Dad attended a wonderful Wednesday evening temple session.
For my cub scout church calling, we had pack meeting. Our den did the skit and did the BEST job. I really love the wolf cubs. They are just so excited about everything!! I prepared on Sunday for my scout meeting this Wednesday. They are meeting here to discuss camping prep and Dad will show them how to find animal sign and fire safety. Dad is now going to teach the High Priests Group on the second Sunday of the month. It will be interesting next week with his first lesson after we have a stake baptism. I got the program, script and general information for our baptism next Saturday prepared
We each had our second temple recommend interview on Sunday afternoon. (First one with the bishop and then with the stake presidency. We are now good for the next two years.
I indexed a bit every morning this week. I have indexed a total of 6383 records so far this year.
In scripture reading, I am in 2 Nephi 29. I printed my two most necessary conference talks and I read them every morning when I wait for Kaylee to come out to the car.
The Wilkins Family
Wilkins may be searching elsewhere for a new home. Things keep falling through on their current home and it's getting very frustrating! Right now they are still working with their present landlord and waiting for the bank to continue on its slow process. Adam is running a fever and not feeling to well. Grace is doing well and has worked and worked and finally grown her hair long enough so that she can have it cut this week and donate it to an organization that provides wigs for ill children. I cannot think of a kinder thing for someone to do. So doggone proud of you, Grace! Josh is still our sweet little Dorito lover! He is a happy little guy. Sam was singing in the background when I spoke with Allison. It made my heart sing to hear his sweet voice! Adam and Grace tried out and each made the school talent show with their piano solos. Adam is going to play something from Green Day and Grace is playing "Ode to Joy", which she played for me on the phone. She has grown in her piano skills so much since we heard her play last! Allison has been working more at the temple and working in three church callings. Mike is busy working and serving as the High Priest group secretary.
The Ethan Rice Family
Here are some more pics from Ethan and Cameo from their Oceanside/Carlsbad trip

They had a good week, both at work and home. Ethan is an offer up pro and ended up getting a better generator for their travel trailer, and selling their old one for a good price, plus he nabbed a cast iron griddle for a great price. Cameo had some late work hours due to end of month billing at work, but Ethan got here nice and often early so Kaylee left in a happy mood.
Friday evening, they took the boat and headed to Lake Pleasant with dad for some night fishing. Dad did catch one fish, and it was a keeper - about 12 inches long. Not much fish catching anywhere and there were problems with getting the boat motor to raise back up. The boat is now in the front yard awaiting repairs and maintenance.
Ethan, Cam and Kaylee spent Saturday fishing at Encanto Park.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had some excitement during their week. Apparently, some thieves deposited their loot in Amber and Doran's back yard and then were hiding in the neighborhood. Police searched briefly and made an arrest about eight doors down. Doran worked on the most amazing compost containers. Kooper was feeling poorly on the weekend...hope he feels better soon.
Morgan helped a friend move his belongings to a storage unit on Wednesday and borrowed the trailer.
He took a trip to the Grand Canyon last week. They originally thought it was one of those free National Park weekends, but alas it was not. His job is going well.
Kayty had Monday and Tuesday off work, so she slept late, watched Netflix and Hulu, and went to pick up medical records to get her lawsuit from her October car accident moving along. Dad found a kitten in the back yard that someone had dumped, and Kayty adopted her.
I had better not see any mess from this little mess maker! (the cat too). CeeCee - our old and final cat - left too many horrible memories of clean up for me to ever deal with that again! Kayty had training in Tempe on Wednesday and Thursday, and regular work hours on Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday.
Total saves this week: 1
The Nathan Rice Family
Dad talked to Nathan late Sunday night. First week of school endured. He didn't get the internship day he originally wanted, but Tuesday early mornings will be ok. He learned last week that engineers write in only capital letters. Dad knew that. I never realized that the do, but now I do. He had a huge chemistry test, which he aced, and he managed to get that internship moved back to Friday. He likes his new English teacher, who replace the English teacher that never showed up to class. This teacher served his mission in Korea as well. Jessica is doing billing for her parents' plumbing company, so a new printer, and a larger desk are filling their apartment. Annalee received her six month vaccinations, not fun for her, but she smiled at Grammy on our Facetime and actually seemed like she remembered me! Dad spoke with Nate on Sunday evening and got to facetime with Annalee.
Dad's week started with meeting after meeting on Monday, beginning at 6:30 am. Long week with supplier visits and frustrations, too much work to do and not enough time. He also did begin work on becoming a substitute school teacher.
Kaylee and I started "B" week
There was LOTS of outside play with beautiful temperatures in the 70's and 80's!
Dad's Garden
Our tomato plants are not improving. Seems we have a bad case of root wrot! Dad asked on his Maricopa Gardeners facebook group and they gave a diagnosis. We will plant in a different bed next year and once these tomatoes have ripened, he will tear out the dead plants and cover with clear plastic to sterilize. We picked very nice tomatoes.
We owe ten pounds to our bishop. who was the winning bid on 10 pounds of tomatoes at the Scout Auction.We had his first two pounds ready for delivery. We hung bird netting and tarps to prevent sunburn since the leaves are few now.
I made Dad a garden meal: pasta with fresh pesto from our basil, yellow squash and tomato slices.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
No work on house this week.
Other highlights
The weather was BEAUTIFUL this week! Monday was cool and breezy. It has just worked out that I take care of Kaylee on the weeks Ethan and Cameo work five days, so having wonderful weather makes it much easier to keep this granddaughter happy! Saturday was cloudy and magnificent, so Dad and I did some trimming and hauling of branches out to the front pile for end of May bulk trash pick up.We had gotten a few spits of rain on us as we worked and were watching glorious rain and hearing thunder. At first, all we got was this,
but we ended up getting a bit more.
Not as much as near where Doran and Amber live, but still very nice!
Not so highlights
Our new neighbor has proved to be very 'interesting'. He wants to install pavers along the entire road out in front of our house. He received a $35,000 estimate...I laughed!
We found what ended up to be four kittens in the back yard. Two are left and we are trying to find a new home...soon. I am NOT a fan of one cat, and surely not a fan of two others. (Ethan and Cameo took the little grey girl home with them.)
Dad attended a wonderful Wednesday evening temple session.
For my cub scout church calling, we had pack meeting. Our den did the skit and did the BEST job. I really love the wolf cubs. They are just so excited about everything!! I prepared on Sunday for my scout meeting this Wednesday. They are meeting here to discuss camping prep and Dad will show them how to find animal sign and fire safety. Dad is now going to teach the High Priests Group on the second Sunday of the month. It will be interesting next week with his first lesson after we have a stake baptism. I got the program, script and general information for our baptism next Saturday prepared
We each had our second temple recommend interview on Sunday afternoon. (First one with the bishop and then with the stake presidency. We are now good for the next two years.
I indexed a bit every morning this week. I have indexed a total of 6383 records so far this year.
In scripture reading, I am in 2 Nephi 29. I printed my two most necessary conference talks and I read them every morning when I wait for Kaylee to come out to the car.
The Wilkins Family
Wilkins may be searching elsewhere for a new home. Things keep falling through on their current home and it's getting very frustrating! Right now they are still working with their present landlord and waiting for the bank to continue on its slow process. Adam is running a fever and not feeling to well. Grace is doing well and has worked and worked and finally grown her hair long enough so that she can have it cut this week and donate it to an organization that provides wigs for ill children. I cannot think of a kinder thing for someone to do. So doggone proud of you, Grace! Josh is still our sweet little Dorito lover! He is a happy little guy. Sam was singing in the background when I spoke with Allison. It made my heart sing to hear his sweet voice! Adam and Grace tried out and each made the school talent show with their piano solos. Adam is going to play something from Green Day and Grace is playing "Ode to Joy", which she played for me on the phone. She has grown in her piano skills so much since we heard her play last! Allison has been working more at the temple and working in three church callings. Mike is busy working and serving as the High Priest group secretary.
The Ethan Rice Family
Here are some more pics from Ethan and Cameo from their Oceanside/Carlsbad trip

They had a good week, both at work and home. Ethan is an offer up pro and ended up getting a better generator for their travel trailer, and selling their old one for a good price, plus he nabbed a cast iron griddle for a great price. Cameo had some late work hours due to end of month billing at work, but Ethan got here nice and often early so Kaylee left in a happy mood.
Friday evening, they took the boat and headed to Lake Pleasant with dad for some night fishing. Dad did catch one fish, and it was a keeper - about 12 inches long. Not much fish catching anywhere and there were problems with getting the boat motor to raise back up. The boat is now in the front yard awaiting repairs and maintenance.
Ethan, Cam and Kaylee spent Saturday fishing at Encanto Park.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had some excitement during their week. Apparently, some thieves deposited their loot in Amber and Doran's back yard and then were hiding in the neighborhood. Police searched briefly and made an arrest about eight doors down. Doran worked on the most amazing compost containers. Kooper was feeling poorly on the weekend...hope he feels better soon.
Morgan helped a friend move his belongings to a storage unit on Wednesday and borrowed the trailer.
He took a trip to the Grand Canyon last week. They originally thought it was one of those free National Park weekends, but alas it was not. His job is going well.
Kayty had Monday and Tuesday off work, so she slept late, watched Netflix and Hulu, and went to pick up medical records to get her lawsuit from her October car accident moving along. Dad found a kitten in the back yard that someone had dumped, and Kayty adopted her.
I had better not see any mess from this little mess maker! (the cat too). CeeCee - our old and final cat - left too many horrible memories of clean up for me to ever deal with that again! Kayty had training in Tempe on Wednesday and Thursday, and regular work hours on Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday.
Total saves this week: 1
The Nathan Rice Family
Dad talked to Nathan late Sunday night. First week of school endured. He didn't get the internship day he originally wanted, but Tuesday early mornings will be ok. He learned last week that engineers write in only capital letters. Dad knew that. I never realized that the do, but now I do. He had a huge chemistry test, which he aced, and he managed to get that internship moved back to Friday. He likes his new English teacher, who replace the English teacher that never showed up to class. This teacher served his mission in Korea as well. Jessica is doing billing for her parents' plumbing company, so a new printer, and a larger desk are filling their apartment. Annalee received her six month vaccinations, not fun for her, but she smiled at Grammy on our Facetime and actually seemed like she remembered me! Dad spoke with Nate on Sunday evening and got to facetime with Annalee.
Dad's week started with meeting after meeting on Monday, beginning at 6:30 am. Long week with supplier visits and frustrations, too much work to do and not enough time. He also did begin work on becoming a substitute school teacher.
Kaylee and I started "B" week
puzzles |
blowing bubbles and playing with a beach ball |
reading with Granny Dorrie when she stopped by to bring Papa his birthday card |
making a Bee "B" |
matching bees to their flowers (color match) |
butterfly playdough |
butterfly magnet pom poms |
playing Polly Pocket dolls |
Doing a small Button workbook |
counting buttons |
making cages for kayty's stuffed animals |
Bear Activities involving color matching gummy bears and teddy graham cookies |
She loves to be a Veterinarian, so she gave stuffed bears and a few other animals check ups |
We spent hours watching Kayty's kitty |
Dad's Garden
Our tomato plants are not improving. Seems we have a bad case of root wrot! Dad asked on his Maricopa Gardeners facebook group and they gave a diagnosis. We will plant in a different bed next year and once these tomatoes have ripened, he will tear out the dead plants and cover with clear plastic to sterilize. We picked very nice tomatoes.
We owe ten pounds to our bishop. who was the winning bid on 10 pounds of tomatoes at the Scout Auction.We had his first two pounds ready for delivery. We hung bird netting and tarps to prevent sunburn since the leaves are few now.
I made Dad a garden meal: pasta with fresh pesto from our basil, yellow squash and tomato slices.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
No work on house this week.
Other highlights
The weather was BEAUTIFUL this week! Monday was cool and breezy. It has just worked out that I take care of Kaylee on the weeks Ethan and Cameo work five days, so having wonderful weather makes it much easier to keep this granddaughter happy! Saturday was cloudy and magnificent, so Dad and I did some trimming and hauling of branches out to the front pile for end of May bulk trash pick up.We had gotten a few spits of rain on us as we worked and were watching glorious rain and hearing thunder. At first, all we got was this,
but we ended up getting a bit more.
Not as much as near where Doran and Amber live, but still very nice!
Not so highlights
Our new neighbor has proved to be very 'interesting'. He wants to install pavers along the entire road out in front of our house. He received a $35,000 estimate...I laughed!
We found what ended up to be four kittens in the back yard. Two are left and we are trying to find a new home...soon. I am NOT a fan of one cat, and surely not a fan of two others. (Ethan and Cameo took the little grey girl home with them.)
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