The temple is still closed this week.
I have indexed 10539 records/names so far this year.
In my scripture reading, I am in Alma 13.
The Wilkins Family
This is Adam's completed final Social Studies project.

He had one of their dear ward friends cut the tire in half and he created a teeter totter for the younger kids at school to enjoy. It looks awesome! Papa says that Adam is now the newest Wilkins Family Toy Maker!
Josh graduated from Kindergarten this week! Hurray for Josh...now a big first grader!!

Grace is now a fifth grader!
And Adam is now an eighth grader
The kids last day

was Field Day

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan was fighting strep throat all week, and was so exhausted he fell asleep on the way work and got in a car accident (no one hurt and just damage to cars). Work has been very busy preparing for out of town visitors next week. He ended up working six days this week, and will be back at it on Monday. Cameo spent her week training a new employee and doing her own end of the month duties. They did get some time to spend at Wet and Wild on Sunday and enjoyed their evening fireworks show afterward.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran shared pics of Kooper truly enjoying his ice cream...

And Amber shared this pic: Kelsie's Last Day of School!

Morgan and Christy stopped by Wednesday evening to pick up some tools. Morgan is doing a lot of handyman work, and Christy began caring for Kelsie during the day.Morgan and Doran did some canal fishing on Friday night and rescued a dog.
Kayty burned up more vacation days this week. Tuesday through Thursday was spent in California. She had a great time in her hotel room, at Universal Studios, and at the beach.

She came home with a ton of treats and many wonderful experiences! She is still off work until Tuesday, so she is catching up on Netflix and keeping her kitty happy.
Total saves this week: 1
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan called during the week. Still looking for an inexpensive jeep without over 300,000 miles on it. Doing well in school. Great score on Wednesday's test. He worked hours on Saturday to complete a math problem that really was difficult. He took Jessica to the doctor, since she had been sick for awhile. It was a sinus infection and she is on antibiotics now. He returned to find his barbeque grill confiscated. He and the other neighbors that had this occur were very upset, since there are no rules against this. Of course, the landlord confiscator can work any time he wants to, but the office is closed to retrieve until Tuesday. Nate was so upset, plus he had more homework to complete Saturday night. He is doing a lot of work in his ward clerk calling and fixing up things that were out of place after the audit. We were so sad to hear that Jessica's dad, Ron, was trying out Josh's new motorcycle and a 75 year old woman made a left turn in front of him, sending him flying off the motorcycle and over the car. He has a shattered kneecap and a broken hip so far. He is in our prayers, and so is Jessica and her family. Annalee was napping when Nate and I talked and is recovering from her own bout of fever this week!
Dad's work week started..of course...with many meetings. He is now working with his Southwest team to progress those projects started at the beginning of the year on to completion. He has a couple of Supplier Development Engineers that are balking and fighting him, so it takes a lot of time and convincing.The were informed on Wednesday there is another furlough at the end of June. No work and no pay. Last time, everyone was pretty ok with it. This time, however, everyone is really upset. The furlough is not due to the lack of work. They are all swamped and have had more and more work to do, more suppliers to work with, more reports and meetings. After a furlough week, each must work at least double the hours the next weeks to come. People are very mad. Some are looking for other jobs. Dad is older and that makes it very difficult to find other employment. Not a fun time for anyone at Honeywell.
Kaylee and I worked on the letter F a bit...and played. The weather was cool and the pool too cold for Grammy, but Papa saved the day and swam with her in the afternoon when work was done.
We survived the week. She took a nap one day. I can tell she is getting bored here, especially since it's too hot to play on the playground outdoors and pool time comes so late in the day. She is going to start a preschool three days a week next week, and that will be great for her!
Dad's Garden
Dad's Peppers are doing really well!!!
We spent time Saturday picking. I crawled under and through bushes and ended up with a ton of peppers, which we spent time cutting and they are now in the dehydrator.
I thawed some elk from 2009 (Not a spot of freezer burn! Double wrapping with both zip loc and freezer paper is time consuming but so worth it!) and he made some Chinese with some of his fresh bell peppers.
The temple is still closed this week.
I have indexed 10539 records/names so far this year.
In my scripture reading, I am in Alma 13.
The Wilkins Family
This is Adam's completed final Social Studies project.

He had one of their dear ward friends cut the tire in half and he created a teeter totter for the younger kids at school to enjoy. It looks awesome! Papa says that Adam is now the newest Wilkins Family Toy Maker!
Josh graduated from Kindergarten this week! Hurray for Josh...now a big first grader!!

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Josh and Miss Ayala |
Grace is now a fifth grader!
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Grace and her teacher Mrs. Matson |
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Adam and Miss Benoit |

was Field Day

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan was fighting strep throat all week, and was so exhausted he fell asleep on the way work and got in a car accident (no one hurt and just damage to cars). Work has been very busy preparing for out of town visitors next week. He ended up working six days this week, and will be back at it on Monday. Cameo spent her week training a new employee and doing her own end of the month duties. They did get some time to spend at Wet and Wild on Sunday and enjoyed their evening fireworks show afterward.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran shared pics of Kooper truly enjoying his ice cream...

And Amber shared this pic: Kelsie's Last Day of School!

Morgan and Christy stopped by Wednesday evening to pick up some tools. Morgan is doing a lot of handyman work, and Christy began caring for Kelsie during the day.Morgan and Doran did some canal fishing on Friday night and rescued a dog.
Kayty burned up more vacation days this week. Tuesday through Thursday was spent in California. She had a great time in her hotel room, at Universal Studios, and at the beach.

She came home with a ton of treats and many wonderful experiences! She is still off work until Tuesday, so she is catching up on Netflix and keeping her kitty happy.
Total saves this week: 1
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan called during the week. Still looking for an inexpensive jeep without over 300,000 miles on it. Doing well in school. Great score on Wednesday's test. He worked hours on Saturday to complete a math problem that really was difficult. He took Jessica to the doctor, since she had been sick for awhile. It was a sinus infection and she is on antibiotics now. He returned to find his barbeque grill confiscated. He and the other neighbors that had this occur were very upset, since there are no rules against this. Of course, the landlord confiscator can work any time he wants to, but the office is closed to retrieve until Tuesday. Nate was so upset, plus he had more homework to complete Saturday night. He is doing a lot of work in his ward clerk calling and fixing up things that were out of place after the audit. We were so sad to hear that Jessica's dad, Ron, was trying out Josh's new motorcycle and a 75 year old woman made a left turn in front of him, sending him flying off the motorcycle and over the car. He has a shattered kneecap and a broken hip so far. He is in our prayers, and so is Jessica and her family. Annalee was napping when Nate and I talked and is recovering from her own bout of fever this week!
Dad's work week started..of course...with many meetings. He is now working with his Southwest team to progress those projects started at the beginning of the year on to completion. He has a couple of Supplier Development Engineers that are balking and fighting him, so it takes a lot of time and convincing.The were informed on Wednesday there is another furlough at the end of June. No work and no pay. Last time, everyone was pretty ok with it. This time, however, everyone is really upset. The furlough is not due to the lack of work. They are all swamped and have had more and more work to do, more suppliers to work with, more reports and meetings. After a furlough week, each must work at least double the hours the next weeks to come. People are very mad. Some are looking for other jobs. Dad is older and that makes it very difficult to find other employment. Not a fun time for anyone at Honeywell.
Kaylee and I worked on the letter F a bit...and played. The weather was cool and the pool too cold for Grammy, but Papa saved the day and swam with her in the afternoon when work was done.
Waiting for Papa to finish work so he could go swimming. |
Visiting Big Tank Ranch to see the horses, rabbits, turkey, chickens and goats and for Papa to get some goat milk. |
Fish dot picture and toy fishing pole |
Goldfish cracker sorting |
She says Kayty plays better than I do! |
We survived the week. She took a nap one day. I can tell she is getting bored here, especially since it's too hot to play on the playground outdoors and pool time comes so late in the day. She is going to start a preschool three days a week next week, and that will be great for her!
Dad's Garden
Dad's Peppers are doing really well!!!
We spent time Saturday picking. I crawled under and through bushes and ended up with a ton of peppers, which we spent time cutting and they are now in the dehydrator.
I thawed some elk from 2009 (Not a spot of freezer burn! Double wrapping with both zip loc and freezer paper is time consuming but so worth it!) and he made some Chinese with some of his fresh bell peppers.
Squash are doing well too.
We ate a vegetable spaghetti sauce Wednesday made totally of his garden produce: sauteed his garlic and bell peppers, added cut up fresh tomatoes, he added a pepper from his garden, and I added chopped zucchini right before serving.
Tomatoes are still slowly producing. I made a pretty awesome Caprese salad for him on Wednesday with fresh tomatoes and basil
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
Dad repaired the termite damage around the front door.
We purchased a blank door Saturday night to put up between the kitchen and laundry/sewing rooms. I don't want to replace all the trim on that door so it will take some work to get everything to fit and match.
Other highlights
We had glorious weather! Nights in the upper 50's and low 60's. This, and Kayty out of town, made it so I could take hikes on Wednesday and Thursday.
I am sitting on one of the seats that our ward scouts created for one young man's eagle scout project. |
Sunrise on ground with Phoenix Temple in foreground |
Sunrise from mountain |
Not so highlights
Furlough news.