The bishop's wife and the temple president spoke in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. Both gave wonderful talks. I just loved the counsel of the temple president to attend the temple each time with the question, "What do you want me to learn this time?" First goal for this year! Primary was sure different teaching little ones but with the inspiration of the Lord, I made it through.
We were able to attend the temple this week. I attended an endowment session on Tuesday morning and Dad attended on Thursday evening.
My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day.
I have indexed 183 records and reviewed 73 records so far this year. Indexing is much more challenging and has been for months, with fewer records even available to work with.
The Wilkins Family
The Ethan Rice Family
Happy Birthday, Cameo on Saturday! They had a good week.
The Doran Rice Family
Back to work and school for this family this week. They visited on Saturday to borrow tables and chairs for Kooper's birthday party next weekend.
Kayty had a shorter work week. She had one major low on Wednesday that took me almost an hour to get her back. I almost called the fire department again. Then the rest of the week, it is easier to go low so I slept little and checked her frequently. On Friday, she needed a day off and achieved a dream: a hot air balloon ride
Two major and one minor low this week.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and the family are doing well. They arrived at their new home and are adjusting to the new surroundings. The girls called me on Thursday evening right after the family moving container had been delivered. They gave me an awesome tour of their house, their rooms, and bathrooms. They love the stairs and they love their backyard where they enjoy playing soccer. They also facetimed me on Saturday and showed me everything set up in their home. Nathan has been super busy and has set up beds, created pantry storage and gotten a table set up. This house is looking more and more like home.
Dad's Garden
Doing well! Lots of rain sure helps a garden!! Lettuce, chard, radishes are flourishing and he is enjoying the citrus off our trees now.
Family History Nano Slides Continue
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Other highlights
I completed my annual holiday assessments. I have a notebook filled with information, recipes, shopping lists, activities, and then what went well and what didn't for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. This year I again had way too many cookies left over. I feel like the cookie party won't be a go in the future. I might bake a few favorites but I gave away or tossed a ton. It just wasn't a good idea.
I visited Nano on Thursday. No change. She is pleasant but doesn't recognize me. We sit, I chat, share some television time, and then I leave.
I think this sums up what the year has been: change. First, I went to print this annual blog book. I did as I always do, using Blog2Print...and it would not work. I tried for days and finally contacted the company. Seems Blogger, owned by Google, is not sharing the blog info any more so no one can print it. I searched and found a very costly option .... in the Netherlands no less... and I paid since I had the book ready to print. However, I had to honestly look at things. My books are not looked at on the shelves. I have years and years of individual and family photo albums plus all these printed ones. I had to determine that the book I paid nearly $200 to print would be the final printed one. Change.
My holiday plans: well they all came out great and I was happy, but again, I had a smaller group than I ever had and that is not likely to change much. Holiday plans have always had to be altered due to obligations of other family members...for many many years. So I need to make decreases and alterations. Change.
We are entering the stage where grandkids are either older or far away and cannot be in constant contact. That is absolutely okay but it does involve change. I've done it a few times now so it's not so hard. I am looking at getting rid of things I don't use that someone else might need. I am looking at the food we once purchased that no one will eat. Change.
I am no longer a "word of the year" person, but I think one of my goals should be to focus on embracing change. Not easy. When I go over just the past three months, so much change! and as time goes on changes will continue. Dad will choose to retire. We won't have as much money as we do. The money we saved for years doesnt go as far as it once did. I will need to pay for health insurance on my own for three years. Lots and lots of change. I am just trying to accept and perhaps embrace the changes while holding on to what is normal.
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