Sunday was a wonderful day: Sacrament Meeting was very inspiring with talks on conversion to the gospel, preparing for a full time mission, and a missionary speaking before leaving to serve his mission in Hawaii.
I attended a temple endowment session on Tuesday morning and Dad attended on Tuesday evening.
Cub Scouts went very well and the things we did to help the boys stay engaged seemed to be successful. We are off scouts for July and will begin again in August.
Our home teachers came be after scouts on Wednesday night and left a message about serving a mission and encouraged us to do that.
I received a sweet letter from Jessie and I am working on another one for her.
Our Priest Quorum Advisor suddenly died last week and I served in the kitchen at the luncheon after the funeral on Saturday. I am blessed to attend church with very kind and generous people. When the need for food, rides, childcare, etc. is posted on a Sign Up Genius, and it is very hard to get signed up before the sign up is full. I had managed to sign up to bring a salad, but there were too many others bringing food.
I am in Mormon 1 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 19730 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Grace received a special recognition award this week:

Allison wrote:
"This cutie won The Great American Challenge this past school year and got her trophy from her teacher today. To win, she had to memorize and recite the Preamble to the Constitution, The Gettysburg Address, all of the presidents in order, the state names and capitals, The Star-Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance. She was super determined and did it!"
Adam swam with Sam and then built a fort with him.

The Ethan Rice Family
In the past week, Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee, Wade and Grampy Wade attended Southern Belle Farm to harvest peaches, blueberries and blackberries. They had a wonderful time.

Sunday was a wonderful day: Sacrament Meeting was very inspiring with talks on conversion to the gospel, preparing for a full time mission, and a missionary speaking before leaving to serve his mission in Hawaii.
I attended a temple endowment session on Tuesday morning and Dad attended on Tuesday evening.
Cub Scouts went very well and the things we did to help the boys stay engaged seemed to be successful. We are off scouts for July and will begin again in August.
Our home teachers came be after scouts on Wednesday night and left a message about serving a mission and encouraged us to do that.
I received a sweet letter from Jessie and I am working on another one for her.
Our Priest Quorum Advisor suddenly died last week and I served in the kitchen at the luncheon after the funeral on Saturday. I am blessed to attend church with very kind and generous people. When the need for food, rides, childcare, etc. is posted on a Sign Up Genius, and it is very hard to get signed up before the sign up is full. I had managed to sign up to bring a salad, but there were too many others bringing food.
I am in Mormon 1 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 19730 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Grace received a special recognition award this week:

Allison wrote:
"This cutie won The Great American Challenge this past school year and got her trophy from her teacher today. To win, she had to memorize and recite the Preamble to the Constitution, The Gettysburg Address, all of the presidents in order, the state names and capitals, The Star-Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance. She was super determined and did it!"
Adam swam with Sam and then built a fort with him.

The Ethan Rice Family
In the past week, Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee, Wade and Grampy Wade attended Southern Belle Farm to harvest peaches, blueberries and blackberries. They had a wonderful time.

And Cameo is turning into a pie making queen
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Fresh picked Peaches for Peach Pie |
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Blackberry Pie from fresh picked blackberries |

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber headed to Show Low early Sunday to rescue a dog. Unfortunately, the rescue was unsuccessful but they did get to enjoy rain and beautiful cool weather.
Kelsie spent the week with Aunt Sherry at night and with her cousin Abbi attending an animal care camp.

The Morgan Rice Family
Morgan had a good work week and Christy had her nieces and nephews over for dinner on Wednesday, and had trouble getting the jack out from under her car after she fixed a tire, so dad and I went down and did a simple repair to the jack. She loaded up the kids and was off in a few minutes.
Morgan fished on Friday morning and caught one.
Kayty had a good work week. She is getting used to receptionist duties, but is really looking forward to returning to CVS on July 17th. She is still trying to find a doctor to get insulin prescriptions, since she was turned down by Obamacare until open enrollment in November.
Total saves this week: 2 minor, 1 major with seizures
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and Annalee came by on Sunday and shared dinner with us. They also cooked Potato salad for Nate to take to work on Monday.
Annalee came by on Tuesday to play at our house for a few hours. She enjoyed some brief but cool swims in the little pool and watched Troll music on the Ipad. Nathan sold his lathe on Thursday and they briefly stopped by on Saturday.
I decided to eliminate this portion of the blog from now on. Dad's job is what it is: no improvement and no change possible. We will include any good information in the highlights section of the blog. My work is usually the same, and any highlights I experience will be included there as well.
Dad's Garden
Dad got all the gardens torn up, plastic and watering lines removed, and started preparing the soil for Fall planting.
Year of the House Part 2
Dad worked on the drywall in the bathroom. It was good progress.
Other highlights
Dad's aunt, Ann Rice, shared these pics on Facebook

Grandfather Doran C. Rice, his sister Iona (Cissy) Tyree, Great grandmother Dorothy Edna Morgan, Great Grandfather Theodore Thomas Doran Rice, sister Betty Ann Wetzel, and brother Tom Rice.
The bottom picture:
Tom Rice, Theodore Thomas Doran Rice, and Doran C. Rice
Air Conditioner check brought good news: only needed 6 lbs freon for now, and we had a unit with the less expensive freon. We will determine leaks during the Winter, when leaks tend to show up. Clement Air Conditioning and Heating was amazing, honest and highly recommended.
After saving Kayty Tuesday morning, I felt safe enough to be gone longer and ran by the temple. It was wonderful.
Weather is cooling...a bit. We have endured 118 so anything less than that is cool.
Dad was craving an old fashioned ice and syrup snow cone on Friday. I told him that those were not made any more...until these sweet girls at church posted on our ward Facebook page that they were selling lemonade and snow cones...
Natalie and Bella Gamez, and Katelyn Moyes...you totally made his day!
Natalie and Bella Gamez, and Katelyn Moyes...you totally made his day!
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