We didn't get to attend our regular temple sessions this week, due to holiday closures and family. The Phoenix Temple is closed now for the next two weeks.
No scouts this week either.
Church was very good and we were blessed to learn many things about the Book of Mormon and the things we need to do to be better people.
I have indexed 44212 records so far this year.
I am in Alma 59 in the Book of Mormon
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins children were on Fall Break this week. They said Goodbye to Kayty on Monday, and enjoyed freedom from school and driving through the week.
Their Thanksgiving started with a turkey trot.

Sam was enjoying some Kindle time and good eats.

By Saturday, Sam was ready to have the house to himself, and got the kids lunch boxes out by himself and loaded them up with chocolate covered pretzels.

I do think he is the happiest about Fall Break being over.
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan worked a lot. Cameo and Kaylee enjoyed Grandma Leza being there. They had a good Thanksgiving: Ethan's smoked turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, Stovetop stuffing, mac n cheese, green bean casserole, rolls, and pumpkin pie. We all enjoyed talking to them via FaceTime in the early evening. It was a special treat for Nano and Grandma to see and speak with them.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had busy work weeks, celebrated Thanksgiving with us, and Kelsie spent a fun Saturday night at Glendale Glitters with her Aunt Nicole

It was great to see Morgan and Christy at Thanksgiving. He is enjoying his job at Superlite making bricks and blocks all night. They are searching for a new apartment currently, something near Avondale, and they spent a couple of days with Doran and Amber.
Kayty made a decadent dessert for the Wilkins on Sunday night. She and Lily Rae arrived on Monday evening. It sure is hard to see a totally black kitten in that bedroom of Kayty's! She worked hard all week, with just a little overtime. We were glad she got off work early on Thursday and could eat with us on Thanksgiving.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan studied really hard at school, scored great on his Monday test, and was able to leave town Tuesday night to come here. He arrived at 6 am Wednesday, rested for a bit, and then went to see suppliers with Dad for potential internships while Jessica worked, and Annalee and I played.
The rest of the week was fun and went too fast. They were planning on heading back Saturday night, but ended up getting on the road on Sunday morning. As of publishing this (6 pm Arizona time, they are past Provo and near Salt Lake City.) We are so glad Jessica's mom's surgery went well, that she is cancer free, and that we could have this family here for our Thanksgiving.
Dad worked on a day off teaching sixth and seventh grade science at a Glendale School. Last minute sub jobs for male teachers have so far meant no plans for any work. He had a girl beat up a guy in his last class, and one kid...well, lets just say another report was filed on his suggestive actions toward the girls. He also did a ton of clean up on the back porch, hauled our old china cabinet base that served our family for many years but had started to fall apart out to the pile, rode his bike, fixed up a support system for the snow peas near the chicken pen, took Nate to a couple of suppliers for internship tours, hauled compost, dug up a garden bed, ordered new tomato seeds
I laundered, dusted, vacuumed (at the beginning of the week, it was with my stick vacuum - a great life saver but hard to use on a whole house), put up all the nativities on the living room shelves, practiced Hark the Herald Angels Sing for primary 20 times each day, picked up limes, harvested, cut up and bagged lettuces and chard, fed chickens, scrubbed the collar in Dad's temple shirt,decorated a 9 foot Christmas tree and hung up most of the stockings, put up and decorated Dad's hunting tree, and put some of our decorations up throughout the house, picked up my fixed up vacuum and loved every minute of vacuuming, mopped, washed dishes, crock pots, and found interesting ways to use up mashed potatoes.
Dad's Garden
Lots of prep for the tomato planting in a few weeks, plus lots of picking peppers.
We didn't get to attend our regular temple sessions this week, due to holiday closures and family. The Phoenix Temple is closed now for the next two weeks.
No scouts this week either.
Church was very good and we were blessed to learn many things about the Book of Mormon and the things we need to do to be better people.
I have indexed 44212 records so far this year.
I am in Alma 59 in the Book of Mormon
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins children were on Fall Break this week. They said Goodbye to Kayty on Monday, and enjoyed freedom from school and driving through the week.
Their Thanksgiving started with a turkey trot.

Sam was enjoying some Kindle time and good eats.

By Saturday, Sam was ready to have the house to himself, and got the kids lunch boxes out by himself and loaded them up with chocolate covered pretzels.

I do think he is the happiest about Fall Break being over.
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan worked a lot. Cameo and Kaylee enjoyed Grandma Leza being there. They had a good Thanksgiving: Ethan's smoked turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, Stovetop stuffing, mac n cheese, green bean casserole, rolls, and pumpkin pie. We all enjoyed talking to them via FaceTime in the early evening. It was a special treat for Nano and Grandma to see and speak with them.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had busy work weeks, celebrated Thanksgiving with us, and Kelsie spent a fun Saturday night at Glendale Glitters with her Aunt Nicole

It was great to see Morgan and Christy at Thanksgiving. He is enjoying his job at Superlite making bricks and blocks all night. They are searching for a new apartment currently, something near Avondale, and they spent a couple of days with Doran and Amber.
Kayty made a decadent dessert for the Wilkins on Sunday night. She and Lily Rae arrived on Monday evening. It sure is hard to see a totally black kitten in that bedroom of Kayty's! She worked hard all week, with just a little overtime. We were glad she got off work early on Thursday and could eat with us on Thanksgiving.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan studied really hard at school, scored great on his Monday test, and was able to leave town Tuesday night to come here. He arrived at 6 am Wednesday, rested for a bit, and then went to see suppliers with Dad for potential internships while Jessica worked, and Annalee and I played.
The rest of the week was fun and went too fast. They were planning on heading back Saturday night, but ended up getting on the road on Sunday morning. As of publishing this (6 pm Arizona time, they are past Provo and near Salt Lake City.) We are so glad Jessica's mom's surgery went well, that she is cancer free, and that we could have this family here for our Thanksgiving.
Dad worked on a day off teaching sixth and seventh grade science at a Glendale School. Last minute sub jobs for male teachers have so far meant no plans for any work. He had a girl beat up a guy in his last class, and one kid...well, lets just say another report was filed on his suggestive actions toward the girls. He also did a ton of clean up on the back porch, hauled our old china cabinet base that served our family for many years but had started to fall apart out to the pile, rode his bike, fixed up a support system for the snow peas near the chicken pen, took Nate to a couple of suppliers for internship tours, hauled compost, dug up a garden bed, ordered new tomato seeds
I laundered, dusted, vacuumed (at the beginning of the week, it was with my stick vacuum - a great life saver but hard to use on a whole house), put up all the nativities on the living room shelves, practiced Hark the Herald Angels Sing for primary 20 times each day, picked up limes, harvested, cut up and bagged lettuces and chard, fed chickens, scrubbed the collar in Dad's temple shirt,decorated a 9 foot Christmas tree and hung up most of the stockings, put up and decorated Dad's hunting tree, and put some of our decorations up throughout the house, picked up my fixed up vacuum and loved every minute of vacuuming, mopped, washed dishes, crock pots, and found interesting ways to use up mashed potatoes.
Dad's Garden
Lots of prep for the tomato planting in a few weeks, plus lots of picking peppers.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We hosted Thanksgiving this year. It was a beautiful day, but the winds kept us indoors. I peeled potatoes and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and loved every minute! Still am excited as ever when Santa arrives!!
Dad grilled turkey and we served it with his Spank Yo Mama Sauce.
I roasted a turkey in the oven, plus I made pretty awesome mashed potatoes and gravy. Nano provided her stuffing...just like my Nano made all my life, and Dorrie shared wonderful cauliflower and cheese and candied sweet potatoes. Jessica brought yummy beans that are swiftly becoming Dad's favorite. I made the cranberry marshmallow salad and homemade pear sauce from pears someone gave us. Kayty provided the rolls. I baked two pumpkin pies: one from a roasted sugar pumpkin and one from canned pumpkin, and Nathan, our true Pie Man made some awesome Pecan Pies.
Grandma made her yummy pumpkin chocolate chip cake too. Homemade lime ade and water topped the meal off. We loved having so many family members that were able to be here!!
It was a blast to also FaceTime with Ethan, Cameo and Kaylee!!! It was a day to be very thankful for!
Other highlights
I got to take a lovely three mile temple run on Monday morning. It had rained all day the day before and off and on through the night so the weather was moist and perfect.
I just missed the spire lights coming on by 3 minutes.I loved the Christmas lights that were beginning to be on.
Awesome Christmas lights on my Saturday run
Not so highlights
I have so much to be thankful for! No low lights this week!
Kooper...or Superman as he was dressed...showed some Ninja Moves to our hens, and Nipper thought he was on the attack. They hid under the trees, even with sunflower seeds Kooper was offering them. |
It was a blast to also FaceTime with Ethan, Cameo and Kaylee!!! It was a day to be very thankful for!
Other highlights
I got to take a lovely three mile temple run on Monday morning. It had rained all day the day before and off and on through the night so the weather was moist and perfect.
I just missed the spire lights coming on by 3 minutes.I loved the Christmas lights that were beginning to be on.
Awesome Christmas lights on my Saturday run
Not so highlights
I have so much to be thankful for! No low lights this week!