We had a good day at church. I substituted in a CTR 5 Primary class and it went well. Two of the four very active spirits in that class were out of town, so that made it a lot easier. Dad taught in High Priest Quorum and his lesson went well.
Dad attended a session at the temple on Thursday evening.
I am reading the August Ensign Magazine.
In the Book of Mormon, I am in 1 Nephi 21.
I have indexed 21989 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
A friend shared this picture on Sunday

The Wilkins are doing well and enjoying their summer! Adam let us know Josh is the one who has been inviting Adams Facebook contacts to play a favorite game.
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan went on a business trip to Indiana Tuesday through Thursday. The weather was unusually warm, but he accomplished what he needed to. We got some cute videos sent to us this week! Wade got his first haircut on the 17th, and Ethan got to experience the fun of cutting a toddlers hair.
We had a good day at church. I substituted in a CTR 5 Primary class and it went well. Two of the four very active spirits in that class were out of town, so that made it a lot easier. Dad taught in High Priest Quorum and his lesson went well.
Dad attended a session at the temple on Thursday evening.
I am reading the August Ensign Magazine.
In the Book of Mormon, I am in 1 Nephi 21.
I have indexed 21989 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
A friend shared this picture on Sunday

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan went on a business trip to Indiana Tuesday through Thursday. The weather was unusually warm, but he accomplished what he needed to. We got some cute videos sent to us this week! Wade got his first haircut on the 17th, and Ethan got to experience the fun of cutting a toddlers hair.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran had a good week. Dad was able to go fishing on the east side of town with Doran and Morgan on Friday night. Doran was the catcher for the evening.
The Morgan Rice Family
Morgan and Christy went fishing on Friday, but Christy was wiped out, so she tried to nap in the car.
We also went and met up with them and Dad fished a bit late Saturday night. It was warm, and I was absolutely certain there would be a body floating down that canal, but the talking is fun, and that is what fishing is all about. Morgan had caught a huge catfish earlier in the day, but it got off the stringer.
Kayty started back at her old temporary job this week. The days were boring, but good. She went and saw the movie "Dunkirk" on Friday night and really liked it. She even mentioned the story line, which is miraculous since her favorite One Directioner, Harry Stiles, had a major role in the movie.
She worked hard on creating Poppy Hair for crazy hair day at work next week...

Health has been pretty good this week.
The Nathan Rice Family
The time Nate and Jess are here is winding down, and much is needed to do to prepare to return home for them. Jessica and Annalee spent time with Jessica's grandmother who was visiting in town. They did some shopping and enjoyed time together with her family. Nathan came by a few times during the week to work on projects to get them home as well as other things he was working on. He had overtime at work every day which was a great blessing. Jessica had a bit of a labor scare and saw the doctor on Friday, but all was fine. She will be so relieved to get back to her regular doctor soon. I got to watch Annalee on Friday night while they went out to dinner. Saturday was a huge work day. Nate is busy completing projects he designed to take home to Idaho,
plus he welded a unit up that can be put in a trailer
hitch to carry extra things back. Jessica and Annalee visited and we played, watched movies, Annalee swam in the little pool, she napped while Nate and Jess ran a few needed errands, and we ate some simple pizza oven pizza.
Dad's Garden
Dad has peppers and basil growing. The gazebo grapevines look awful and I am hoping we can just replace with some sort of climbing vine. The grapes out by the chicken pen look great.
Year of the House Part 2
Dad got the forms off the concrete barrier and got the high spots removed and prepared the bolts to add the wall. We had a leak on the back porch. We feared it was a slab leak, but were blessed to find out it was a pipe under the patio causing the problem We were up very, very late Thursday night, but we were blessed that it was easy to repaired.
Christmas In July
Christmas in July has been not as much as I have done in the past. I did get all my ornaments completed last week, and I did watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, one of my childhood favorites. This week, I worked on repurposing houses purchased at Deseret Industries. I made a temple (still need a "Holiness to the Lord" sign created for the front as well as an Angel Moroni for the top...going to get a tie pin for that one) and "Nano's Blankets". My next project is "Dorrie's Divine Divinity", which I started on Friday, and then all my paint will be put away.
Other highlights
Just walked around the yard on Sunday morning and made sure the hut didn't leak (it didn't, but the spiders are loving the dry dark space...gotta get them gone!)
We had rain Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday and Saturday afternoons/evenings/ nights! It was such a blessing! The big storm ended up getting a limb or two off the back yard tree...so dad cut and I hauled. We also trimmed the front yard mesquite tree so no limbs would break. We have quite the bulk pick up pile already.
Doran had a good week. Dad was able to go fishing on the east side of town with Doran and Morgan on Friday night. Doran was the catcher for the evening.
The Morgan Rice Family
Morgan and Christy went fishing on Friday, but Christy was wiped out, so she tried to nap in the car.
We also went and met up with them and Dad fished a bit late Saturday night. It was warm, and I was absolutely certain there would be a body floating down that canal, but the talking is fun, and that is what fishing is all about. Morgan had caught a huge catfish earlier in the day, but it got off the stringer.
Kayty started back at her old temporary job this week. The days were boring, but good. She went and saw the movie "Dunkirk" on Friday night and really liked it. She even mentioned the story line, which is miraculous since her favorite One Directioner, Harry Stiles, had a major role in the movie.
She worked hard on creating Poppy Hair for crazy hair day at work next week...

Health has been pretty good this week.
The Nathan Rice Family
The time Nate and Jess are here is winding down, and much is needed to do to prepare to return home for them. Jessica and Annalee spent time with Jessica's grandmother who was visiting in town. They did some shopping and enjoyed time together with her family. Nathan came by a few times during the week to work on projects to get them home as well as other things he was working on. He had overtime at work every day which was a great blessing. Jessica had a bit of a labor scare and saw the doctor on Friday, but all was fine. She will be so relieved to get back to her regular doctor soon. I got to watch Annalee on Friday night while they went out to dinner. Saturday was a huge work day. Nate is busy completing projects he designed to take home to Idaho,
plus he welded a unit up that can be put in a trailer
hitch to carry extra things back. Jessica and Annalee visited and we played, watched movies, Annalee swam in the little pool, she napped while Nate and Jess ran a few needed errands, and we ate some simple pizza oven pizza.
Dad's Garden
Dad has peppers and basil growing. The gazebo grapevines look awful and I am hoping we can just replace with some sort of climbing vine. The grapes out by the chicken pen look great.
Year of the House Part 2
Dad got the forms off the concrete barrier and got the high spots removed and prepared the bolts to add the wall. We had a leak on the back porch. We feared it was a slab leak, but were blessed to find out it was a pipe under the patio causing the problem We were up very, very late Thursday night, but we were blessed that it was easy to repaired.
Christmas In July
Christmas in July has been not as much as I have done in the past. I did get all my ornaments completed last week, and I did watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, one of my childhood favorites. This week, I worked on repurposing houses purchased at Deseret Industries. I made a temple (still need a "Holiness to the Lord" sign created for the front as well as an Angel Moroni for the top...going to get a tie pin for that one) and "Nano's Blankets". My next project is "Dorrie's Divine Divinity", which I started on Friday, and then all my paint will be put away.
Other highlights
Just walked around the yard on Sunday morning and made sure the hut didn't leak (it didn't, but the spiders are loving the dry dark space...gotta get them gone!)
We had rain Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday and Saturday afternoons/evenings/ nights! It was such a blessing! The big storm ended up getting a limb or two off the back yard tree...so dad cut and I hauled. We also trimmed the front yard mesquite tree so no limbs would break. We have quite the bulk pick up pile already.
Mom and I went on our regular Thursday morning shopping trip. I took her to get a hair cut, then we stopped at a Cricket Store to replace her lost cell phone, and then Fry's for groceries.
We got our new computer and are busy with two computers, one PC and one Mac, getting things from one to the other.
Not so highlights
Dad's job is crazy, but that is pretty standard.
We got our new computer and are busy with two computers, one PC and one Mac, getting things from one to the other.
Not so highlights
Dad's job is crazy, but that is pretty standard.
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