Sunday, March 28, 2021

Week of March 21 - 27, 2021


It was a good church meeting with a lovely duet by two of the men in our ward and one of the better high council speakers. I studied my Come Follow Me and read the Liahona magazine. 

Temples remain closed for work for the dead. 

I continue my morning foundation of General Conference talk, Book of Mormon chapter, Prayer and Come Follow Me study. 

I have indexed 4634 records and reviewed 32637 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
This family had a busy week. They enjoyed making and flying paper kits from Grandma Wilkins. 
They are loving their new oven and stove and work is going well for both of them. On Sunday for their Come Follow Me Activity, Allison had them create their own helmets and shields to prepare to face the future. Adam and Josh had a Young Men's campout but it was not much fun with all the wind. Grace is looking forward to school in person this week. (I did Marco Polo her on Thursday to see how it went. There were only three total kids in her first class, five in her later class and she was the only one on the bus. Josh is doing well in school and loves playing soccer though he had a few practices cancelled due to wind and sprinkles. He had some State testing last week and will during the upcoming week. 
Sam made the neatest Leprechaun trap with its own trap door so the leprechaun would fall in. It didn't work but he did get some gold from the little green man. And that naughty leprechaun did some silly tricks like putting their chairs on the table. They even got Lucky Charms cereal for breakfast. 

The Ethan Rice Family
I got to FaceTime with Ethan, Cameo, and the kids on Sunday night. They are doing well and Ethan is readying for three Monday through Thursday trips the next three weeks. They will get to do some camping on the weekends in between. The kids were busy showing me their leprechaun traps and some of their tricks. Wade is doing well at tball though the weather last weekend was freezing cold. He has a brand new green bat to use. Kaylee loves attending school and showed us her gifted program chant. 

The Doran Rice Family
Happy Birthday, Doran on Sunday! Nathan and Jessica and family stopped by for a late day visit and brought some cinnamon rolls they had made. They had a good work and school week and enjoyed a fun weekend. 

No news from Morgan this week. 

Kayty had a good work week this week and is burning up a few vacation days next week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Another busy week for Nathan and Jessica and the girls. Soccer practice, long work projects, helping a ward member pour cement, and just the daily dealings of life. Nathan was quite the chef and brought dad and me some amazing homemade pasta and spaghetti sauce to taste. Anna had a good soccer practice and we were able to attend her game on Saturday. 

Dad's Garden
We have harvested tons of oregano that was dehydrated and filled a whole container. Other plants are looking good and we continue to harvest carrots, beets, turnips, snow peas and greens. Newer plants are getting bigger and our citrus trees are full of blossoms and bees. 

Family History
More from my dad, William Allan Kew, as he shipped to and arrived in Trieste Italy to serve during the Korean Conflict. 

My dad loved creating and these were seemingly drawn by him. 

Other highlights
Tuesday I finally used my starter and made my first sourdough bread and it didn't come out too bad. Not a brick at all! I now understand more about when to feed the starter prior to use and will continue to bake with my little starter. 

We had a fun visit and Grandma's house with Dad's cousin Clay Jordan, his girlfriend London, three of her kids and Clay's daughter Annaliese. It was a nice visit.

Saturday night, we enjoyed a visit from Jeff and Mardene Smith and his brother and wife and we made some pizza. The girls came by later and enjoyed some pizza and play while Nathan and Jessica had a short datenight. 

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