I attended the first session on Tuesday morning at the Phoenix temple. I used to go to that session regularly but it's usually more full (I assume lots of inspirational talks on temple attendance happen the Sunday prior). I really enjoyed it. Dad attended his regular Wednesday evening temple session. He and I both spent over an hour at the temple Thursday evening performing sealing ordinances. I love the beauty of the sealing room and knowing that we are helping families be together forever.
Cub Scouts: I was greeted with this scene as I got out of my car to head into church
Our meeting went well. We continue talking about heroes. This week, we talked about missionary heroes. We wrote notes to the missionaries serving from our ward, made gift bags for the missionaries serving in our ward, and the missionaries came and spoke with us about the blessings of being a missionary. It was a great evening.
Dad taught his regular 3rd Sunday high priest lesson on Charity on Sunday. It went well. We loved having Jessica and Annalee with us in church today! We had a great Relief Society Lesson on Dad;s same subject. We shared Salad on Sunday afterwards, and when Annalee awoke, Papa made her a plate of raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, banana, and pomegranate, and Grammy fed her yogurt.
I received my regular magazine that the Wilkins bought for us, and one article by Michael McLean really touched me, and I shared that with my inmate sister. I also sent cards out for visiting teaching this month. Both sisters have been busy with family all month and that will continue. I also wrote to our letter only sister. Dad home taught two of three families on Sunday. One had to cancel since they had a death in the family.
I have indexed 42220 records so far this year.
I am in Alma 51 in my scripture reading.
December 1, 2016 has been declared a worldwide day of service, and starts a month of serving another person every day. Dad will be in Utah and flying back on December 1st. I was trying to think of someplace I could volunteer, and then Nano came to mind. I called her and told her that I would be her slave for the entire day (after I make sure Kayty is ok, that it) on December 1st. When I told her on the phone, she already had two things in mind and was working on more. I am so thankful the Spirit sent me to someone who has shown love and service all her life!
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins had another busy week. Grace helped Allison a ton on Friday, watching the little ones while she took Adam to therapy, doctors appointments, etc. Kayty headed up on Saturday with a car full of the rest of my Kaylee Preschool stuff...Plus a few things cleaned out of the closet. Sam liked the costumes...
Grace achieved some goals during the week, so she and Kayty and Allison had a girls' night watching "Phantom of the Opera."

They had a nice relaxing Sunday, or as relaxing as it is with another kitten and Kayty in the house!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo's bloodwork early in the week showed some anemia, which explains the exhaustion Cameo has been feeling. She rested more and is trying to alter her work hours so she can sleep longer. She shared with me a picture Kaylee made at preschool
Notice this green plumed turkey's name: 'Luna". When Kaylee was little, and you would ask her what a doll, or dog, or chicken's name was...her reply: "Luna". Always Luna. She kind of stopped as she got older, but I was glad to see this sweet Luna the Turkey with the Green Feathers and Green Feet.
I attended the first session on Tuesday morning at the Phoenix temple. I used to go to that session regularly but it's usually more full (I assume lots of inspirational talks on temple attendance happen the Sunday prior). I really enjoyed it. Dad attended his regular Wednesday evening temple session. He and I both spent over an hour at the temple Thursday evening performing sealing ordinances. I love the beauty of the sealing room and knowing that we are helping families be together forever.
Cub Scouts: I was greeted with this scene as I got out of my car to head into church
Our meeting went well. We continue talking about heroes. This week, we talked about missionary heroes. We wrote notes to the missionaries serving from our ward, made gift bags for the missionaries serving in our ward, and the missionaries came and spoke with us about the blessings of being a missionary. It was a great evening.
Dad taught his regular 3rd Sunday high priest lesson on Charity on Sunday. It went well. We loved having Jessica and Annalee with us in church today! We had a great Relief Society Lesson on Dad;s same subject. We shared Salad on Sunday afterwards, and when Annalee awoke, Papa made her a plate of raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, banana, and pomegranate, and Grammy fed her yogurt.
I received my regular magazine that the Wilkins bought for us, and one article by Michael McLean really touched me, and I shared that with my inmate sister. I also sent cards out for visiting teaching this month. Both sisters have been busy with family all month and that will continue. I also wrote to our letter only sister. Dad home taught two of three families on Sunday. One had to cancel since they had a death in the family.
I have indexed 42220 records so far this year.
I am in Alma 51 in my scripture reading.
December 1, 2016 has been declared a worldwide day of service, and starts a month of serving another person every day. Dad will be in Utah and flying back on December 1st. I was trying to think of someplace I could volunteer, and then Nano came to mind. I called her and told her that I would be her slave for the entire day (after I make sure Kayty is ok, that it) on December 1st. When I told her on the phone, she already had two things in mind and was working on more. I am so thankful the Spirit sent me to someone who has shown love and service all her life!
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins had another busy week. Grace helped Allison a ton on Friday, watching the little ones while she took Adam to therapy, doctors appointments, etc. Kayty headed up on Saturday with a car full of the rest of my Kaylee Preschool stuff...Plus a few things cleaned out of the closet. Sam liked the costumes...
Grace achieved some goals during the week, so she and Kayty and Allison had a girls' night watching "Phantom of the Opera."

They had a nice relaxing Sunday, or as relaxing as it is with another kitten and Kayty in the house!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo's bloodwork early in the week showed some anemia, which explains the exhaustion Cameo has been feeling. She rested more and is trying to alter her work hours so she can sleep longer. She shared with me a picture Kaylee made at preschool
Notice this green plumed turkey's name: 'Luna". When Kaylee was little, and you would ask her what a doll, or dog, or chicken's name was...her reply: "Luna". Always Luna. She kind of stopped as she got older, but I was glad to see this sweet Luna the Turkey with the Green Feathers and Green Feet.
Cameo has spent a lot of time readying for Thanksgiving this week. She will make a lovely dinner, and I sure will miss Ethan's smoked turkey.
Cameo's mom arrived on Sunday for a visit.

The Doran Rice Family
This was a hard week for Kelsie and Amber. On Monday, Kelsie's Grammy, Cindy Baumgard - her daddy Danny's mom - entered hospice care, and her struggle with Lung disease and cancer had taken their toll. Amber and Kelsie were able to spend Monday with Cindy and the joyous pictures were heavenly. Cindy looked so happy.

She passed away Tuesday morning. I could just envision the joyous reunion on the other side of the veil as she was reunited with her sweet son! So thankful that this life on earth is not the end and that we are eternal, that families are eternal.Doran took the opportunity to explain the Plan of Salvation to Kelsie. While death is sad for those here, it is joyous for those who are reunited with family members and we know we will see them again.
Morgan and Crhisty are doing well.
Kayty had a busy work week...again.She helped me turn ten pounds of potatoes into mashed potatoes for a work meal on Wednesday.She went and saw that new pre Harry Potter movie on Thursday alone, and on Friday in full costume with friend, Edward.

She found a new friend to bring home: Lily Rey

The Nathan Rice Family
Nate was busy at home doing school work, and Jessica was busy in Peoria working...and Annalee was enjoying dogs and aunts and uncles and grandparents. Jessica scored at a yard sale on Thursday and got me my Christmas present: North Pole Town Hall and Marie's Doll Museum. While Annalee napped, I found just the perfect spots for them! Nathan had a busy work day on Saturday, but enjoyed it.
Dad's early week was full of writing changes to drawings, meetings, a Kaizen event, late night emails and calls, more meetings, a few disappointments as a project he had worked on for 11 months was ruined by the Commodity Manager and the company involved. He did receive news that the layoff will not occur till January, so he has a job at least till then.
My week's work included laundry, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, picking-cutting-washing-bagging salad greens, picking up limes, cooking (breakfasts, lunches and dinners),scrubbing toilets and sinks,making mashed potatoes, shopping, scout prep, playing with Annalee,
doing lots more food shopping and Thanksgiving preparations.
Dad's Garden
I picked greens on Monday, and dad had the last plate of Salad on Sunday. Gardens are flourinshing! Cabbage is starting to turn to heads. Snow peas are taller. We traded 10 pounds of key limes for 1 gallon of fresh goat milk.
Other highlights
Walking (alas, on Monday, my ankle was still too bad to jog) to a beautiful, amazing Super Moon. I was out at 4:20 am, when it was to be at it's brightest and best. And Tuesday was just as beautiful!
My first house with Christmas lights happened early Tuesday morning.
I have been looking for a new Christmas tree for years. Ours is now 15 years old, and I finally decided on one...
Not so highlights
I was asked to play my flute for a primary presentation on December 4th. I can't remember when I played my piccolo, and my flute has been sitting much longer. I got it out: no physical problems. I agreed. I then played.
Musical problems! My fingers are fine, but my sound was awful! I now practice "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" at least 10 times each day. I told the primary president I was not at a fifth grade level of playing. Hopefully my practice will bring me up a few grades before then. Not Sacrament Meeting quality at all!! Since it's Primary, the children will understand!
Cameo's mom arrived on Sunday for a visit.

The Doran Rice Family
This was a hard week for Kelsie and Amber. On Monday, Kelsie's Grammy, Cindy Baumgard - her daddy Danny's mom - entered hospice care, and her struggle with Lung disease and cancer had taken their toll. Amber and Kelsie were able to spend Monday with Cindy and the joyous pictures were heavenly. Cindy looked so happy.

She passed away Tuesday morning. I could just envision the joyous reunion on the other side of the veil as she was reunited with her sweet son! So thankful that this life on earth is not the end and that we are eternal, that families are eternal.Doran took the opportunity to explain the Plan of Salvation to Kelsie. While death is sad for those here, it is joyous for those who are reunited with family members and we know we will see them again.
Morgan and Crhisty are doing well.
Kayty had a busy work week...again.She helped me turn ten pounds of potatoes into mashed potatoes for a work meal on Wednesday.She went and saw that new pre Harry Potter movie on Thursday alone, and on Friday in full costume with friend, Edward.

She found a new friend to bring home: Lily Rey

The Nathan Rice Family
Nate was busy at home doing school work, and Jessica was busy in Peoria working...and Annalee was enjoying dogs and aunts and uncles and grandparents. Jessica scored at a yard sale on Thursday and got me my Christmas present: North Pole Town Hall and Marie's Doll Museum. While Annalee napped, I found just the perfect spots for them! Nathan had a busy work day on Saturday, but enjoyed it.
Dad's early week was full of writing changes to drawings, meetings, a Kaizen event, late night emails and calls, more meetings, a few disappointments as a project he had worked on for 11 months was ruined by the Commodity Manager and the company involved. He did receive news that the layoff will not occur till January, so he has a job at least till then.
My week's work included laundry, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, picking-cutting-washing-bagging salad greens, picking up limes, cooking (breakfasts, lunches and dinners),scrubbing toilets and sinks,making mashed potatoes, shopping, scout prep, playing with Annalee,
doing lots more food shopping and Thanksgiving preparations.
Dad's Garden
I picked greens on Monday, and dad had the last plate of Salad on Sunday. Gardens are flourinshing! Cabbage is starting to turn to heads. Snow peas are taller. We traded 10 pounds of key limes for 1 gallon of fresh goat milk.
Other highlights
Walking (alas, on Monday, my ankle was still too bad to jog) to a beautiful, amazing Super Moon. I was out at 4:20 am, when it was to be at it's brightest and best. And Tuesday was just as beautiful!
My first house with Christmas lights happened early Tuesday morning.
Not so highlights
I was asked to play my flute for a primary presentation on December 4th. I can't remember when I played my piccolo, and my flute has been sitting much longer. I got it out: no physical problems. I agreed. I then played.
Musical problems! My fingers are fine, but my sound was awful! I now practice "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" at least 10 times each day. I told the primary president I was not at a fifth grade level of playing. Hopefully my practice will bring me up a few grades before then. Not Sacrament Meeting quality at all!! Since it's Primary, the children will understand!
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