Sunday, March 14, 2021

Week of March 7 - 13, 2021


We enjoyed attending church and partaking of the Sacrament on Sunday. I feel so blessed to have these wonderful young Aaronic Priesthood holders making this ordinance available to us. 

Phoenix Temple remains closed for work for the dead. 

My daily foundation continues: General Conference talk, prayer, Book of Mormon reading and at least 20 minutes of Come Follow Me study. 

I have indexed 3922 records and reviewed 28,609 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
Mike, Allison, and the family are doing well. They got those oleanders in the side yard trimmed down, raked, and hauled, and their yard looks wonderful! They are now deciding on plants and flowers they might plant in the future. Work continues to go well for both Allison and Mike. Mike was called to be the Second Counselor in the Elders Quorum Presidency. Allison got some dental work completed and feels well. Adam is well. He repaired a fan last week and Allison ordered his graduation cap and gown. He has a campout to Lake Mead coming up. Grace is looking forward to returning to in-person school in a couple weeks. She went to the orthodontist and has St. Patrick's Day bands. Joshua continues soccer practice weekly though Wednesday's practice was called due to wind. Sam was very excited that Hello Kitty came to school for Reading Week. His teacher read an entire Junie B. Jones book to the class. He even sat and read a book for me on Marco Polo, "Llama Llama I Love You".

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo, and the kids had a good week. Ethan traveled again to Scranton Pennsylvania Monday through Wednesday for work. Kaylee finished her first chapter book this week: 306 pages!!

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, and the kids had an interesting week.They attended an unusual party and had a good time though I am not too sure about snakes on my son's head. 

 For work, Doran was sent down to the Southern border to look for some of their company trailers. He drove along the border fence looking, but they had probably been stolen. They came by Saturday and made bullets. 

Morgan got a new job working for an irrigation company. He is doing well and is busy. 

Kayty had a good week at work. She has been cleaning out clothing and selling what she can, donating the rest. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica, and the girls had a good week. Anna had soccer practice, though it was shortened due to wind. She just loves playing soccer! Nathan's garden is doing well and he has created the most amazing soda bottle water rocket! He worked quite a few extra hours on work projects. The girls played here on Friday evening while they went out and got a bite to eat. They also came by on Saturday for bullet making and the kids had so much fun playing in the sand and in the playroom. 

Dad's Garden
The Garden is doing well. We harvested and dehydrated a lot of oregano. The plants loved the rain and longer days, though we had cooler weather overall this week. 

Family History
Pictures from my father's journey by ship to where he was to be stationed during the Korean Conflict. These were stops in Istanbul and Greece. 

Other highlights
I continue my daily piano practice and am really enjoying the American history class I am taking. 

Front yard clean-up included Dad raking and blowing needles and leaves, and me bagging and hauling those bags to a pile, plus picking up stuff that had blown into bushes and getting stuff put away on the front porch. 

Got the income tax ready and turned in to our preparer. 

Rainy Thursday night, Friday, and even Saturday was wonderful. 

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