We had a great Fast and Testimony meeting on Sunday. We heard testimony of those who were grateful for service given at the recent funeral, on brother and his wife shared a strong testimony as he will face open heart surgery this week, and our final testimony was born by our Young Women's President who has been fighting cancer for weeks and will return to the hospital in a couple of weeks for a bone marrow transplant and then the months of isolation to recover. We are blessed to be able to attend church with such amazing people who love the Lord and testify of the many blessings they have received from him.
I taught primary as a substitute. It was work but came out well.
Dad attended a session at the Phoenix temple Thursday evening.
I was able to get a letter off to my friend, Jessica, as well as one to a visiting teaching sister.
I am in Ether 10 in my Book of Mormon reading. I also completed reading the July Ensign magazine.
I have indexed 20441 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Adam sent my first birthday greeting for this family on my birthday. They had a good and very busy week.
The Ethan Rice Family
I neglected to share Wade's 7 month celebration on the 1st

This is what Cameo shared:
"7 months ago today, this little angel was born (DOB: December 1st). He sits, crawls, pulls himself up, and stands. He is more independent as he is able to explore the house more than he ever has before. He has 1 tooth on the bottom and the tooth next to it is starting to pop up too. He loves playing in water, all food, and playing with the toilet paper. Momma is still the only word he is saying and Ethan is still trying to get him to say Da-da. He is such a happy sweet boy and we are truly blessed to call him our son. Happy 7 Months Wade!"
We had a great Fast and Testimony meeting on Sunday. We heard testimony of those who were grateful for service given at the recent funeral, on brother and his wife shared a strong testimony as he will face open heart surgery this week, and our final testimony was born by our Young Women's President who has been fighting cancer for weeks and will return to the hospital in a couple of weeks for a bone marrow transplant and then the months of isolation to recover. We are blessed to be able to attend church with such amazing people who love the Lord and testify of the many blessings they have received from him.
I taught primary as a substitute. It was work but came out well.
Dad attended a session at the Phoenix temple Thursday evening.
I was able to get a letter off to my friend, Jessica, as well as one to a visiting teaching sister.
I am in Ether 10 in my Book of Mormon reading. I also completed reading the July Ensign magazine.
I have indexed 20441 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Adam sent my first birthday greeting for this family on my birthday. They had a good and very busy week.
The Ethan Rice Family
I neglected to share Wade's 7 month celebration on the 1st

This is what Cameo shared:
"7 months ago today, this little angel was born (DOB: December 1st). He sits, crawls, pulls himself up, and stands. He is more independent as he is able to explore the house more than he ever has before. He has 1 tooth on the bottom and the tooth next to it is starting to pop up too. He loves playing in water, all food, and playing with the toilet paper. Momma is still the only word he is saying and Ethan is still trying to get him to say Da-da. He is such a happy sweet boy and we are truly blessed to call him our son. Happy 7 Months Wade!"
More pictures from Grampy Wade's visit

And they celebrated Independence Day Weekend at The Atlanta Aquarium

They fed the missionaries on Saturday evening.
The Doran Rice Family
This family had a good and busy week. Work went well, and dogs were rescued.
The Morgan Rice Family
Dad and Morgan did some early morning canal fishing on Monday.

He also fished on Saturday morning and caught 2 fish, and dad and he fished late Saturday night (like I was nearly going to bed) but caught nothing.
Kayty worked overtime this week. The woman she thought would replace her...quit. GoRenter.com is a mess, and they originally trained Kayty as tennant rep and then made her the receptionist. The woman hired to be receptionist ended up being the tennant rep and she quit because they were asking her to do illegal things. Kayty has just one week left. Glad to be out of this place!!
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica spent part of their Monday off preparing freezer meals, so they can get through this last month in Phoenix and meals will be easy to prepare while they complete work, homework, and other planned goals before they return to Idaho. They had a busy work week and also worked to clean out items they didn't want to store in Phoenix nor return to Idaho with.They went out to dinner on Friday evening to celebrate Jessica's birthday so Annalee got to come here...did dishes
swam in the baby pool, played a bit, painted toe nails. Fun! They came by on Saturday afternoon, but I had fallen asleep and Dad had meds in his ears and couldn't hear them knocking and ringing. Sad because they just have a few weeks before they return to their home.
Dad's Garden
He gave away two pepper plants, and is trying to keep the few he has that are specialty peppers alive in the extreme heat.We are still picking grapes.
Year of the House Part 2
Dad got the drywall all installed in the bathroom and began to prepare for the concrete pour.
Christmas in July
Yes, it's Christmas in July, though I started the last week of June working on my ornaments. I ended up completing over 30 so far.
Other highlights
My birthday
I had a great birthday this year. The celebration started on Monday evening and was taken out to dinner by Nathan, Jessica and Annalee at his favorite Korean restaurant. I had Kimchi soup...and I promise, I could LIVE on that stuff! So good. We also went to a Korean market on the way home that he says is just like the ones in Korea. Clean. Lots of interesting things to eat and drink.
I took my annual hike on my birthday morning, though parking was crazy since they never opened the park gates.
The day was full of visits, facetime calls, gifts, good deeds, and wonderful messages on Facebook.
Thank you to everyone!!
It was a very hot week and we are thankful that, so far, our hens are doing well. Many others around Phoenix are losing hens in mass. Dad keeps the grape vines watered down and they like sitting under them in the cool moist dirt protected the leaves. Those grape vines by the hen house are amazing and even produce the best grapes...and lots of them.
Not so highlights
Dad had what we though was a mild ear infection, but it went from one ear to both ears this week. He has prescription ear drops that seem to be helping, but the bummer is no swimming for him till this is cleared up.
My only not so highlight came on my birthday. My mom has wished me Happy Birthday every single year since I can remember at 3:14 pm...the moment I was born. This year, she forgot. It's not her fault. Thanks to Sharynn and Braydonn, we discovered that her recent decline and problems are a side effect of a new blood pressure medication, which she has been weaned off of. She had bloodwork and will soon have an MRI just to verify there is not another problem, but we have high hopes. I took her shopping this week again for groceries and miscellaneous items, and she was right on the ball about everything. I did miss the call, though...and thanks for being there for the other 50+ years.
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