Saturday, April 6, 2019

Week of March 31 - April 6, 2019


Our Sunday was spent in Stake Conference. It was, perhaps, one of the most inspiring meetings I have ever attended. Speakers from our stake were excellent. The first young man, a youth, spoke of his experiences both attending the temple frequently, becoming too busy, and returning to regular temple attendance. The meeting could have ended with his talk and we would have all been richly taught and blessed. Talks by the mission president and his wife, the temple president and his wife, and members of the stake presidency were also very uplifting and inspiring. I was so thankful to be there.

A funeral in our building canceled all scout activities this week.

I attended a session at the temple on  Tuesday and Dad attended both Wednesday and Thursday evening.

I read the Book of Mormon every day and continue to read the April Ensign magazine.


The Wilkins Family
Kayty attended the Wilkins' Ward Spaghetti dinner and auction last Saturday. Kayty scored some treats...

Adam scored a nice blanket.

Week was filled with school, practices, work and family fun.

The Ethan Rice Family
It was Spring Break for the kids and so they had great times this week...

Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary

And with friends at Southern Belle Farms

We had a fun FaceTime call this week too!

The Doran Rice Family
This family was busy with work, school and fixing up their home readying it to sell.

Morgan, Aimee and Emileigh are adjusting to their new home.

Kayty shared some of the spoils of the auction she attended the night before. She had a good Vegas trip and enjoyed herself. She had a good week at work too.

The Nathan Rice Family
Sunday morning was full of sick little girls. Little sleep, ear infection, fevers all combined for a rough day.

They spent their week working and house hunting. Due to a project funding change, Nathan will be working at the Honeywell Space sight, which is a rare and awesome opportunity! 

Saturday afternoon, all the girls celebrated the coming birth of their new cousin Wyatt with Aunt CeeCee, lots of friends and family. 

Dad's Garden

Dad enjoyed a week of Spinach and Cabbage salads. He picked the rest of the Winter tomatoes, and we are harvesting snow pea seeds. All the Spring plants look great. 

Other highlights
My runs this week were both great and scary. The great one was a three miler on Monday. Tuesday, two young men walking down the street (at 4 am?) scared me a bit, so I went another way the rest of the week. Those runs were also great.

General Conference has, so far, been wonderful. Dad and Nathan enjoyed New Asian Kitchen after the annual Priesthood Session.

Not so highlights
I am trying to set up Nano's medical care but have hit wall after wall. I will fill out forms for a week, only to find out they don't accept her Medicare insurance. I did find out that no money was misappropriated by others from her life insurance at one company, and after Mom's medical care is figured out I will search for any other missing funds. 

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