My Wednesday started in the early morning Phoenix temple session. Dad's Wednesday ended at the temple as well.
Cub scouts went well. The boys had interviewed their "hero" and gave their reports. It's nice to have a smaller, four cub group for awhile.
Dad and I helped with the two stake baptism on Saturday. The program was nearly flawless and Dad did a super job conducting the meeting, and I had the laundry done by that evening. There were four very happy young men who had made an important covenant and are on the right path.
A new bishopric was called for our ward on Sunday morning. We now have Bishop Ryan Johnson, with Adam Larson as first counselor and Brother Floyd as second counselor. It was a very spiritual meeting as testimonies were born by those who had completed their service in the bishopric and those who were newly called to serve. It is an amazing contrast to see how the transfer of righteous leadership happens in the Lord's church. No campaigns. No nasty commercials. No debates. Prayer. Callings issued. Callings accepted. Sustaining vote. Setting apart. The priesthood is the Lord's power on the earth and I am grateful for it.
Wonderful lesson today in Relief Society. It was an answer to fasting and prayer. It was Russell M. Nelson's talk on Sunday Morning in General Conference. I also included it in my letter to my inmate sister.
I am in Alma 31 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 38936 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
It was a wonderful Halloween for the Wilkins family...though Daddy had to work and got home too late to get his costume on...

A trip had been planned...we were FINALLY going to see our Wilkins family! But, alas, sickness started in the house, and our trip was cancelled late Wednesday night. (That is why we helped with the baptism. I had typed the program and script, and had emailed it) Grace was able to keep me up on things all week. Parent/Teacher conferences were held on Friday.Saturday, Adam's school volleyball team was in the playoffs, but lost their game.

And Josh completed his t-ball season
Grace had a special "visitor" in primary on Sunday, and had a special opportunity to bear her testimony in Sacrament Meeting. Mike and the boys were home nursing terrible coughs. The family is continuing a wonderful Gratitude tradition this year. Here is what Allison wrote:
"Way back in November 2006, I put baby Grace down for a nap and cute 3-year-old Adam and I cut out a turkey and feathers. All month, our family wrote down one thing we were grateful for on a feather each night and glued it on. After Thanksgiving, I couldn't bear to throw it out, so I laminated it. We've kept up the tradition and I LOVE our "turkey wall" with 9 turkeys (2008's was ruined during a move). I love how they show what happened that year and how our kiddos have grown and matured through the years. We love pulling them out and reading all of the feathers. One of my favorite traditions that I hope lasts a long time."

The Ethan Rice Family
This family carved their jack o lantern late Sunday night...on the Eve of Halloween.

Kaylee enjoyed trick or treating, though there were not many houses lit. I got to talk to her via Facetime on Thursday night. She was happy and was talking about what to take the next day for Show and Tell at preschool.

Ethan continues to work seven days a week. Cameo's job is going well and she participated in a long distance twin day...

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had an interesting week. Amber had been plagued with the flu and then a misalignment of her spine that caused horrible headaches. She didn't get to trick or treat, but Papa and I went out to their house. He handed out candy and I got to trick or treat with Kelsie and Kooper and Doran.
I had such a good time! Kelsie was so amazing!! She would go to every door, and after she got the candy, she would say "thank you" and then wished a nice day or a good evening to everyone. When Kooper was too tired to go to a door, she would ask for some for her little brother, and then bring it back and put the candy in Kooper's pillow case. Absolutely wonderful!!
Morgan and Christy are well. Morgan went fishing with Doran on Saturday night.
Kayty enjoyed her Halloween! No work. Slept in late. Enjoyed the party at Singles' Ward.

She was the Cheshire Cat this year for Halloween
My Wednesday started in the early morning Phoenix temple session. Dad's Wednesday ended at the temple as well.
Cub scouts went well. The boys had interviewed their "hero" and gave their reports. It's nice to have a smaller, four cub group for awhile.
Dad and I helped with the two stake baptism on Saturday. The program was nearly flawless and Dad did a super job conducting the meeting, and I had the laundry done by that evening. There were four very happy young men who had made an important covenant and are on the right path.
A new bishopric was called for our ward on Sunday morning. We now have Bishop Ryan Johnson, with Adam Larson as first counselor and Brother Floyd as second counselor. It was a very spiritual meeting as testimonies were born by those who had completed their service in the bishopric and those who were newly called to serve. It is an amazing contrast to see how the transfer of righteous leadership happens in the Lord's church. No campaigns. No nasty commercials. No debates. Prayer. Callings issued. Callings accepted. Sustaining vote. Setting apart. The priesthood is the Lord's power on the earth and I am grateful for it.
Wonderful lesson today in Relief Society. It was an answer to fasting and prayer. It was Russell M. Nelson's talk on Sunday Morning in General Conference. I also included it in my letter to my inmate sister.
I am in Alma 31 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 38936 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
It was a wonderful Halloween for the Wilkins family...though Daddy had to work and got home too late to get his costume on...

A trip had been planned...we were FINALLY going to see our Wilkins family! But, alas, sickness started in the house, and our trip was cancelled late Wednesday night. (That is why we helped with the baptism. I had typed the program and script, and had emailed it) Grace was able to keep me up on things all week. Parent/Teacher conferences were held on Friday.Saturday, Adam's school volleyball team was in the playoffs, but lost their game.

And Josh completed his t-ball season

Grace had a special "visitor" in primary on Sunday, and had a special opportunity to bear her testimony in Sacrament Meeting. Mike and the boys were home nursing terrible coughs. The family is continuing a wonderful Gratitude tradition this year. Here is what Allison wrote:
"Way back in November 2006, I put baby Grace down for a nap and cute 3-year-old Adam and I cut out a turkey and feathers. All month, our family wrote down one thing we were grateful for on a feather each night and glued it on. After Thanksgiving, I couldn't bear to throw it out, so I laminated it. We've kept up the tradition and I LOVE our "turkey wall" with 9 turkeys (2008's was ruined during a move). I love how they show what happened that year and how our kiddos have grown and matured through the years. We love pulling them out and reading all of the feathers. One of my favorite traditions that I hope lasts a long time."

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This was one Adam designed. I LOVE the eyes!! |
The Ethan Rice Family
This family carved their jack o lantern late Sunday night...on the Eve of Halloween.

Kaylee enjoyed trick or treating, though there were not many houses lit. I got to talk to her via Facetime on Thursday night. She was happy and was talking about what to take the next day for Show and Tell at preschool.

Ethan continues to work seven days a week. Cameo's job is going well and she participated in a long distance twin day...

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had an interesting week. Amber had been plagued with the flu and then a misalignment of her spine that caused horrible headaches. She didn't get to trick or treat, but Papa and I went out to their house. He handed out candy and I got to trick or treat with Kelsie and Kooper and Doran.
I had such a good time! Kelsie was so amazing!! She would go to every door, and after she got the candy, she would say "thank you" and then wished a nice day or a good evening to everyone. When Kooper was too tired to go to a door, she would ask for some for her little brother, and then bring it back and put the candy in Kooper's pillow case. Absolutely wonderful!!
Morgan and Christy are well. Morgan went fishing with Doran on Saturday night.
Kayty enjoyed her Halloween! No work. Slept in late. Enjoyed the party at Singles' Ward.

She was the Cheshire Cat this year for Halloween

This was what we found Thursday evening...
Phoenix is not easy on One Direction-O-Lanterns!
She worked many overtime hours on Friday and Saturday this week. Enjoyed church on Sunday and went out on Sunday night.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and Annalee had a good week. Nathan did well in school, though his CNC machining class was kind of disappointing. His program he wrote ended up breaking the tip of a tap. He is learning so much, and that is all part of the process. They voted in the Presidential Election on Friday

He tried more elk hunting on Saturday...no elk or sign. Jessica and Annalee flew down to Phoenix on Sunday to help out Jessica's family and be here for a few weeks till Nathan comes for Thanksgiving.
Another long and hard work week for Dad. Suppliers have been reapportioned because of the layoff a month ago, and the final days before another layoff loomed. He has more suppliers that any other SDE, plus he is still the Southwest Area Captain, and has duties for that . His boss calls him all the time..."Where is this for your supplier..." and then "Where is this for your team...". I think it's only then his boss realizes he is doing double duty. Thursday Leadership Broadcasts are always a "treasure". They are on the "cusp of another furlought". Grr...He used a vacation day to substitute teach on Friday.
My week was full of my typical duties: laundry at least one load every day (except Sunday), vacuuming, scrubbing bathrooms, trash, cooking meals, dusting, taking care of the hens, picking up limes, going through items to give to Deseret Industries.
Dad's Garden
Doing well!
Dad's Truck
We had to do a spray adhesive test for DIY and tried a product out. This is what we submitted.
The study was done before we checked back and all had fallen off the ceiling. Glue fail!
Other highlights
My Winter Village is up! Dad made me new support legs for the piano portion of the village, and a new table for the south wing. I have tons of room!!
Not so highlights
This election season has been the most contentious, divisive one in my memory. I have been so distressed at comments on Facebook by people I know are good people...people I love and respect. I have witnessed the meanest in may people. I have also witnessed kindness, though not very often. I want to let my family know that I had supported another candidate in the primaries. That has happened nearly every time. When the final party candidate was chosen, I was always able to come to terms and support the candidate, for I truly felt they were a good person. This time, however, I could not come to that feeling. My heart was troubled. I prayed and prayed for guidance. I sat in the celestial room in the temple and prayed for guidance. Early one morning, I was reading something about the candidates running, and where they come from. My answer came, right before I took my jog, that I could not support either candidate. I pondered this, and felt so good about my decision, though my head did not comprehend what the Spirit had witnessed to me. I had disregarded vehemently, a third party candidate, until I returned, and looked, and studied. It was then I decided to select the person I felt had good morals, had chosen well for a long time, and had the best interests of what I felt was important. I felt my prayers answered, and when the ballot arrived, I wrote in the candidate and peacefully sent it off. Since that point, I have felt pummeled by those who I know are good, but are operating from fear. I have seen this, and I am taken back to the talks we have heard from our leaders in General Conference that Faith in Christ is what we need to have. Fear is Satan's tool. "If we do what's right, we have no need to fear; for the Lord, our helper, will ever be near. In the days of trial, His Saints He will cheer, and prosper the cause of truth. Fear not, though the enemy deride. Courage, for the Lord is on our side. We will heed not what the wicked may say, but the Lord, alone we will obey." "Dare to do right. Dare to be true..." "Our prophet has some words for you, and these are the words 'Be true. Be true.' At work or at play, in darkness or light. Be true. Be true, and stand for the right." Dad and I stand for the right. Times will be difficult. There are people all over the world who live in far worse political situations and still remain true and stand for the right. We have faith that when we stand for the right, the Lord will help us endure whatever faces us. This is the best we could do...for now and for the future. We fasted this weekend for our country. We pray for it. We will find joy, no matter what the circumstances.
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