Sunday, November 29, 2020

Week of November 22-29, 2020


We enjoyed another wonderful Sunday meeting at church. The Cusicks, who moved in during the Covid shut down, each spoke to us. We also had two sisters sing a lovely song. We enjoyed taking Alice to church, and she was excited about house sitting for the stake president while their family spends the week in Hawaii. The missionaries paid a nice visit to us on Sunday evening. 

Temples remain closed for the work for the dead. 

I continue my morning foundation of listening to at least one General Conference talk, studying Come Follow Me, and reading in the Book of Mormon. 

I have indexed 18065 records and reviewed 116909 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
As I spoke with the Wilkins family on Sunday night, they were decorating their Christmas tree. She made "Sick Soup" for the family to help Sam's cold. Its spicy, full of garlic and vitamin C and makes everyone feel better. Their governor has increased restrictions due to Covid, though it has not interfered with much yet for them. They have plans for a hike on Thanksgiving Day as well as their favorite things to eat. Mike brines their turkey and grills it.  They are hoping to use their Christmas money to get a fence put up and get a dog. Allison had a challenging work week last week, with lots of deep cleaning. She continues her writing job.  Mike will be working 60 hours this week, which will be used to fix up the cars. Adam has a couple of really good teachers at school who are working to help the kids that are having a difficult time with this online thing, which is a huge blessing. Otherwise, he is doing well. He really enjoys his workouts and is really into weight lifting. Grace had an orthodontist appointment last week. Her overbite is now nearly gone. She got new rubber bands: green on top, red on the bottom. Josh enjoyed walking around the temple today (they had just opened up the grounds...ours is not yet open), though Sam ended up falling in the fountain while retrieving a pinecone...twice. Josh thought it was funny... Josh is working on his book report due next month too. 
Sam wasn't too upset about his fountain adventure. He had a good week at school and so loved going to school with his best buddy, Josh! He gets some reading tutoring after school and Josh helped him stay in class. He had a good soccer game Saturday. He and Josh get the next week off from school. He still has a book report due so they will read that. The kids were struck with colds and fevers during the week, but managed to enjoy their holiday. Allison shared some precious thoughts on gratitude throughout the week. 

Josh shared a Marco Polo message Saturday night showing me the progress of their Christmas outdoor decorating. It looked wonderful!

The Ethan Rice Family
We chatted with Ethan and his family via Facetime on Sunday night. We watched Wade play their Mousetrap game over and over. I always wanted to play mousetrap and have a game. Wade gave me a house tour, a tree tour, and even a bathroom tour. Cameo's mom was hospitalized after not recovering from Covid. Cameo was finally able to speak with her on the phone. Thanksgiving for this family was yummy.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper are doing well. We enjoyed spending Thanksgiving with them and spending time on Saturday while Doran worked with Dad and Nathan on the concrete project. They did get some Black Friday shopping done and Kayty took Kelsie out to spend her good grade money on Saturday. 

Morgan is doing well and visited on Thursday night after his girlfriend went to work. 

Worked two days this week. She was such an awesome help with the Thanksgiving dinner. She peeled and chopped and was such a blessing to my wrist.

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and family are well. Nathan had the week off. Monday, though he spent nearly eight hours helping pack up and move a ward member's garage. Later, his radiator blew up, and leading to an engine rebuild and head gasket replacement. The family would go to parks during the day, and he worked on the car at night. He baked yummy pumpkin and pecan pies for sharing at Thanksgiving. 

Dad's Garden
Garden is doing well and plants are surviving. 

Thanksgiving was great! It was a ton of work but I so love doing it! In attendance were Dorrie, who brought her candied yams, cauliflower and cheese and pumpkin chocolate chip cake, Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper who made some awesome Mexican corn on the cob, Nathan, Jessica, Anna, Ellie and Emma, who shared some awesome baked beans, and their wonderful pies, Morgan (who came later), Kayty, Dad and I. We ate roast, smoked and grilled turkey, 25 pounds of mashed potatoes, gravy, Nano's stuffing, rolls, green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese, cranberry sauce, cranberry salad, a turkey veggie tray, a turkey cheeseball, turkey peanut butter ball.. 

Other highlights
Scott took Nano for Thanksgiving at his inlaws house and she did okay. She enjoyed herself and called me the next day to share. 

Most of my days this week were spent preparing for Thanksgiving. 

Prayers continue for our nation. 

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