Dad had President's Day off. (First time ever!) The Phoenix Temple was open on a Monday morning for the only time in the year...on President's Day. So he was able to attend the first session of the day there. I attended the first session of the day on Wednesday, and Dad attended the final session of that day.
Week was filled with talk preparation.I did get to Helaman 16 in my Book of Mormon reading and I also began reading the March Ensign magazine.
I indexed but neglected to write down my total names for the week.
The Wilkins Family
We received our first LDS Living Magazine, a gift from the Wilkins Family and we are enjoying it. Thank you so much. Adam did a superb job at a school project this week...

To quote Allison:
"Adam's advisory had to try to recreate famous paintings/photographs using makeup and props. His expression had us all in tears."
The Ethan Rice Family
Dad spoke with Ethan on Sunday after the blog was posted. He had gotten to drive with his coworkers to the ocean, so he was able to see the Atlantic Ocean. Warmer than the Pacific. He was having a good training and will need to attend another one in a few weeks somewhere in the upper midwest. Cameo took a day off work on Wednesday and she and Kaylee went to the Phoenix Children's Museum. They had a lot of fun, and ended up taking a surprise trip to the airport that night to pick up Ethan. Yes, he got to take an earlier flight home. They spent Thursday as a family, got ready to head to Cam's Aunt Bobbi and Uncle Bud's Ranch, and left Thursday night with the other guys for a great weekend of family and hunting (for the guys, anyway)
The Doran Rice Family
Doran took vacation days Thursday and Friday for preparing and going on the Javelina Hunt. Amber had a dog adoption event and had fun with both Kelsie and Kooper while Doran was away.
Morgan and Christy visited on Monday night to pick up an extra door lock we had.Morgan thought he had to work on Friday, but his boss gave him the day off at the last minute, so Christy drove him out here and he drove up with Doran and Dad on the javelina hunt.We met one of Christy's daughters, Kaylee, at Grandma's Valentine Dinner.
Kayty's favorite day of the year is the day after Valentine's Day. Yummy Chocolate Hearts at half price!! She enjoyed Family Home Evening and Bachelor. Tuesday through Friday, she worked. She missed her Friday endocrinologist appointment, so it was rescheduled for next week.
Total Saves This Week:2
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica are busy students. It's midterm time and Nate did well on his physics exam and was taking his calculus exam on Friday. Jessica had some mandatory volunteer work on Friday (not criminal or anything, but for a class of hers. ) Annalee turned five months old this week, and now has two teeth, though it's not possible to get a photo of them, since her tongue is stuck out every time her mouth is opened. They both spend a lot of time doing homework and studying. Annalee has been up late at at night with tooth troubles and has meant for two tired parents.
Dad had Monday off (holiday) and Friday off (javelina hunting) so he had a three day week. He pruned trees: ours and the neighbor's branches that were over our yard (which angered the HOA president next door and involved very kind police who calmed him. Dad picked up the branches in their subdivision and assured him that his landscapers would make sure the limbs don't come over our fence and dump leaves), prepared for his hunting trip, cleaned and hauled, and even jumped into the pool to cool off after hours of work. The rest of the week included days that are now 150% of what they used to be, with a lovely letter stating there would be no raises this year.
I was blessed with a two day week. Cameo took vacation days Wednesday and Friday. Such a treat since I have SO much painting to do here! We started with week outdoors. Warm temperatures make outside so nice! We got out of my car, dropped her stuff off on the sofa, and headed straight out! Swing, slide, sand were our home for quite awhile. We played indoors, did a couple "C" activities,
and then went to visit a lady that dad gets manures from.It was like a farm! She saw horses and goats and chickens and turkeys. We didn't see the wild rabbits that were so friendly to us on an earlier visit, but everything else was amazing!
We just enjoyed playing on what ended up being our last day for the week.
I had a list of things to accomplish for Wednesday and Friday, and ended up getting way more done than I had planned.
Dad's Garden
Doing well! Everything is growing!
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
Living room is entirely painted!
( Well, minus one cubby hole shelf and behind dad's rock cabinet. I need help moving a turntable and the rock cabinet) Wow! What a job! Those cubby holes in the shelves took nearly a gallon of paint to get every single surface painted. I made two extra trips to Home Depot this week, just to get paint.
Other highlights
This was my first wolf cub scout meeting this week. Seven great and very active boys. Sister Angie Day kept them busy every minute. We have Blue and Gold Banquet next week and in March, I am responsible for all the cub den meetings. Lots of prep coming up!
Dad took his first swim this week. It was cold and he wasn't in the pool for very long, but he got in after he had trimmed trees and hauled the branches.
The guys went Javelina Hunting. Cam sent me this on Friday...
Here are some more
Last Saturday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died suddenly. He was a strong voice for the Constitution and interpreted it as the men who wrote it intended. His passing may mark a significant change for the worse in our legal system and our country as a whole. I read this quote from him yesterday and found it very worth sharing:
"God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools…and He has not been disappointed. Devout Christians are destined to be regarded as fools in modern society. We are fools for Christ’s sake. We must pray for courage to endure the scorn of the sophisticated world. If I have brought any message today, it is this: Have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world."
Justice Antonin Scalia
Grandma's Valentine Dinner was on Sunday the 21st. Yummy meat loaf, potatoes and cheese, cauliflower and cheese, heart beets, salad, cooked carrots, root beer, and Cameo's cake, divinity, hershey kisses and heart shaped cookies for dessert.
Not so highlights
After Kaylee left, we got a call from a member of the bishopric asking us to talk in church...in six days! A week of childcare, work, painting, hunting, cub scouts, etc. made for little talk prep time. We did survive and there is NO nicer feeling than when a talk you have given is DONE!
After I had painted all I could in the living room, I decided to be a sweetheart and prime and paint the front porch ceiling. Oh, my heck. That primer stunk to high heaven!!! It was lucky I was outdoors or I certainly would have suffered some brain damage! And that stuff was awful to work with. I had a huge dropcloth down, covered all I could with plastic and that stuff still was everywhere, including all over me. I told Dad that he was in charge of the rest of the priming in the house!!
Dad had President's Day off. (First time ever!) The Phoenix Temple was open on a Monday morning for the only time in the year...on President's Day. So he was able to attend the first session of the day there. I attended the first session of the day on Wednesday, and Dad attended the final session of that day.
Week was filled with talk preparation.I did get to Helaman 16 in my Book of Mormon reading and I also began reading the March Ensign magazine.
I indexed but neglected to write down my total names for the week.
The Wilkins Family
We received our first LDS Living Magazine, a gift from the Wilkins Family and we are enjoying it. Thank you so much. Adam did a superb job at a school project this week...

To quote Allison:
"Adam's advisory had to try to recreate famous paintings/photographs using makeup and props. His expression had us all in tears."
The Ethan Rice Family
Dad spoke with Ethan on Sunday after the blog was posted. He had gotten to drive with his coworkers to the ocean, so he was able to see the Atlantic Ocean. Warmer than the Pacific. He was having a good training and will need to attend another one in a few weeks somewhere in the upper midwest. Cameo took a day off work on Wednesday and she and Kaylee went to the Phoenix Children's Museum. They had a lot of fun, and ended up taking a surprise trip to the airport that night to pick up Ethan. Yes, he got to take an earlier flight home. They spent Thursday as a family, got ready to head to Cam's Aunt Bobbi and Uncle Bud's Ranch, and left Thursday night with the other guys for a great weekend of family and hunting (for the guys, anyway)
The Doran Rice Family
Doran took vacation days Thursday and Friday for preparing and going on the Javelina Hunt. Amber had a dog adoption event and had fun with both Kelsie and Kooper while Doran was away.
Morgan and Christy visited on Monday night to pick up an extra door lock we had.Morgan thought he had to work on Friday, but his boss gave him the day off at the last minute, so Christy drove him out here and he drove up with Doran and Dad on the javelina hunt.We met one of Christy's daughters, Kaylee, at Grandma's Valentine Dinner.
Kayty's favorite day of the year is the day after Valentine's Day. Yummy Chocolate Hearts at half price!! She enjoyed Family Home Evening and Bachelor. Tuesday through Friday, she worked. She missed her Friday endocrinologist appointment, so it was rescheduled for next week.
Total Saves This Week:2
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica are busy students. It's midterm time and Nate did well on his physics exam and was taking his calculus exam on Friday. Jessica had some mandatory volunteer work on Friday (not criminal or anything, but for a class of hers. ) Annalee turned five months old this week, and now has two teeth, though it's not possible to get a photo of them, since her tongue is stuck out every time her mouth is opened. They both spend a lot of time doing homework and studying. Annalee has been up late at at night with tooth troubles and has meant for two tired parents.
Dad had Monday off (holiday) and Friday off (javelina hunting) so he had a three day week. He pruned trees: ours and the neighbor's branches that were over our yard (which angered the HOA president next door and involved very kind police who calmed him. Dad picked up the branches in their subdivision and assured him that his landscapers would make sure the limbs don't come over our fence and dump leaves), prepared for his hunting trip, cleaned and hauled, and even jumped into the pool to cool off after hours of work. The rest of the week included days that are now 150% of what they used to be, with a lovely letter stating there would be no raises this year.
I was blessed with a two day week. Cameo took vacation days Wednesday and Friday. Such a treat since I have SO much painting to do here! We started with week outdoors. Warm temperatures make outside so nice! We got out of my car, dropped her stuff off on the sofa, and headed straight out! Swing, slide, sand were our home for quite awhile. We played indoors, did a couple "C" activities,
and then went to visit a lady that dad gets manures from.It was like a farm! She saw horses and goats and chickens and turkeys. We didn't see the wild rabbits that were so friendly to us on an earlier visit, but everything else was amazing!
We just enjoyed playing on what ended up being our last day for the week.
I had a list of things to accomplish for Wednesday and Friday, and ended up getting way more done than I had planned.
Dad's Garden
Doing well! Everything is growing!
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
Living room is entirely painted!
( Well, minus one cubby hole shelf and behind dad's rock cabinet. I need help moving a turntable and the rock cabinet) Wow! What a job! Those cubby holes in the shelves took nearly a gallon of paint to get every single surface painted. I made two extra trips to Home Depot this week, just to get paint.
Other highlights
This was my first wolf cub scout meeting this week. Seven great and very active boys. Sister Angie Day kept them busy every minute. We have Blue and Gold Banquet next week and in March, I am responsible for all the cub den meetings. Lots of prep coming up!
Dad took his first swim this week. It was cold and he wasn't in the pool for very long, but he got in after he had trimmed trees and hauled the branches.
The guys went Javelina Hunting. Cam sent me this on Friday...
Here are some more
Last Saturday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died suddenly. He was a strong voice for the Constitution and interpreted it as the men who wrote it intended. His passing may mark a significant change for the worse in our legal system and our country as a whole. I read this quote from him yesterday and found it very worth sharing:
"God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools…and He has not been disappointed. Devout Christians are destined to be regarded as fools in modern society. We are fools for Christ’s sake. We must pray for courage to endure the scorn of the sophisticated world. If I have brought any message today, it is this: Have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world."
Justice Antonin Scalia
Grandma's Valentine Dinner was on Sunday the 21st. Yummy meat loaf, potatoes and cheese, cauliflower and cheese, heart beets, salad, cooked carrots, root beer, and Cameo's cake, divinity, hershey kisses and heart shaped cookies for dessert.
Not so highlights
After Kaylee left, we got a call from a member of the bishopric asking us to talk in church...in six days! A week of childcare, work, painting, hunting, cub scouts, etc. made for little talk prep time. We did survive and there is NO nicer feeling than when a talk you have given is DONE!
After I had painted all I could in the living room, I decided to be a sweetheart and prime and paint the front porch ceiling. Oh, my heck. That primer stunk to high heaven!!! It was lucky I was outdoors or I certainly would have suffered some brain damage! And that stuff was awful to work with. I had a huge dropcloth down, covered all I could with plastic and that stuff still was everywhere, including all over me. I told Dad that he was in charge of the rest of the priming in the house!!
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