I had a rough Tuesday night with little sleep, so I missed my Wednesday morning temple session. Dad attended his Wednesday evening session and enjoyed it.
For cub scouts, we talked about Veteran's Day and our military heroes. We decorated patriotic cookies and delivered them to Brother Fuller and Brother Floyd, two of the veterans in our ward. I had a good Cub Committee Meeting after church on Sunday. We don't have a cub master yet, but should in the next couple of weeks.
I took flowers and a card to one of my visiting teaching sisters who had a birthday on Monday. My visiting teachers came by on Wednesday. We had a great visit!
On Sunday, I substituted in Sacrament Meeting for the chorister. I don't think it was possible for a chorister to pick three songs with holds in them, but there were three, including one that had holds in every line! I was glad when the final hymn was 4/4 time and no holds...and then our bishop spoke briefly and selected another hymn. I was worried...but again, 4/4 and no holds. I take notes through every meeting and we had a great discussion in Sunday School about 3rd and 4th Nephi. The first question: what is the difference between dwindling in unbelief and rebelling against God? Our meetings all tied together because our new bishop emphasized the importance of individual scripture study and prayer, and prayer and individual scripture study help us keep from dwindling, and then willfully rebelling.
I am in Alma 41 in my scripture reading.
I have indexed 40,536 names so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sickness was still running through this family this week. Grace was the next victim, and the fever and sores in her mouth kept her out of school on Monday while Josh was still home that day too. Allison had a few schoolwork assignments for them, and the rest of their time was spent resting. Allison shared the following on Thursday:
"Yesterday I asked Sam what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas. He thought for a minute, threw his hands in the air and yelled, "A water bottle!" Alrighty then.
;) #heissobsessedwithwaterbottleflipping".
I guess this is a new craze, and Dad knew exactly what I was talking about as a substitute teacher.
They got a new kitten on Friday from a neighbor and were all just thrilled. I was thrilled to be able to talk with Grace and Sam on the phone Friday. Adam is still going to physical therapy for his knee, and this week was particularly painful. Allison worked at the temple during the nights and did her best to catch up during the day. And then on Saturday, Allison celebrated her 35th birthday.Happy Birthday Allison!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo had a great doctors appointment on Monday. Baby Wade is looking good, head down, but hasn't decided to come yet. Kaylee was up extra early this week, anxious to go to preschool! I am so glad she likes it! Cameo's church friends threw her a surprise baby shower for Wade on Saturday
Cameo shared:
"These wonderful women in my new ward threw me a surprise baby shower today.
😍 — with Natalie Johnson, Kyra Amrine, Allison Ralston Bryant, Jana Ralston Hickman, Jenn Shaw Cook and Jeanette Rogers Schmidt."
Many thanks to these wonderful ladies for showering our far away family with such love.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber and family had a good week. They stayed up till late Tuesday watching the election results. While I didn't vote for Donald Trump, I was very pleased that these two took such an interest in the political process and were great Trump supporters. When Doran and I talked on Wednesday evening, I expressed a hope that President Trump will do as promised, and that I was just so very glad that Mrs. Clinton had not gotten away with all her lies and cover ups. She is a very corrupt person and has sold out our country for donations to her personal Clinton Foundation. She is directly responsible for the death of an Ambassador and brave soldiers in Benghazi, and has had a media that covered up for her, gave her debate questions ahead of the debate, and did all in their power to get her elected. All that did not bring her a victory, and for that, I am most grateful. On Saturday, Amber's dog rescue group was given a tough job: a batch of abandoned puppies. Sadly one of them did not make it...broke Kelsie's heart! So very sad!!
No word from Morgan and Christy this week. Must be busy working
Kayty worked lots of overtime this week. She received a Groupon deal on Wednesday, a fully loaded Atari console. She was...less than impressed. Very unimpressed, in fact. I guess what was once great is now just irratating. I came out Thursday morning to find it boxed up and ready to return.She worked a ton of overtime! We did share a movie Sunday night and saw Harry Potter, and met her new friend Ed. He seems very nice.
The Nathan Rice Family
We had a great visit from Jessica and Annalee on Monday. That little girl is such a cutie...and so smart! She just carries on conversation. She liked playing with the blocks indoors and had a blast in the sandbox outdoors. She wasn't so sure about the baby swing, and when I asked if she wanted down, she most certainly said yes.
Jessica looks wonderful and is busy keeping up the family business while her mom is having and recovering from surgery.She decided to spend time during the surgery with her dad waiting on Tuesday, so Annalee got to come play here. She really missed her mommy!!! She did have fun, though, feeding chickens
Eating yogurt, bananas, apples, and mango
Reading books, walking around the yard looking for bunnies, playing with toys. She was so glad to see Jessica when she came!! We visited again on Thursday evening. Nathan is busy at home doing lots of homework and trying to get into his next semester of classes. He tried elk hunting for the last time on Saturday, but no elk. He was in good shape, though, and that's all that matters. We had Jess and Annalee to dinner on Sunday and had a wonderful visit. Nathan was up so late on Saturday doing homework that he was wiped out on Sunday. It was good for him to get rest.
Dad's work week included trying to complete the eleven months of cost saving projects with his SDE's and suppliers. The savings are not what the year started with. The leadership wanted all the savings found and then worked with, and that delay gave suppliers time to eliminate Honeywell savings. In addition, commodity managers were not included in the process, so often saving procedures in one area did not lead to contracts being negotiated downward. Failure at the top. The morale is very low, with everyone doing the work of 10 and no one knowing if they will be there next week.He had a vacation day on Friday, and only had to attend two meetings, make phone calls and solve a few problems.
My work included dusting, vacuuming, mopping, laundry, grocery shopping, finding a great deal on boneless-skinless chicken breasts at 79 cents a pound and then having to cut up and freeze the three huge packages, going to to post office, picking up limes, hauling lumber to the pile from the back porch, putting away tools and paint into their proper places in the shed, baking dozens of sugar cookies for cub scouts, grinding wheat, baking four loaves of whole wheat bread, cooking, grinding up eggshells for the garden, hauling out trash, and I completed the Microsoft Access classes. Now, these are just giving you a huge overview, but not practice so I know what can be done...but not necessarily how to do it.
Dad's Garden
Dad's Garden is doing great.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Other highlights
We survived another election. When I woke up Wednesday morning, I was surprised that Hillary Clinton was not our next President of the United States. Donald Trump was victorious. While we did not vote for him, we are certainly ready to give him a chance. We had concerns about the Constitutionality of his views and plans prior to the election, and he was not as dedicated to moral issues as we have valued. He also has a questionable past, but we are praying for him and for our country.
Not so highlights
Tripping and falling on my Wednesday morning jog has proven to be so irritating. If I could have skipped the church shoes on Sunday, I might have been in less pain, since it seems so much better in my athletic shoes. It does make me appreciate when all my body works correctly, though.
I had a rough Tuesday night with little sleep, so I missed my Wednesday morning temple session. Dad attended his Wednesday evening session and enjoyed it.
For cub scouts, we talked about Veteran's Day and our military heroes. We decorated patriotic cookies and delivered them to Brother Fuller and Brother Floyd, two of the veterans in our ward. I had a good Cub Committee Meeting after church on Sunday. We don't have a cub master yet, but should in the next couple of weeks.
I took flowers and a card to one of my visiting teaching sisters who had a birthday on Monday. My visiting teachers came by on Wednesday. We had a great visit!
On Sunday, I substituted in Sacrament Meeting for the chorister. I don't think it was possible for a chorister to pick three songs with holds in them, but there were three, including one that had holds in every line! I was glad when the final hymn was 4/4 time and no holds...and then our bishop spoke briefly and selected another hymn. I was worried...but again, 4/4 and no holds. I take notes through every meeting and we had a great discussion in Sunday School about 3rd and 4th Nephi. The first question: what is the difference between dwindling in unbelief and rebelling against God? Our meetings all tied together because our new bishop emphasized the importance of individual scripture study and prayer, and prayer and individual scripture study help us keep from dwindling, and then willfully rebelling.
I am in Alma 41 in my scripture reading.
I have indexed 40,536 names so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sickness was still running through this family this week. Grace was the next victim, and the fever and sores in her mouth kept her out of school on Monday while Josh was still home that day too. Allison had a few schoolwork assignments for them, and the rest of their time was spent resting. Allison shared the following on Thursday:
"Yesterday I asked Sam what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas. He thought for a minute, threw his hands in the air and yelled, "A water bottle!" Alrighty then.

I guess this is a new craze, and Dad knew exactly what I was talking about as a substitute teacher.
They got a new kitten on Friday from a neighbor and were all just thrilled. I was thrilled to be able to talk with Grace and Sam on the phone Friday. Adam is still going to physical therapy for his knee, and this week was particularly painful. Allison worked at the temple during the nights and did her best to catch up during the day. And then on Saturday, Allison celebrated her 35th birthday.Happy Birthday Allison!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo had a great doctors appointment on Monday. Baby Wade is looking good, head down, but hasn't decided to come yet. Kaylee was up extra early this week, anxious to go to preschool! I am so glad she likes it! Cameo's church friends threw her a surprise baby shower for Wade on Saturday

Cameo shared:
"These wonderful women in my new ward threw me a surprise baby shower today.

Many thanks to these wonderful ladies for showering our far away family with such love.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber and family had a good week. They stayed up till late Tuesday watching the election results. While I didn't vote for Donald Trump, I was very pleased that these two took such an interest in the political process and were great Trump supporters. When Doran and I talked on Wednesday evening, I expressed a hope that President Trump will do as promised, and that I was just so very glad that Mrs. Clinton had not gotten away with all her lies and cover ups. She is a very corrupt person and has sold out our country for donations to her personal Clinton Foundation. She is directly responsible for the death of an Ambassador and brave soldiers in Benghazi, and has had a media that covered up for her, gave her debate questions ahead of the debate, and did all in their power to get her elected. All that did not bring her a victory, and for that, I am most grateful. On Saturday, Amber's dog rescue group was given a tough job: a batch of abandoned puppies. Sadly one of them did not make it...broke Kelsie's heart! So very sad!!
No word from Morgan and Christy this week. Must be busy working
Kayty worked lots of overtime this week. She received a Groupon deal on Wednesday, a fully loaded Atari console. She was...less than impressed. Very unimpressed, in fact. I guess what was once great is now just irratating. I came out Thursday morning to find it boxed up and ready to return.She worked a ton of overtime! We did share a movie Sunday night and saw Harry Potter, and met her new friend Ed. He seems very nice.
The Nathan Rice Family
We had a great visit from Jessica and Annalee on Monday. That little girl is such a cutie...and so smart! She just carries on conversation. She liked playing with the blocks indoors and had a blast in the sandbox outdoors. She wasn't so sure about the baby swing, and when I asked if she wanted down, she most certainly said yes.
Jessica looks wonderful and is busy keeping up the family business while her mom is having and recovering from surgery.She decided to spend time during the surgery with her dad waiting on Tuesday, so Annalee got to come play here. She really missed her mommy!!! She did have fun, though, feeding chickens
Eating yogurt, bananas, apples, and mango
Reading books, walking around the yard looking for bunnies, playing with toys. She was so glad to see Jessica when she came!! We visited again on Thursday evening. Nathan is busy at home doing lots of homework and trying to get into his next semester of classes. He tried elk hunting for the last time on Saturday, but no elk. He was in good shape, though, and that's all that matters. We had Jess and Annalee to dinner on Sunday and had a wonderful visit. Nathan was up so late on Saturday doing homework that he was wiped out on Sunday. It was good for him to get rest.
Dad's work week included trying to complete the eleven months of cost saving projects with his SDE's and suppliers. The savings are not what the year started with. The leadership wanted all the savings found and then worked with, and that delay gave suppliers time to eliminate Honeywell savings. In addition, commodity managers were not included in the process, so often saving procedures in one area did not lead to contracts being negotiated downward. Failure at the top. The morale is very low, with everyone doing the work of 10 and no one knowing if they will be there next week.He had a vacation day on Friday, and only had to attend two meetings, make phone calls and solve a few problems.
My work included dusting, vacuuming, mopping, laundry, grocery shopping, finding a great deal on boneless-skinless chicken breasts at 79 cents a pound and then having to cut up and freeze the three huge packages, going to to post office, picking up limes, hauling lumber to the pile from the back porch, putting away tools and paint into their proper places in the shed, baking dozens of sugar cookies for cub scouts, grinding wheat, baking four loaves of whole wheat bread, cooking, grinding up eggshells for the garden, hauling out trash, and I completed the Microsoft Access classes. Now, these are just giving you a huge overview, but not practice so I know what can be done...but not necessarily how to do it.
Dad's Garden
Dad's Garden is doing great.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Other highlights
We survived another election. When I woke up Wednesday morning, I was surprised that Hillary Clinton was not our next President of the United States. Donald Trump was victorious. While we did not vote for him, we are certainly ready to give him a chance. We had concerns about the Constitutionality of his views and plans prior to the election, and he was not as dedicated to moral issues as we have valued. He also has a questionable past, but we are praying for him and for our country.
Not so highlights
Tripping and falling on my Wednesday morning jog has proven to be so irritating. If I could have skipped the church shoes on Sunday, I might have been in less pain, since it seems so much better in my athletic shoes. It does make me appreciate when all my body works correctly, though.
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