the time. No figuring teeth. I had not written down my next cleaning appt and apparently missed it in December. They called our old home phone number and didn't even send a note making sure we were alive. Go figure!
My phone ended up going through the washing machine. I can receive calls but cannot send texts, make calls, or even see pictures. We will have to remedy this situation soon but it's just too much to think about now. Nano went out and got her own smart phone, so I can use her old one when I run in case a creeper tries to grab me, but I won't use it on a regular basis because it's just like Dad's flip phone and that doggone thing makes me crazy!
No work on the truck this week.
Year of the House
I finished painting the living room on Monday night.
I also put tile in the cubby hole shelves (a light slate looking peel and stick) so the books can be put on and removed without destroying the shelf, and got all but one done (this was the final one to paint). Finished it on Wednesday. This is the final product:
Minus my shelf decor which won't go up for a couple of weeks. I want to let the paint fully cure.
I am so pleased with the boring, beautiful beige!
I finished painting the front porch ceiling, though we need some brown paint to repaint the trim pieces. There were so many cracks and crevices that I made sure paint was on and in everything!
I also started painting our bedroom ceiling. I wanted nothing to do with that Kilz primer, so I tried the Home Depot paint with primer. Worked amazingly!I got it over halfway painted. I did not realize that it is difficult to balance on a bed and paint. I didn't fall or anything, but I ended up straining my back strictly from the balancing.
Other highlights
A friend in another ward by ours gave us their rooster. It started as a chick and didn't turn out to be a hen, and their HOA is complaining about the noise. His name is Kip. We shall see how he works out.
My first Blue and Gold Banquet of this time serving as a den leader was exhausting. I arrived early, as we were asked, and began setting up chairs. I ended up hauling over 60 chairs around tables. I am an old lady! Then I put tablecloths on tables, when the four male leaders of Bears and Webelos came and helped. It seems two older sisters are in charge of the Wolves, and men are in charge of the other dens. This looks not so good for day camp. I really can't spend hours in the heat of June, whether day or evening. Anyway, I started dishwater for forks while awards were being given out, and then dried dishes and pitchers, and helped clean up. I was there nearly three hours and came home exhausted! I did receive my "Trained" patch, too.
Not so highlights
Dad had a dental appointment this week. Two cavities! This man flosses and brushes ALL the time. No figuring teeth. I had not written down my next cleaning appt and apparently missed it in December. They called our old home phone number and didn't even send a note making sure we were alive. Go figure!
My phone ended up going through the washing machine. I can receive calls but cannot send texts, make calls, or even see pictures. We will have to remedy this situation soon but it's just too much to think about now. Nano went out and got her own smart phone, so I can use her old one when I run in case a creeper tries to grab me, but I won't use it on a regular basis because it's just like Dad's flip phone and that doggone thing makes me crazy!
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