Dad attended a session at the temple on Wednesday evening. We both attended the temple sealing of a sweet family in our ward on Saturday. They found the gospel and joined the church a little over a year ago, and then were able to be sealed for time and all eternity: father, mother, daughter and son.
Cub Scouts went well. We completed the Call of the Wild Adventure, except for the boys camping with their parents, and the father/son outing coming up will fulfill that. My co-leader, Angie, and I talked about their Duty to God adventure we will work on next week and talked about the wonder of standing near a temple and talking! I also had a cub committee meeting after church on Sunday with planning for the upcoming months.
Dad made home teaching appointments for next week. I will have to wait and see if I am put on a jury Tuesday before any visiting teaching can be done. As it is, I have one sister visiting in Utah, and the other sister spends most of these months in Flagstaff. I may just have to send each a card, since next week is my last week off for the month.
In the scriptures, I am in Mosiah 14.
I have indexed 8546 names so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sweet Grace did the kindest thing this week. She has wanted to donate her hair for YEARS to Pantene's program to give free wigs to those who have lost their hair to cancer. Last week we measured it, and it was (finally) 10 inches long. I took her to cut it off tonight and her little stacked bob turned out sooo cute!

She was so sweet to also send me some wonderful "I love you" texts all week, and they came at just the perfect times!
Joshy is working on a writing project about owls. He is not a fan of writing, so after he completes six sentences, he gets to play a soccer game with Mommy.
The Ethan Rice Family
Here is what this family woke up to last Saturday morning on the rim...

They both had busy work weeks. Ethan had to work all day Saturday as well, and then disc jockeyed a wedding reception for his boss right after till late Saturday night. Cameo and Kaylee attended Tabbi's birthday party on Saturday (Eric Toscano's little daughter - just months younger than Kaylee)

They had a family day at Wet n Wild on Sunday and stopped by afterwards for a visit.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had a busy work week. I saw some pics, thanks to Morgan, of them visiting a splash pad. Kelsie and Kooper looked like they had a great time.

Morgan had a busy week at work.
Kayty worked a few hours on Monday, got the rest of her medical records from her October accident to her lawyer, and went to family home evening at church. Short work days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and then full days Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. She and her "Luke" are good friends, and he keeps her awake at night playing.
Total Saves this week:3
The Nathan Rice Family
We were greeted on Facebook Monday with this cute pic

Opened the mailbox to a package with this, a late and always welcome Mother's Day gift
Love my new shirt! Thank you Nathan, Jessica and Annalee! It was a busy week of work for Jessica and school for Nathan. His school work sometimes takes quite a bit of time: one problem took nearly six hours to finally complete, but he seems to enjoy and understand it.We got to talk and facetime on Sunday. Annalee got a new riding toy airplane that she just loves! She enjoyed feeding herself some bananas.
Dad's week started with meetings and lots of problem solving. One of his suppliers that was scheduled to have a long audit on Wednesday ended up improving their delivery numbers, so that was cancelled. He has had to be more direct in challenging his people to accomplish their goals, and his meeting Thursday was successful in doing just that. He went to a supplier Thursday afternoon near the stake center...and ended up being able to return the baptismal clothing as well.
Kaylee week always begins in a whirlwind. Since I keep work to a minimum on Sunday, Monday means wake up, exercise or run, wake Dad and then vacuum the entire house, mop the kitchen, clean the bathroom, get all her stuff I use for the week out, including her table, bedding, plates and cups, etc. ready.
This week was L week. She was more interested in "Luke the Cat" so, she did have a good time playing with him.
We made an L lion
Did ladybug activities
Did "L" nursery rhymes including "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and then made a paper plate lamb.
and stamped with a lemon.
Kayty's cat took a LOT of attention this week, which was good. It was hot on Friday, and we were sitting and she was playing in the sand, and I decided it was time to cool off. I got my swimsuit on and she went "panty swimming" on the big step in the pool, since it's still too cold for me to swim.
I am feeling so exhausted and I stopped Thursday morning and figured out perhaps why. Before 8:30 am, I had woken up and exercised for 45 minutes, checked email, completed transactions involving switching from Bank of America to AeroFed Credit Union, talked back and forth to Cameo about summer camping, woke up Dad, vacuumed the entry, kitchen, family room and bathroom, scrubbed the toilet, and cleaned the counters, floor and mirror in the bathroom, noticed Kayty acting different, asked her what her name was and she said "Conception" and I realized she was low - she tested at 36 blood glucose and ended up having seizures as I saved her again, cleaned up after that, folded laundry I had dried while I was exercising, herded loose chickens into their pen, picked tomatoes, started up outside fridge to store ripe tomaotes till I can them this weekend, cooked chorizo and egg burrito for dad, curled my hair and listened to 2 Book of Mormon Chapters while I did that, got Kaylee's lemon ready for stamping that day, noticed a ham given to us had leaked out of its bag, requiring everything to be removed from the bottom refrigerator shelf and washed, and the glass shelf itself removed and cleaned on both sides, and then indexed over sixty names, brushed my teeth twice and went to pick up Kaylee. Now, some things were out of the ordinary, but most was pretty usual, and there is always an "out of the ordinary" that happens.
Dad's Garden
Lots of tomato picking this week. We had to get more bird netting because some little creature was tasting the tomatoes.We won't pick in the sixteen hundred totals this year, but are up to over 150. Dad picked and grilled squash one evening. We get plenty of eggs and the peppers are doing well.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week, except for getting the tire put on and filled so he can push it out of the garage.
Year of the House
We began removal of the playroom door and will install the new one next week. We purchased it and Dad will prepaint first.
Other highlights
It was a good week.
Not so highlights
This year's tomato canning has not gone well. Half of the cans didn't seal on our first effort a couple of weeks ago. Saturday, nearly all did not seal. Since they were still hot, I cleaned the rims and put new lids on and reprocessed the jars...still one did not seal. I am totally baffled! I canned over 50 quarts last year, so I know what I am doing. It is rather confusing.
Our bishop wants us to really focus on being a kind and good neighbor. Since we have new neighbors next door, and they are Iranians from Canada, dad has helped them with gardening advice, counsel on how to get their huge front yard of grass from brown to green, and has taken them tomatoes. I have pulled weeds as I walked down the road that they let grow. His name is Said, and he was having paver bricks installed, a LOT of them. He wanted the whole road paver covered, which will cost over $35,000 dollars. We had already spoken with Ramon, the neighbor South of us, and he had previously declined. Said's wife, Lala, came over on Friday and asked for Dad to come to their house. Said told dad that Ramon was going to pay $10.000 toward the paver roadway, and that if we pitch in $7000, they would FORCE Nancy Springston (kitty corner south neighbor) to pay or close off her gates to her access. Dad counseled him to first talk to Nancy. Dad came back, called the City of Phoenix for some direction, since the road out in front is a dedicated utility easement, and then emailed Ramon. Ramon called on Saturday, and said he was NEVER spoken to by Said, told us he again cannot afford, and was confused as to Said's lie. Dad also contacted Les Springston and told him what was going on with the road. We are really bothered at the dishonesty of our new neighbor, and really confused too. What was he going to do with our $7000? We have decided to just be friendly, but not get into any further dealings with them. Ramon will be selling his house in the Fall, and Nancy is borrowing money from less to upgrade her home to make selling more easy, so we will be praying mightily for some good neighbors in the future.
Week was hot, but these temps will seem cool come July!
Dad attended a session at the temple on Wednesday evening. We both attended the temple sealing of a sweet family in our ward on Saturday. They found the gospel and joined the church a little over a year ago, and then were able to be sealed for time and all eternity: father, mother, daughter and son.
Cub Scouts went well. We completed the Call of the Wild Adventure, except for the boys camping with their parents, and the father/son outing coming up will fulfill that. My co-leader, Angie, and I talked about their Duty to God adventure we will work on next week and talked about the wonder of standing near a temple and talking! I also had a cub committee meeting after church on Sunday with planning for the upcoming months.
Dad made home teaching appointments for next week. I will have to wait and see if I am put on a jury Tuesday before any visiting teaching can be done. As it is, I have one sister visiting in Utah, and the other sister spends most of these months in Flagstaff. I may just have to send each a card, since next week is my last week off for the month.
In the scriptures, I am in Mosiah 14.
I have indexed 8546 names so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sweet Grace did the kindest thing this week. She has wanted to donate her hair for YEARS to Pantene's program to give free wigs to those who have lost their hair to cancer. Last week we measured it, and it was (finally) 10 inches long. I took her to cut it off tonight and her little stacked bob turned out sooo cute!

She was so sweet to also send me some wonderful "I love you" texts all week, and they came at just the perfect times!
Joshy is working on a writing project about owls. He is not a fan of writing, so after he completes six sentences, he gets to play a soccer game with Mommy.
The Ethan Rice Family
Here is what this family woke up to last Saturday morning on the rim...

They both had busy work weeks. Ethan had to work all day Saturday as well, and then disc jockeyed a wedding reception for his boss right after till late Saturday night. Cameo and Kaylee attended Tabbi's birthday party on Saturday (Eric Toscano's little daughter - just months younger than Kaylee)

They had a family day at Wet n Wild on Sunday and stopped by afterwards for a visit.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had a busy work week. I saw some pics, thanks to Morgan, of them visiting a splash pad. Kelsie and Kooper looked like they had a great time.

Morgan had a busy week at work.
Kayty worked a few hours on Monday, got the rest of her medical records from her October accident to her lawyer, and went to family home evening at church. Short work days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and then full days Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. She and her "Luke" are good friends, and he keeps her awake at night playing.
Total Saves this week:3
The Nathan Rice Family
We were greeted on Facebook Monday with this cute pic

Opened the mailbox to a package with this, a late and always welcome Mother's Day gift
Love my new shirt! Thank you Nathan, Jessica and Annalee! It was a busy week of work for Jessica and school for Nathan. His school work sometimes takes quite a bit of time: one problem took nearly six hours to finally complete, but he seems to enjoy and understand it.We got to talk and facetime on Sunday. Annalee got a new riding toy airplane that she just loves! She enjoyed feeding herself some bananas.
Dad's week started with meetings and lots of problem solving. One of his suppliers that was scheduled to have a long audit on Wednesday ended up improving their delivery numbers, so that was cancelled. He has had to be more direct in challenging his people to accomplish their goals, and his meeting Thursday was successful in doing just that. He went to a supplier Thursday afternoon near the stake center...and ended up being able to return the baptismal clothing as well.
Kaylee week always begins in a whirlwind. Since I keep work to a minimum on Sunday, Monday means wake up, exercise or run, wake Dad and then vacuum the entire house, mop the kitchen, clean the bathroom, get all her stuff I use for the week out, including her table, bedding, plates and cups, etc. ready.
This week was L week. She was more interested in "Luke the Cat" so, she did have a good time playing with him.
We made an L lion
Did ladybug activities
Did "L" nursery rhymes including "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and then made a paper plate lamb.
Kayty's cat took a LOT of attention this week, which was good. It was hot on Friday, and we were sitting and she was playing in the sand, and I decided it was time to cool off. I got my swimsuit on and she went "panty swimming" on the big step in the pool, since it's still too cold for me to swim.
I am feeling so exhausted and I stopped Thursday morning and figured out perhaps why. Before 8:30 am, I had woken up and exercised for 45 minutes, checked email, completed transactions involving switching from Bank of America to AeroFed Credit Union, talked back and forth to Cameo about summer camping, woke up Dad, vacuumed the entry, kitchen, family room and bathroom, scrubbed the toilet, and cleaned the counters, floor and mirror in the bathroom, noticed Kayty acting different, asked her what her name was and she said "Conception" and I realized she was low - she tested at 36 blood glucose and ended up having seizures as I saved her again, cleaned up after that, folded laundry I had dried while I was exercising, herded loose chickens into their pen, picked tomatoes, started up outside fridge to store ripe tomaotes till I can them this weekend, cooked chorizo and egg burrito for dad, curled my hair and listened to 2 Book of Mormon Chapters while I did that, got Kaylee's lemon ready for stamping that day, noticed a ham given to us had leaked out of its bag, requiring everything to be removed from the bottom refrigerator shelf and washed, and the glass shelf itself removed and cleaned on both sides, and then indexed over sixty names, brushed my teeth twice and went to pick up Kaylee. Now, some things were out of the ordinary, but most was pretty usual, and there is always an "out of the ordinary" that happens.
Dad's Garden
Lots of tomato picking this week. We had to get more bird netting because some little creature was tasting the tomatoes.We won't pick in the sixteen hundred totals this year, but are up to over 150. Dad picked and grilled squash one evening. We get plenty of eggs and the peppers are doing well.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week, except for getting the tire put on and filled so he can push it out of the garage.
Year of the House
We began removal of the playroom door and will install the new one next week. We purchased it and Dad will prepaint first.
Other highlights
It was a good week.
Not so highlights
This year's tomato canning has not gone well. Half of the cans didn't seal on our first effort a couple of weeks ago. Saturday, nearly all did not seal. Since they were still hot, I cleaned the rims and put new lids on and reprocessed the jars...still one did not seal. I am totally baffled! I canned over 50 quarts last year, so I know what I am doing. It is rather confusing.
Our bishop wants us to really focus on being a kind and good neighbor. Since we have new neighbors next door, and they are Iranians from Canada, dad has helped them with gardening advice, counsel on how to get their huge front yard of grass from brown to green, and has taken them tomatoes. I have pulled weeds as I walked down the road that they let grow. His name is Said, and he was having paver bricks installed, a LOT of them. He wanted the whole road paver covered, which will cost over $35,000 dollars. We had already spoken with Ramon, the neighbor South of us, and he had previously declined. Said's wife, Lala, came over on Friday and asked for Dad to come to their house. Said told dad that Ramon was going to pay $10.000 toward the paver roadway, and that if we pitch in $7000, they would FORCE Nancy Springston (kitty corner south neighbor) to pay or close off her gates to her access. Dad counseled him to first talk to Nancy. Dad came back, called the City of Phoenix for some direction, since the road out in front is a dedicated utility easement, and then emailed Ramon. Ramon called on Saturday, and said he was NEVER spoken to by Said, told us he again cannot afford, and was confused as to Said's lie. Dad also contacted Les Springston and told him what was going on with the road. We are really bothered at the dishonesty of our new neighbor, and really confused too. What was he going to do with our $7000? We have decided to just be friendly, but not get into any further dealings with them. Ramon will be selling his house in the Fall, and Nancy is borrowing money from less to upgrade her home to make selling more easy, so we will be praying mightily for some good neighbors in the future.
Week was hot, but these temps will seem cool come July!
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