Sunday, November 15, 2020

Week of November 8 - 14, 2020



I had a special experience Sunday morning. I had been up all night off and on, checking Kate and concerned about the country's situation regarding elections. When I got up, I went out to read my scriptures, but the chapter I was on wouldn't come in on my phone, so I went to my daily scripture I receive on a special ap. The video presentation was by Elder D. Todd Christoffersen, an excerpt from a talk he gave. He shared about a business venture he had invested in, and it continued to need more and more money. Finally, he was so concerned, he knelt in prayer, pleading with Heavenly Father for help. The answer came that he should not worry about the big picture, but seek to live day by day, seeking knowledge from the Lord for his situation. He shared the Lord's Prayer: "And give us this day our daily bread." He counseled sometimes we need to let God give us our help and answers day by day. That was what I needed to hear. So, for Sunday, I stayed away from any news on Facebook or Instagram and devoted what I could to the Lord. It felt wonderful and brought me peace. 

Sunday morning church was fantastic. We picked up Alice as usual and had a great Sacrament meeting. Brother and Sister Burrow shared their experiences as senior missionaries in the Maryvale Ward. It was a surprise call for them because he still is not retired. They and three other couples plus four sets of missionaries serve this ward, in an area that is rapidly losing members. The stake I went to high school in, Phoenix West Stake is now gone. The ward has great needs including a bishop who has only been a member of the church for 4 years, new leadership training, lots of missionary discussions, serving in Primary and Young Women, lots of rides, and just great support. It was very informative and great to hear of their successes and not so successes. 

The week was more spiritually challenging but it helped to walk to the temple, even if I could only stare in the locked gates. 

I continue daily General Conference talk listening, Come Follow Me Study and Book of Mormon reading.

I have indexed 17405 records and reviewed 111546 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
Happy Birthday, Allison on Thursday!!! She was treated like a queen and enjoyed a pedicure with Grace. 

Last week, they enjoyed soup and stew with fresh bread for Sunday dinner. It was a cool, blustery day so it was a perfect meal. They have a new bishop, Bishop Nielsen, who is a dear neighbor of theirs. Allison worked three days last week. She continues to write and keep the kids where they need to be, when they need to be. 

Adam and Grace are on the stake youth committee. Leaders came by to let them know what their duties are. Adam is sort of struggling with this virtual school concept, as many other high schoolers are. They don't have textbooks to use.  And there are so many technical problems. Adam keeps getting kicked out of classes with so many in the house online. She called the school, asking for a hot spot, and they said perhaps the younger children don't need to go to school. Really? He did enjoy sitting with Mike and watch election coverage. He continues going to the gym and seems to enjoy that. Grace didn't end up going up to the girls' camp, since there was bad weather. She was so disappointed. They hope to go this coming Saturday, in the afternoon. She also babysat on Friday. Josh spent Sunday enjoying the outdoors in the hammock. He even slept in it all night. (Allison kept checking on him.) It even served as a virtual school classroom. He gets to return to in-person school on the 16th (two days a week.) His doctor says he is making good progress. His early week he struggled with a pretty bad bout of nausea. Sam is enjoying soccer, but there is lots to learn. He is doing well, though. There have been Covid breaks too, which makes it hard to practice skills. 

The Ethan Rice Family
This family had a busy week with work and school. They received some hard news that Grampy Wally has Covid19 but he seems to be doing ok. Ethan is enjoying a weekend at home after weeks of working seven days a week and being out of town. They went on Friday and enjoyed Asian food cooked at the table and sushi. School is going well for Kaylee and she so enjoys her time actually in person in class. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper are all well and are busy with school and work. Doran is feeling much better as well. 

Morgan is doing well.

On Sunday, Kayty participated in a Vote Counting Event, encouraging honesty in balloting and counting here and across the country. She loved how the events, both the driving train and the gathering at the Capitol building in Phoenix, began with a prayer. People were very nice and friendly.

Kayty had a good work week with a little overtime. She is our Black Friday movie person, but this year, with Covid, they are spreading out Black Friday, so she was up early Saturday morning to see the movies available. Very disappointing. Hardly any. She did get to sell her old cat tower and a couple of DVD series during the Yard Sale. 

The Nathan Rice Family
We enjoyed a Sunday visit and then they came on Monday and Nathan cut down the palm tree in the back yard. 

They held a big yard sale in our driveway on Saturday. We played with the kids and they got rid of many many things. 

Dad's Garden
Dad's garden is doing well. 

Other highlights
After Nathan's great help cutting down our palm tree, Dad...and after my bloodwork was done, I helped...cleaned up the yard mess. 

We worked on cleaning up more things in the yard and getting rid of more junk. 

I visited Nano on Thursday. I took her and the other two ladies some pumpkin bread to enjoy. I also took Mom's little Christmas tree and ornaments. I ended up decorating it as well. She is in good physical health and her new meds seem to be helping her. 

Dad put up an American Flag and pole in the back yard this week. He didn't know but I always wanted a flag pole in my yard. I even asked my parents for one for a few of my birthdays. Finally when I am 60.

Presidential election results still being tabulated. We are learning a lot about the Constitution of the United States during this process. The media DOES NOT determine the winner of an election. I have stopped looking at Facebook and only get on to see kids' pics or birthday announcements. I don't think we should allow ourselves or our thoughts to be influenced by any media, club, society, or group. Only Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

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