Sunday, March 21, 2021

Week of March 14 - 20, 2021


Sunday was great. We so enjoyed attending Sacrament Meeting and the missionaries shared talks from the last General Conference. We each enjoyed remote Elders Quorum and Relief Society meetings. That evening, a family in the ward invited everyone over to Pi Night. It was so nice to sit and visit with ward members on a nice evening in the backyard. 

Phoenix Temple remains closed for work for the dead. 

Morning foundation of Book of Mormon read, General Conference talk, Come Follow Me study, and prayer continue.

I have indexed 4221 records and reviewed 30.768 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family has been very busy and their weekly yard progress is amazing! Trash bags are full of raked oleander remains and side yard leaves. Sadly,  though the sweet little strawberry plant Allison kept alive since they moved in, seven years...suddenly died. So sad. She replaced it with some lovely flowers. She would like a front flower bed and remove the gravel there and put it in other places in the yard. As they dug, they had to use a pickax to get through it and the area is full of rocks. Mike then made two sieves on the wheelbarrow, sieve it, and then replace the dirt and remove the rocks. They need to get down a foot for the garden to be possible. Allison created a lovely pie day pie...chicken pot and cheesecake. After many repairs and part replacements, they are using their income tax refund to purchase a new range! So happy for them!!  Last week, they found a new park and they had a good time. Adam continues school and working out regularly at the gym. Grace is looking forward to returning to school in late March and has an at-school orientation on Friday. However, she is not looking forward to the youth activity scavenger hunt on Saturday. Josh has had soccer practices canceled due to the windy, rainy weather. He lives with a soccer ball under his foot and has perfected his rainbow kick. Sam had a fun party celebrating the last day of the quarter. Parent-teacher conferences were great. He is NOT a fan of spelling!! Sam is excited for leprechauns and is planning on trapping one. The boys, after reading Harry Potter, have enjoyed playing a Harry Potter game. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo, and the family had a good week. St. Patrick's Day was celebrated and a leprechaun visited their house and was full of mischief!

The Doran Rice Family
This family had a busy week with school, work and karate practice. Parent teacher conferences wen well and Koopers reading is doing well. They visited on Saturday and Doran helped Dad work on his car. 

Morgan is doing well. 

Kayty had a good work week.

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and the girls are doing well. He made a lovely Salted Caramel Apple Pie to celebrate Pi Day and the girls and Jessica brought us a piece to enjoy.

Annie had a good soccer practice, a great game on Saturday and was able to enjoy a Soccer Banquet on Saturday evening. Annie also got to spend Friday night at Grammy Lolo's house. Nathan has been swamped at work, but managed to spend many hours Saturday helping someone in their ward pour concrete. 

Dad's Garden
Garden is doing well and we picked our first three tomatoes this week. Still getting oregano and cilantro which we dehydrated and shared with friends. Citrus trees are now full of blossoms and bees and the air is full of the sweet smell of orange blossoms. 

Family History
My Dad's photos from docking in Greece

Other highlights
I am so enjoying the U. S. History class I am taking. I am at Lincoln's election. I continue to practice piano daily. 

Lots of produce being processed this week. I seeded and cut Roma tomatoes and cooked them down to a thick sauce in the crockpot and then added oregano. Three Crockpots full. I also chopped and prepared seven quarts of salsa. Thursday dinner was LOTS of roast vegetables: potatoes

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