I didn't attend my regular early Wednesday morning temple session. Kayty just didn't seem right and since Dad had to leave for meetings early, she would be here alone, so I stayed home. Dad and I attended a session together on Thursday evening. We rarely can do that, with my being too tired on Kaylee weeks and my cub scout calling, so it was a rare treasure.
Church Callings: Cub scouts went well. We met at our house and discussed camping preparation, first aid, and dad took the boys around the yard looking for signs of animals, and talked to them about fire safety. We had a stake baptism on Saturday, and it went very well.I ended up having two loads of laundry to do, since there were four baptismal outfits in the washing machine left damp.
I have indexed 7569 records so far this year.
In scripture reading I am in Jarom in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is doing very well. The kids are enjoying school and are so glad there are only 13 days left! This next week will be Spirit Week and they will get to dress up and do fun things, plus next week they get to attend a cast party for their production of Aladdin and watch the DVD made. Adam was busy on Mother's Day, since he gave a talk and played a piano solo in Sacrament Meeting. All are healthy and well, which is a great blessing!
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cam and Kaylee stopped by on Wednesday night to pick up some pepper powder. Ethan had a salsa making contest at work on Thursday, and he was going to make his extra extra hot! He ended up winning second prize! He and Cameo and Kaylee spent the weekend at Wood's Canyon Lake and had a great time fishing! The weather was cool, they saw some snow, and Kaylee was the fishing winner this trip, catching three fish!
The Doran Rice Family
Amber spent half the week very sick with the flu! She attempted working Thursday but still felt awful! Kelsie was the victim Friday: fever and strep.
Kooper is getting cuter each day. He "winds up" before he races, and cheers when he scores on a video game! He loves Pringles and carefully keeps things covered, either with Doran's hand or with a lid. You can tell he lives near some hungry little pups!
Morgan had a busy week at work and stopped by on Sunday to visit Nano for Mothers' Day with Christy and is going to help do some work at her house. Thanks so much, Morgan!!
Kayty worked short hours on Monday and came home to entertain her kitten.Luke was happy on Tuesday since Kayty was home all day! She worked the rest of the week, and was kept up at night by her kitten, she now refers to as "mongrel".She was off work on Saturday and went to a birthday party for a friend, and then was off on Sunday and had a good day at church.
Number of saves this week: ZERO!!
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan spends his week studying and taking tests. Chemistry has been full of memorization so far.We chatted a few times and he was telling us about the machining class that he is teacher assisting, and teaching, for, and about his advanced math and chemistry classes. It sounds very challenging but very interesting as well. Jessica is doing well, busy working and keeping up with a nearly seven month old, and Annalee is doing very well. She likes to throw things, chew on carrots, use Nate's grill as a drum with the carrot, and play in the toilet. They work so hard to keep her away but she nearly races them to the bathroom every time!
Dad had meetings in Tempe and near the airport with a larger group Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so Monday was their travel day, while he worked, attended a large meeting where his upper division supervisor 'retired' and will be looking for another job, and then began working on getting a substitute teaching certificate, since no raises, layoffs and furloughs were also talked about before the meeting that announced the 'retirement'. He did get a couple of problems suppliers were having solved, and had a good week.
My work this week consisted of scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom cabinets with Murphy's oil soap, grinding ten pound of chicken breast into chickenburger and then packaging in individual one pound packages, preparing for scouts, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, painting the hall wall around the bathroom doorway (the doorway had actually shifted and become wider, so with the new door installed, there was a difference of nearly an inch in some places between where the molding formerly was and now is), scrubbed bathrooms, mopped, powdered egg shells, canned tomatoes (or tried: two jars sealed, two did not, and two crammed full of tomatoes that broke. I was pretty angry!I also got 5 batches of pesto frozen, scrubbed the kitchen floor, and planned for my next week off. It will be a week of 'if' because things will only happen IF I don't get put on a jury when I go to jury duty on Tuesday the 17th.
Dad's Garden
We are picking tomatoes and squash nearly every day. We have eaten quite a few squash and dad is still getting a carrot or two as well as lots of chard. The grapevines are looking ok (but that happens every year and then suddenly covered in bugs!!)
Dad's Truck
Dad took a demolished tire off and put new one on so the truck can be pushed in and out of the garage again.
Year of the House
No house work this week. Dad worked too late to install a door.
Other highlights
I was able to text with Gracie a lot, and Sam a couple of times this week. There is nothing nicer than picking up my phone to find a sweet message, though I am so sad I missed it when it first came!
Dad changed his spark plugs, wires, and distributor cap in his jeep, so when his vehicle registration arrives later this month, he will be ready. He also fixed the boat seat hinge and figured out why the boat motor wouldn't come up, and after searching for circuits and through wires, he found a blown fuse, and replaced it.
I went to my third and hopefully final dental appointment on Thursday. Crown was set and feels good. I have gone to the dentist on every week off for the last three weeks off. Not my favorite place to be!
We had a lovely thundershower and rain on Friday night. It was brief but beautiful and we enjoyed a cool weather weekend. The afterburners will come on next week with highs in the 100s, but it was a lovely reprieve.
Mothers' Day has not been my favorite. This year, however, changed that forever. I started the day in my Mother's Day dress I have worn for a few years, put on my "crown jewels" (all the jewelry, necklaces, etc. that the kids have given me through the years that have survived), and we headed to church. I was sitting in my normal side pew, when I looked up and there was Doran holding Kooper, with Kelsie and Amber following. Kelsie handed be a lovely bouquet of white roses and they shared my favorite dark chocolate chips. I moved to one of the longer rows in Sacrament meeting. The meeting started and I was tearfully overjoyed, when I turned and there was Morgan and Christy scooting in the row! I could not hold back the tears from flowing. No one...but the Lord...knew that each year, I have sat in church on Mothers' Day, silently watching as moms sat with their adult children, secretly wishing that would happen to me. I know how busy moms are, and I never ever would even dare to ask, and Dad never even knew. It was something I just held in my heart. And there two of my very busy children there to make my day something I will never ever forget as long as I live. I love all of my children and, as I said, never ever expected this to happen, nor does this mean to make anyone feel bad. It simply is just joyful gratitude for boys, and the lovely ladies in their lives, that made something so wonderful happen on Mother's Day.

I so enjoyed my quiet afternoon, and loved talking to Nathan, Jessica and Annalee. Annalee is a great waver now, and can clap her hands and loves to push the red button on the phone, which makes for many facetime calls. It was so wonderful to talk to them!! I still need to figure out how to get a screen shot on FaceTime!
Kayty came home from church and gave me a wonderful card, a Mother's Day frame...and Sees Nuts and Chews! It was perfect since I had finished my last one out of the box she gave me just that day!
It took nearly three hours of effort on both ends, but I got to Skype with the Wilkins Family. Adam played a piano solo, my favorite hymn "Ye Elders of Israel" and we talked. Grace played her piano piece for her school talent show for me and was talked. Josh read a story to me and even played some piano for me as well and did very well. Sam and I talked and sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Rain Is Falling" together and he enjoyed seeing Kate's cat. Thank you so much, Wilkins Famly, for all the effort it took. I loved it.
Ethan and Cameo and Kaylee came for a visit after they returned from camping, Kaylee had written me a card that said "I Love you"
and they brought me beautiful roses. It was a great visit and I knew how tired they were, so I was very thankful.
I talked to all my kids, and grandkids and it was the BEST MOTHERS DAY EVER!!! Thank you all so much!!!
Not so highlights
Breaking two packed jars of precious tomatoes was definitely NOT a highlight, and I even got angry and threw the jar holders and broke them. I have other ones, but that set didn't do its job!
I didn't attend my regular early Wednesday morning temple session. Kayty just didn't seem right and since Dad had to leave for meetings early, she would be here alone, so I stayed home. Dad and I attended a session together on Thursday evening. We rarely can do that, with my being too tired on Kaylee weeks and my cub scout calling, so it was a rare treasure.
Church Callings: Cub scouts went well. We met at our house and discussed camping preparation, first aid, and dad took the boys around the yard looking for signs of animals, and talked to them about fire safety. We had a stake baptism on Saturday, and it went very well.I ended up having two loads of laundry to do, since there were four baptismal outfits in the washing machine left damp.
I have indexed 7569 records so far this year.
In scripture reading I am in Jarom in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is doing very well. The kids are enjoying school and are so glad there are only 13 days left! This next week will be Spirit Week and they will get to dress up and do fun things, plus next week they get to attend a cast party for their production of Aladdin and watch the DVD made. Adam was busy on Mother's Day, since he gave a talk and played a piano solo in Sacrament Meeting. All are healthy and well, which is a great blessing!
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cam and Kaylee stopped by on Wednesday night to pick up some pepper powder. Ethan had a salsa making contest at work on Thursday, and he was going to make his extra extra hot! He ended up winning second prize! He and Cameo and Kaylee spent the weekend at Wood's Canyon Lake and had a great time fishing! The weather was cool, they saw some snow, and Kaylee was the fishing winner this trip, catching three fish!
The Doran Rice Family
Amber spent half the week very sick with the flu! She attempted working Thursday but still felt awful! Kelsie was the victim Friday: fever and strep.
Kooper is getting cuter each day. He "winds up" before he races, and cheers when he scores on a video game! He loves Pringles and carefully keeps things covered, either with Doran's hand or with a lid. You can tell he lives near some hungry little pups!
Morgan had a busy week at work and stopped by on Sunday to visit Nano for Mothers' Day with Christy and is going to help do some work at her house. Thanks so much, Morgan!!
Kayty worked short hours on Monday and came home to entertain her kitten.Luke was happy on Tuesday since Kayty was home all day! She worked the rest of the week, and was kept up at night by her kitten, she now refers to as "mongrel".She was off work on Saturday and went to a birthday party for a friend, and then was off on Sunday and had a good day at church.
Number of saves this week: ZERO!!
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan spends his week studying and taking tests. Chemistry has been full of memorization so far.We chatted a few times and he was telling us about the machining class that he is teacher assisting, and teaching, for, and about his advanced math and chemistry classes. It sounds very challenging but very interesting as well. Jessica is doing well, busy working and keeping up with a nearly seven month old, and Annalee is doing very well. She likes to throw things, chew on carrots, use Nate's grill as a drum with the carrot, and play in the toilet. They work so hard to keep her away but she nearly races them to the bathroom every time!
Dad had meetings in Tempe and near the airport with a larger group Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so Monday was their travel day, while he worked, attended a large meeting where his upper division supervisor 'retired' and will be looking for another job, and then began working on getting a substitute teaching certificate, since no raises, layoffs and furloughs were also talked about before the meeting that announced the 'retirement'. He did get a couple of problems suppliers were having solved, and had a good week.
My work this week consisted of scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom cabinets with Murphy's oil soap, grinding ten pound of chicken breast into chickenburger and then packaging in individual one pound packages, preparing for scouts, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, painting the hall wall around the bathroom doorway (the doorway had actually shifted and become wider, so with the new door installed, there was a difference of nearly an inch in some places between where the molding formerly was and now is), scrubbed bathrooms, mopped, powdered egg shells, canned tomatoes (or tried: two jars sealed, two did not, and two crammed full of tomatoes that broke. I was pretty angry!I also got 5 batches of pesto frozen, scrubbed the kitchen floor, and planned for my next week off. It will be a week of 'if' because things will only happen IF I don't get put on a jury when I go to jury duty on Tuesday the 17th.
Dad's Garden
We are picking tomatoes and squash nearly every day. We have eaten quite a few squash and dad is still getting a carrot or two as well as lots of chard. The grapevines are looking ok (but that happens every year and then suddenly covered in bugs!!)
Dad's Truck
Dad took a demolished tire off and put new one on so the truck can be pushed in and out of the garage again.
Year of the House
No house work this week. Dad worked too late to install a door.
Other highlights
I was able to text with Gracie a lot, and Sam a couple of times this week. There is nothing nicer than picking up my phone to find a sweet message, though I am so sad I missed it when it first came!
Dad changed his spark plugs, wires, and distributor cap in his jeep, so when his vehicle registration arrives later this month, he will be ready. He also fixed the boat seat hinge and figured out why the boat motor wouldn't come up, and after searching for circuits and through wires, he found a blown fuse, and replaced it.
I went to my third and hopefully final dental appointment on Thursday. Crown was set and feels good. I have gone to the dentist on every week off for the last three weeks off. Not my favorite place to be!
We had a lovely thundershower and rain on Friday night. It was brief but beautiful and we enjoyed a cool weather weekend. The afterburners will come on next week with highs in the 100s, but it was a lovely reprieve.
Mothers' Day has not been my favorite. This year, however, changed that forever. I started the day in my Mother's Day dress I have worn for a few years, put on my "crown jewels" (all the jewelry, necklaces, etc. that the kids have given me through the years that have survived), and we headed to church. I was sitting in my normal side pew, when I looked up and there was Doran holding Kooper, with Kelsie and Amber following. Kelsie handed be a lovely bouquet of white roses and they shared my favorite dark chocolate chips. I moved to one of the longer rows in Sacrament meeting. The meeting started and I was tearfully overjoyed, when I turned and there was Morgan and Christy scooting in the row! I could not hold back the tears from flowing. No one...but the Lord...knew that each year, I have sat in church on Mothers' Day, silently watching as moms sat with their adult children, secretly wishing that would happen to me. I know how busy moms are, and I never ever would even dare to ask, and Dad never even knew. It was something I just held in my heart. And there two of my very busy children there to make my day something I will never ever forget as long as I live. I love all of my children and, as I said, never ever expected this to happen, nor does this mean to make anyone feel bad. It simply is just joyful gratitude for boys, and the lovely ladies in their lives, that made something so wonderful happen on Mother's Day.

I so enjoyed my quiet afternoon, and loved talking to Nathan, Jessica and Annalee. Annalee is a great waver now, and can clap her hands and loves to push the red button on the phone, which makes for many facetime calls. It was so wonderful to talk to them!! I still need to figure out how to get a screen shot on FaceTime!
Kayty came home from church and gave me a wonderful card, a Mother's Day frame...and Sees Nuts and Chews! It was perfect since I had finished my last one out of the box she gave me just that day!
It took nearly three hours of effort on both ends, but I got to Skype with the Wilkins Family. Adam played a piano solo, my favorite hymn "Ye Elders of Israel" and we talked. Grace played her piano piece for her school talent show for me and was talked. Josh read a story to me and even played some piano for me as well and did very well. Sam and I talked and sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Rain Is Falling" together and he enjoyed seeing Kate's cat. Thank you so much, Wilkins Famly, for all the effort it took. I loved it.
Ethan and Cameo and Kaylee came for a visit after they returned from camping, Kaylee had written me a card that said "I Love you"
and they brought me beautiful roses. It was a great visit and I knew how tired they were, so I was very thankful.
I talked to all my kids, and grandkids and it was the BEST MOTHERS DAY EVER!!! Thank you all so much!!!
Not so highlights
Breaking two packed jars of precious tomatoes was definitely NOT a highlight, and I even got angry and threw the jar holders and broke them. I have other ones, but that set didn't do its job!
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